Sagenlicht Beta: Draconic Feats and more

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Nov 2, 2021.

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  1. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    That was actually a huge oversight on my part, ty for catching that one Pygmy. Fixed (and for that matter I also fixed the "normal" orb spells as well) :)

    The latest push also contains the spell Evard's Black Tentacles for Sor/Wiz and Warmages.

    It kinda fully works, it's just not "pretty" and requires some rework "under the hood". But I do know that some people are really like to see that spell in action so here we go.

    @_doug_ and @Sitra Achara: I do not know if it is possible to add a get_spell_obj to the tpdp.SpellPacket, but if it is possible and not too much work that would be a nice thing to have :)

    Link to the latest beta version:
    Pygmy likes this.
  2. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    anatoliy likes this.
  3. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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  4. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Did more work on spell_utils, it's getting closer to where I want it to be. It basically is handling close to all spell standard stuff now.

    I've updated exiting already merged spells to test this more and also started to merge more spells from the Spell Compendium into this beta :)

    Newly added spells:
    • Distort Speech
    • Distract
    • Insidious Rhythm
    • Master's Touch
    • Distract Assailant
    • Lightfoot
    • Bonefiddle
    • Harmonic Chorus
    • Bladeweave
    • Fell the Greatest Foe
    • Veil of Shadow
    • Haunting Tune PSA: This might crash your game!!!!
    • Love's Lament
    • Ray of Dizziness
    • Wounding Whispers
    • Dirge of Discord
    • Resonating Bolt (I must have missed that spell for the original SC merge somehow it's a simply damage spell)
    Again PSA: Haunting Tune might crash your game, it does mine for unkown reasons to me. If I move the spell the overrides folder, the game does not crash, but if I use the tpgamefiles.dat version my game crashes, though the files are 100% the same...

    Will investigate, please let me know if it crashes your game as well (obviously save the game before you try it :) )

    Link to the latest version:
    Shiningted likes this.
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sagenlicht, is there a master list of your spells you've completed / are working on? (Sorry if it is somewhere obvious).
  6. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Small Push today.

    New merged spells:
    • Phantom Threat
    • Phantom Foe
    • Acid Fog*
    Acid Fog replaces the old Acid Fog, that uses spell_enum 0. This was discussed in a different threat, and I did add an old version of my acid fog to that threat. Now that I started to merge my other spells to this beta, I included that (now updated) spell in the beta here as well and also did remove the old acid fog using spell_enum 0 from kotbfixes and co8infra.

    @Shiningted I do not know if you are interested in this beta stuff of mine, but if you do, I am sorry that it took me so long to actually merge the Acid Fog spell into the beta. Should have done that earlier for sure.

    The easiest answer to this might be this:
    spell_sound_lance = 1050
    spell_critical_strike = 1051
    spell_camouflage = 1052
    spell_appraising_touch = 1053
    spell_phantom_threat = 1054
    spell_distort_speech = 1055
    spell_distract = 1056
    spell_focusing_chant = 1057
    spell_heralds_call = 1058
    spell_improvisation = 1059
    spell_joyful_noise = 1060
    spell_inspirational_boost = 1061
    spell_invisibility_swift = 1062
    spell_ironguts = 1063
    spell_ironthunder_horn = 1064
    spell_insidious_rhythm = 1065
    spell_masters_touch = 1066
    spell_serene_visage = 1067
    spell_shock_and_awe = 1068
    spell_sticky_fingers = 1069
    spell_undersong = 1070
    spell_distract_assailant = 1071
    spell_insightfull_feint = 1072
    spell_lightfoot = 1073
    spell_snipers_shot = 1074
    spell_sonic_weapon = 1075
    spell_bonefiddle = 1076
    spell_cloud_of_bewilderment = 1077
    spell_curse_of_impending_blades = 1078
    spell_wave_of_grief = 1079
    spell_harmonic_chorus = 1080
    spell_iron_silence = 1081
    spell_war_cry = 1082
    spell_bladeweave = 1084
    spell_fell_the_greatest_foe = 1085
    spell_fire_shuriken = 1086
    spell_phantom_foe = 1087
    spell_veil_of_shadow = 1088
    spell_curse_of_impending_blades_mass = 1089
    spell_dissonant_chord = 1090
    spell_haunting_tune = 1091
    spell_loves_lament = 1092
    spell_ray_of_dizziness = 1093
    spell_wounding_whispers = 1094
    spell_dirge_of_discord = 1095
    spell_allegro = 1096
    spell_find_the_gap = 1097
    spell_wraithstrike = 1098
    spell_resonating_bolt = 1099
    spell_resistance_greater = 1100
    spell_fugue = 1101
    spell_sirines_grace = 1102
    spell_dolorous_blow = 1103
    spell_bolts_of_bedevilment = 1104
    spell_cacophonic_burst = 1105
    spell_wail_of_doom = 1106
    spell_heart_ripper = 1107
    spell_dirge = 1108
    spell_nixies_grace = 1109
    spell_ray_of_light = 1110
    spell_resistance_superior = 1111
    spell_strategic_charge = 1112
    spell_blessed_aim = 1113
    spell_clear_mind = 1114
    spell_deafening_clang = 1115
    spell_grave_strike = 1116
    spell_faith_healing = 1118
    spell_summon_undead_i = 1119
    spell_angelskin = 1120
    spell_demonhide = 1121
    spell_summon_undead_ii = 1122
    spell_hand_of_divinity = 1123
    spell_curse_of_ill_fortune = 1124
    spell_awaken_sin = 1125
    spell_checkmates_light = 1126
    spell_cloak_of_bravery = 1127
    spell_divine_protection = 1128
    spell_quick_march = 1129
    spell_shield_of_warding = 1130
    spell_blessing_of_bahamut = 1131
    spell_diamondsteel = 1132
    spell_righteous_fury = 1133
    spell_undead_bane_weapon = 1134
    spell_weapon_of_the_deity = 1135
    spell_axiomatic_storm = 1136
    spell_holy_storm = 1137
    spell_unholy_storm = 1138
    spell_summon_undead_iii = 1139
    spell_visage_of_the_deity_lesser = 1140
    spell_lawful_sword = 1141
    spell_summon_undead_iv = 1142
    spell_castigate = 1143
    spell_summon_undead_v = 1144
    spell_conviction = 1145
    spell_foundation_of_stone = 1146
    spell_nightshield = 1147
    spell_nimbus_of_light = 1148
    spell_brambles = 1149
    spell_deific_vengeance = 1150
    spell_frost_breath = 1151
    spell_ghost_touch_armor = 1152
    spell_aid_mass = 1153
    spell_align_weapon_mass = 1154
    spell_bless_weapon_swift = 1155
    spell_anarchic_storm = 1156
    spell_clutch_of_orcus = 1157
    spell_conviction_mass = 1158
    spell_corona_of_cold = 1159
    spell_align_weapon = 1160
    spell_demon_dirge = 1161
    spell_devil_blight = 1162
    spell_energy_vortex = 1163
    spell_grace = 1164
    spell_resist_energy_mass = 1165
    spell_nauseating_breath = 1166
    spell_slashing_darkness = 1167
    spell_spikes = 1168
    spell_tremor = 1169
    spell_weapon_of_energy = 1170
    spell_storm_of_elemental_fury = 1171
    spell_acid_fog = 1172
    spell_touch_of_madness = 1173
    spell_energized_shield_lesser = 1174
    spell_energized_shield = 1175
    spell_draconic_might = 1176
    spell_vigor_mass_lesser = 1177
    spell_vigor_mass_improved = 1178
    spell_sure_strike = 1179
    spell_hunters_eye = 1180
    spell_tactical_precision = 1181
    spell_accuracy = 1182
    spell_hail_of_stone = 1183
    spell_lesser_orb_of_acid = 1184
    spell_lesser_orb_of_cold = 1185
    spell_lesser_orb_of_electricity = 1186
    spell_lesser_orb_of_fire = 1187
    spell_lesser_orb_of_sound = 1188
    spell_blades_of_fire = 1189
    spell_fireburst = 1190
    spell_greater_fireburst = 1191
    spell_ice_knife = 1192
    spell_whirling_blade = 1193
    spell_ring_of_blades = 1194
    spell_blast_of_flame = 1195
    spell_orb_of_acid = 1196
    spell_orb_of_cold = 1197
    spell_orb_of_electricity = 1198
    spell_orb_of_fire = 1199
    spell_orb_of_sound = 1200
    If the spell is listed there, it is either already merged into the T+ beta, merged into T+ and my beta or in the process 0f being merged into my beta.

    Once this is finished (I hope the merge process is done by end of next week), I will start resume adding more spells from the Spell Compendium :) Once the spell compendium is done, spells from other sources like PHBII or Complete Arcane are next. Also I will take a look on the necro spells we discussed last year. I have not forgotten about them. It's just that controlling npc's is actually something, I do not fully understand to this point. A spell I really wish to get finished for example is Fugue (a SC spell), that has a chance of letting someone attack the closest target. I've not been able to get that effect to work yet :(

    Though this plan might get interrupted by adding a new class etc, as this is not my work. If I think it's time for a break on spells, I just do something different, like a feat or a class :)

    Anyways, if you want me to do specific spells, just tell me your wishes, it does not really matter to me what spells I do next, as long as they are doable within my knowledge, I'll do them.

    And doing a spell is actually not that much of a work anymore, now that I've nearly finished my work on spell_utils.

    EDIT: Forgot link to new version:
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks dude :) And no, I am not pressuring you to hurry up on any more Necromancy spells! What you've already done is pretty damn awesome.

    EDIT: I sorted an alphabetical list for anyone like me, looking for specific spells: here tis.

    'spell_accuracy = 1182'
    'spell_acid_fog = 1172'
    'spell_aid_mass = 1153'
    'spell_align_weapon = 1160'
    'spell_align_weapon_mass = 1154'
    'spell_allegro = 1096'
    'spell_anarchic_storm = 1156'
    'spell_angelskin = 1120'
    'spell_appraising_touch = 1053'
    'spell_awaken_sin = 1125'
    'spell_axiomatic_storm = 1136'
    'spell_blades_of_fire = 1189'
    'spell_bladeweave = 1084'
    'spell_blast_of_flame = 1195'
    'spell_bless_weapon_swift = 1155'
    'spell_blessed_aim = 1113'
    'spell_blessing_of_bahamut = 1131'
    'spell_bolts_of_bedevilment = 1104'
    'spell_bonefiddle = 1076'
    'spell_brambles = 1149'
    'spell_cacophonic_burst = 1105'
    'spell_camouflage = 1052'
    'spell_castigate = 1143'
    'spell_checkmates_light = 1126'
    'spell_clear_mind = 1114'
    'spell_cloak_of_bravery = 1127'
    'spell_cloud_of_bewilderment = 1077'
    'spell_clutch_of_orcus = 1157'
    'spell_conviction = 1145'
    'spell_conviction_mass = 1158'
    'spell_corona_of_cold = 1159'
    'spell_critical_strike = 1051'
    'spell_curse_of_ill_fortune = 1124'
    'spell_curse_of_impending_blades = 1078'
    'spell_curse_of_impending_blades_mass = 1089'
    'spell_deafening_clang = 1115'
    'spell_deific_vengeance = 1150'
    'spell_demon_dirge = 1161'
    'spell_demonhide = 1121'
    'spell_devil_blight = 1162'
    'spell_diamondsteel = 1132'
    'spell_dirge = 1108'
    'spell_dirge_of_discord = 1095'
    'spell_dissonant_chord = 1090'
    'spell_distort_speech = 1055'
    'spell_distract = 1056'
    'spell_distract_assailant = 1071'
    'spell_divine_protection = 1128'
    'spell_dolorous_blow = 1103'
    'spell_draconic_might = 1176'
    'spell_energized_shield = 1175'
    'spell_energized_shield_lesser = 1174'
    'spell_energy_vortex = 1163'
    'spell_faith_healing = 1118'
    'spell_fell_the_greatest_foe = 1085'
    'spell_find_the_gap = 1097'
    'spell_fire_shuriken = 1086'
    'spell_fireburst = 1190'
    'spell_focusing_chant = 1057'
    'spell_foundation_of_stone = 1146'
    'spell_frost_breath = 1151'
    'spell_fugue = 1101'
    'spell_ghost_touch_armor = 1152'
    'spell_grace = 1164'
    'spell_grave_strike = 1116'
    'spell_greater_fireburst = 1191'
    'spell_hail_of_stone = 1183'
    'spell_hand_of_divinity = 1123'
    'spell_harmonic_chorus = 1080'
    'spell_haunting_tune = 1091'
    'spell_heart_ripper = 1107'
    'spell_heralds_call = 1058'
    'spell_holy_storm = 1137'
    'spell_hunters_eye = 1180'
    'spell_ice_knife = 1192'
    'spell_improvisation = 1059'
    'spell_insidious_rhythm = 1065'
    'spell_insightfull_feint = 1072'
    'spell_inspirational_boost = 1061'
    'spell_invisibility_swift = 1062'
    'spell_iron_silence = 1081'
    'spell_ironguts = 1063'
    'spell_ironthunder_horn = 1064'
    'spell_joyful_noise = 1060'
    'spell_lawful_sword = 1141'
    'spell_lesser_orb_of_acid = 1184'
    'spell_lesser_orb_of_cold = 1185'
    'spell_lesser_orb_of_electricity = 1186'
    'spell_lesser_orb_of_fire = 1187'
    'spell_lesser_orb_of_sound = 1188'
    'spell_lightfoot = 1073'
    'spell_loves_lament = 1092'
    'spell_masters_touch = 1066'
    'spell_nauseating_breath = 1166'
    'spell_nightshield = 1147'
    'spell_nimbus_of_light = 1148'
    'spell_nixies_grace = 1109'
    'spell_orb_of_acid = 1196'
    'spell_orb_of_cold = 1197'
    'spell_orb_of_electricity = 1198'
    'spell_orb_of_fire = 1199'
    'spell_orb_of_sound = 1200'
    'spell_phantom_foe = 1087'
    'spell_phantom_threat = 1054'
    'spell_quick_march = 1129'
    'spell_ray_of_dizziness = 1093'
    'spell_ray_of_light = 1110'
    'spell_resist_energy_mass = 1165'
    'spell_resistance_greater = 1100'
    'spell_resistance_superior = 1111'
    'spell_resonating_bolt = 1099'
    'spell_righteous_fury = 1133'
    'spell_ring_of_blades = 1194'
    'spell_serene_visage = 1067'
    'spell_shield_of_warding = 1130'
    'spell_shock_and_awe = 1068'
    'spell_sirines_grace = 1102'
    'spell_slashing_darkness = 1167'
    'spell_snipers_shot = 1074'
    'spell_sonic_weapon = 1075'
    'spell_sound_lance = 1050'
    'spell_spikes = 1168'
    'spell_sticky_fingers = 1069'
    'spell_storm_of_elemental_fury = 1171'
    'spell_strategic_charge = 1112'
    'spell_summon_undead_i = 1119'
    'spell_summon_undead_ii = 1122'
    'spell_summon_undead_iii = 1139'
    'spell_summon_undead_iv = 1142'
    'spell_summon_undead_v = 1144'
    'spell_sure_strike = 1179'
    'spell_tactical_precision = 1181'
    'spell_touch_of_madness = 1173'
    'spell_tremor = 1169'
    'spell_undead_bane_weapon = 1134'
    'spell_undersong = 1070'
    'spell_unholy_storm = 1138'
    'spell_veil_of_shadow = 1088'
    'spell_vigor_mass_improved = 1178'
    'spell_vigor_mass_lesser = 1177'
    'spell_visage_of_the_deity_lesser = 1140'
    'spell_wail_of_doom = 1106'
    'spell_war_cry = 1082'
    'spell_wave_of_grief = 1079'
    'spell_weapon_of_energy = 1170'
    'spell_weapon_of_the_deity = 1135'
    'spell_whirling_blade = 1193'
    'spell_wounding_whispers = 1094'
    'spell_wraithstrike = 1098'
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2022
    anatoliy likes this.
  8. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    The only spell I allow in my PnP games - Revivify is not here))
  9. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Yup I initially stopped doing more spells at Cleric spell level 3, but I will continue doing so once I completed the merge. So Revivify will eventually make its way to ToEE :)

    Speaking of the merge, new push, containing following spells:
    • Wraithstrike
    • Find the Gap
    • Summon Undead I - V *
    • Righteous Fury
    • Grace
    • Aid, Mass
    • Rhino's Rush *
    * Summon Undead spells might be not well balanced, I just used what I found in the protos. I personally will not add new entries to the, but if someone wants to add a few more undead I can adjust the spells.

    * Rhino's Rush is missing from the above list, you may have noticed a few holes (if you use the numeric sortet list). Rhino's Rush is one of those holes. Anyways I think I used a pretty good workaround to get the spell doing what it should without touching the normal damage routine.

    I am aware, that Rhino's Rush is a pretty nifty level 1 spell, but at least you can't go crazy in ToEE with that spell, there are no lances nor horses, so no ridiculous charges :)

    Link to the latest beta:
    anatoliy likes this.
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    What are the undead meant to be?
  11. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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  12. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Summon Undead I:
    Human warrior skeleton (MM 226), kobold zombie (MM 266)

    Summon Undead II:
    Owlbear skeleton (MM 226), bugbear zombie (MM 267)

    Summon Undead III:
    Ghoul (MM 118), troll skeleton (MM 227), ogre zombie (MM 267)

    Summon Undead IV:
    Allip (MM 10), ghast (MM 119), wyvern zombie (MM 267)

    Summon Undead V:
    Mummy (MM 190), shadow (MM 221), vampire spawn (MM 253), wight (MM 255)

    Obviously, this can't be done 1:1 but I've got the feeling, that my choices might be a bit underwhelming, for the level you could cast them.
  13. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Ogre zombie is somewhat on par with Brown Bear (Summon Nature's Ally III). OZ has damage reduction which is great as canon meat, and BB has Improved Grab.

    But Owlbear Skeleton is much better that Black Bear (SNA II) so I would not say it's underwhelming.
  14. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Heh, maybe I did not understand the question of @Shiningted correctly, the above list is what the Summons should be accordingly to the Spell Compendium.

    Here are the protos I did use:
    Summon Undead I:
    14107 (Skeleton)

    Summon II:
    One of 14081(Gnoll Skeleton) or 14092(Zombie 2HD) or two of Summon Undead I

    Summon Undead III:
    One of 14128(Ghoul) or 14602(Skeleton Guard), two of Summon Undead II or four of Summon Undead I

    Summon Undead IV:
    One of 14135(Ghast) or 14821(Greater Temple Bugbear Zombie) or two of Summon Undead III or four of Summon Undead II or less

    Summon Undead V:
    One of 14828(Shadow) or 14954(Wight) or two of Undead Summon IV or four of Summon Undead III or less

    Also keep in mind that the monster in the protos are sometimes not 100% identical to the MM entry (at least that's my impression)

    Thanks for the link to your work anatoliy, I like the idea :) It's just I do not have access to it in T+

    EDIT: Do you have a similar code for items/weapons?
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, that's what I was asking (adding what you are currently providing also helps :) )

    It seems to me, if you are already providing at least one of the correct monster per 'level', the main issue is level 2: you need a large 5hd skel or medium 6hd zombie. The skeleton gnoll is an excellent workaround, but I suggest adding one new proto (which I will do myself of course) making it a large 5hd critter. So, the question is, what sort of critter would leave a large bipedal skeleton with a long tail? Some sort of overgrown lizardman?

    Otherwise, things like vampires, skeletal wyverns and even zombie bugbears are really going to need, not just new protos, but new portraits and models to properly do them justice. Doable, but far more work than I for one am inclined to do.
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