Sagenlicht Beta: Draconic Feats and more

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Nov 2, 2021.

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  1. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Not urgent as it is pure pedantry on my part but you copied and pasted 'sorcercer' throughout the .txt files pertaining to the dragon heritage feats in rules\feats
  2. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    @Sagenlicht Would the Ultimate Magus PRC from the Complete Mage be something that you would consider trying to add? I think it is a really interesting PRC. There is even a NPC in town, Pishella, that would be perfect for this PRC.
  3. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    A new Beta push.

    I've done some "under the hood" changes in this one. I added bonus types to and created a bonus_description.mes that contains the bonus type descriptions. I hope this helps to keep the bonus types consistent. I have not added all bonus types yet, this is a WiP, but I already added alot of the vanilla ones and a few of mine.

    #Bonus Types (aka modifiers)
    bonus_type_untyped = 0
    bonus_type_dodge = 8
    bonus_type_natural_armor = 10
    bonus_type_deflection = 11
    bonus_type_enhancement = 12
    bonus_type_morale = 13
    bonus_type_luck = 14
    bonus_type_resistance = 15
    bonus_type_sacred = 16
    bonus_type_insight = 18
    bonus_type_concealment = 19
    bonus_type_size = 20
    bonus_type_circumstance = 21
    bonus_type_alchemical = 151
    bonus_type_profane = 154
    bonus_type_undersong = 157
    bonus_type_focusing_chant = 159
    Now this opens up a pretty nice bonus_list.add handling:
    bonusValue = + 1
    bonusType = bonus_type_luck
    bonusHelpTag = game.get_mesline("mes\\bonus_description.mes", bonusType)
    spellId = args.get_arg(0)
    spellHelpTag = getSpellHelpTag(spellId)
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(bonusValue, bonusType, "{} : {}".format(bonusHelpTag, spellHelpTag))

    I also added a new Bard spell from the Spell Compendium: Tactical Precision. It should be fully working and already has its help entry.

    Hi Joe, thanks for tuning in here :)
    I've never actually seen this PrC being used in any of my P&P rounds. Are there builds that can utilize this Prc?

    EDIT: Download link to the latest beta:
    Joe Clark II, Pygmy and Sitra Achara like this.
  4. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Granted you would need an 18 intelligence human with the Able Learner feat to even begin to pull this off but this is just elementary P&P Ultimate Magus abuse.... Note that the lowest level existing arcane casting class is Sublime Chord.

    Bard2/Wizard8/Sublime Chord 1/Ultimate Magus 9
  5. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    In PnP I currently have a grey elf sorc1/ wiz4/ UM 2
  6. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    I am not sure why you would need an 18 intelligence and Able Learner. A Sorcerer 1/Wizard 4 who started with a 16 Int and 15 Cha would do just fine. Only need a metamagic feat and Knowledge Arcana 4 (probably omitted) and Spellcraft 8. @sifofmegmort has a good example. It would be fun to recruit Pishella and turn her unoptimal normally mix of wizard and sorcerer into something neat.
  7. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I am specifically referring to meeting the requirements for Sublime Chord with only 2 levels of bard
  8. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Lines 1160 and 6160 (pertaining to the spell Align Weapon) are missing from mes\spell_ext\spell_compendium_spell.mes
    Sagenlicht likes this.
  9. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    @Sagenlicht I am not sure if it is a known bug, but the Major Auras of the Marshall seem to be working incorrectly. At level 2 I took the AC aura, and instead of a bonus of 1 it is adding the Cha modifier. I mean who doesn't love a +4 to all my party's AC at level 2.

    Update: It is actually giving my Cha modifier +1. He has a 17 Cha and it is adding +4 for the major aura.....
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
    Sagenlicht likes this.
  10. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Thanks Pygmy, I originally had the idea of doing spells by sourcebook, and organizing the files accordingly. In retrospective, this might be not the best idea, so I started to add all spells to the spell_compendium files. I forgot to move that spell. Will be fixed tomorrow. Once again thanks Pygmy for finding all my bloopers :)

    Thanks for reporting it Joe! Yeah as you noticed, it wasn't the char modifier but I passed a wrong value that led to a fixed return 0f 4 for the bonus (which only should apply on level 20). Fixed.

    Link to the new Beta:
  11. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Thanks @Sagenlicht . Though I am going to get hit a lot more now, LOL. I have also been experiencing some weird interactions where i have to use the DM mode and manually cancel the auras after a rest. It will indicate they are under the auras, but the auras do nothing until I cancel them and reapply them.
  12. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    i have actually made a good bit of progress on that one. I will try to get it finished up unless someone else is working on it.
  13. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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  14. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Hey Joe, thanks for reporting it. Atm I can't reproduce that bug on my side, which does not mean I do not believe you. I do. It just makes it more difficult for me to solve it. Do you have a specific setup that triggers that bug or do you have a save game you could share with me while that bugs exists?

    EDIT: I might have reproduced the bug, it might be an teleport reconnect problem. Could you test something for me please? Activate auras and rest/pass time and see if everything is cleared fine. Second test would be activate auras and change map and rest afterwards. Simply entering a house in Hommlet counts as a map change.

    Map change was the only thing I did not test alot, and I added
    to the auras. From a quick test this might be your problem and if we can narrow it down to this behaviour, this would help me alot.

    No I do not work on it Doug. One of the reasons for the my beta branch is, so you can see on what I do work currently. The only thing I didn't merge into the beta branch are the missing spells from the SC I've already done. But it's on the ToDo list :)

    If you want to, you can merge your beta work into that branch as well, I'll happily rename the branch then. This would maybe open up the possibility to help out, if you or me getting stuck in progress with something. At least I get stuck more often than not.

    Atm I organize the branch in this way (I didn't start that way, but this seems to be best practice now). I have several local branches where I work on and then merge them into the beta branch which then I push.

    I have a seperate branch that contains all administration files (, help files, .mes files, protos files) as it got tedious to handle this in every working branch. Speaking of that branch, if you want me to add any help file entries of things you've done, let me know, not having a help entry bugs me, that's a pet peeve for me.

    And if I could ask you for a favor, would you mind to reconsider how you name your future python queries and signals? I use following pattern: "PQ_NAME_STRING" and "PS_NAME_STRING" for queries and signals. This helps alot if you search in the code as you can simply search for pq_ or ps_ And yeah I already use some of your queries :)
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    _doug_ likes this.
  15. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    I updated the beta and changed the aura behaviour.

    I found why the aura got stuck while teleporting but after fixing that, I noticed that the AoE event gets lost while teleporting as well, which defeated my first fix. Losing the AoE event is nothing I can fix on my own. And tbh I am not sure, if there is a real need to fix that anyways, normal AoE events do not get portet around :)

    Which leads to the solution that the auras will simply end on teleport. This is a little bit inconvenient I know :(, but atm the best solution.

    Link to the latest beta build:

    Edit: On the plus side, I changed the auras duplicate behaviour, it is now possible to have multiple Marshals in a group that all grant different auras :) Same auras ofc do not stack, only the best aura will be applied in that case.
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