Temple+ Content Requests for Scouts & Bards 6 18 21

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Endarire, Jun 19, 2021.

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  1. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Sitra Achara encouraged me to post these requests publicly. Enjoy!

    Requests: Scout-Related

    To me, Scouts were a surprising addition to T+.

    Greater Manyshot: Normal Manyshot is in-game, and Greater Manyshot is useful for removing buncha restrictions from the original Manyshot feat. It helps make bow-based Scouts viable. (This nonpsionic feat was in Expanded Psionics Handbook. It has no psionic components.)

    Spiritual Lion Totem (Barbarian1 Alternative Class Feature - Complete Champion 46): The first level loses fast movement and gains Pounce. Pounce helps all melee, and melee Scouts especially due to needing to move especially far to activate (Improved) Skirmish.

    Swift Hunter: The Rogue/Scout version of this feat, Swift Ambusher, is already in-game. I'm unsure what sort of work the critical immunity bypass would require code-wise, but a lesser version that excludes this part seems easily implemented.

    Requests: Bard-Related
    This small number of most notable improvements to Bards from 3.5 that haven't yet been implemented in ToEE to my present understanding is below, unlike, say, Wizards who benefit more from having access to tens or hundreds of spells across 4 or more spell levels (spell level 6+). My reasoning is to improve Bards based on 3.5's listed materials.

    -Badge of Valor: 3/day: +1 to the effects of an ongoing Inspire Courage effect by this character. Immediate action.

    -Dragonfire Inspiration: Especially useful early game to deal fire damage instead of normal damage via Inspire Courage effects. By RAW, Dragonfire Inspiration is a form of Inspire Courage and doesn't stack with itself nor the normal Inspire Courage effect.

    -Horn (Bardic Music Instrument - Complete Adventurer 126): This is notable for its +1 to Inspire Courage effect. Its notable downside is that Inspire Courage lasts 1 round after the performance stops instead of 5. Assumedly, you need Inspire Courage for this to work.

    -Inspirational Boost: +1 Inspire Courage effects if cast in the same round as you activate Inspire Courage (seemingly before or after). Swift action.

    -Vest of Legends: Count as being 5 Bard levels higher for various Bardic Music effects, Inspire Courage most notably.

    -Words of Creation: Normally usable only by Good creatures, Words of Creation would be a toggled radial menu option. If activated, it has 3 notable effects:

    --Mostly, we're here for the Bardic Music bonuses (which double for Inspire Courage - either the base value or the total including feats, items, spells, etc.) for the cost of nonlethal damage every activation, but that damage is easily healed by lesser vigor, etc.

    --Conjuration (Creation) spells like grease or glitterdust are auto-Extended as if affected by Sudden Extend.

    --Finally for our purposes, Words of Creation deal a bit of nonlethal damage to make [Good] spells get +1 sacred caster level.
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I was looking around for something to do with the IWD TC and stumbled across THIS review of IWD:EE. It details quite categorically with IWD:EE the path Temple+ is going down (and Endarire - "hey can you double the gold in the starting area? What could go wrong?" - is utterly oblivious to) of adding more and more power to PCs without any sort of commensurate increase in the challenges they face. That is, of massively unbalancing the game.

    I have no intention of moderating this sort of stuff as I am quite impressed with what Temple+ has achieved, and fully understand players' desire to have new and different abilities etc, and to play a familiar game in new and different ways. Moreover, new and bigger weapons, new and bigger spells etc are a standard part of modding. But when the game inevitably becomes unbalanced, any and all complaints WILL be redirected to the Temple+ forum.
    anatoliy likes this.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Precisely why I made all these additions as optional toggles that are off by default.

    Coincidentally, the blog owner is a proponent of Temple+, presumably because of this approach.
    Isewein and anatoliy like this.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I'm aware she's a fan, but she also says she plays the Co8 standard version (not NC) but has things like the Moathouse ambush. Not sure about that. In any case, your original mods made the game more challenging - a reactive Temple and such - while I think things are going in the other direction now. If everything is still optional, that's great, but I stand by my assessment: that's the direction you're heading.

    Anyway, you don't have to listen to me, and if you're conident you're on top of it by keeping things optional / default off, then time will tell. But please don't encourage Endarire's endtitled demands, they passed "out of control" long ago and are clearly getting worse. If you wish to encourage that, do it on your own forum.
  5. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Endarire, you are welcome to post all your requests on the Temple+ forum. Alleluiah!
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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