So, TemplePlus exists.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Endarire, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    I have noted that Mother Screng no longer sells the rod of resurrection. I also note that the golden skul in TOEE pc game never had the charisma-boosting function which, progressively, forced the goldenskull-owning character to become wholly subject to the will of Iuz and Zuggtmoy, every time the character used the ability. Can anyone explain? Thanks!
  2. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    With regard to the second point, in the unmodified computer game, there's a fairly strong presumption that the Skull will be destroyed relatively soon after you start getting the elemental gems that boost its power (once you've collected all the gems, there's pretty much nothing left to fight apart from Zuggtmoy). It would be a pretty lame move to have some sort of counter that trips an 'oh, you used the Skull too many times, you lose' event; if you are playing the Evil path you can end up controlling the temple and ending the game even without entering the Nodes, iirc. I suspect they didn't bother putting it in because there was no mechanism for following it up, other than 'Game Over'.
    Tabletop role-playing lends itself much better* to this sort of thing. First edition AD&D was stuffed with artefacts and items that altered alignment and otherwise messed with player control of their characters, but at least it could be more nuanced that a CRPG.
    *or worse, depending on your point of view.
  3. StrontiumDog

    StrontiumDog Established Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    In my encounter with Iuz I first had a fight in which suddenly, once I had wiped out the rest of his gang, and had left Hedrack near-finished, instead of summoning Iuz, he just reverted to the original pre-combat stance where one goes and tells him whether one has killed Scorpp or not. The 2nd time, an error-message appeared just before Iuz would likely have appeared, and crashed the game. Here is the relevant error-message file, uploaded. Sorry, I cannot upload this dmp file to this website, for some reason.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019
  4. adrian5000

    adrian5000 Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    can someone please confirm re eldritch knight requirements?
    requirements state "martial weapons: all"
    in toee this is impossible to choose as when you choose martial weapon proficiency you must choose a single weapon.

    does any martial weapon proficiency count? ie can i just choose martial weapon proficiency longsword as a feat to qualify? or do i have to add a warrior level ie fighter? which is the only way to get martial weapon pro: all
  5. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    @adrian5000 Eldritch Knight to my present understanding requires being an Aasimar or Tiefling OR/AND having at least 1 level of a class which grants full martial weapon proficiency (Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, etc.) There's no pure feat option to enter.
  6. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Fighters gain Martial Weapon (all) at first level... for full requirements, look up the Prestige Class on the SRD.
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    The intent of the SRD version was indeed to require a level in a martial class.
  8. adrian5000

    adrian5000 Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    cool thanks, yeah i know the reqs nwn2 but not toee
    i looked it up as theres 0 info in temple+ and cant even look at the reqs on character creation. and did find that srd site but gave me another question heh, it was only the martial weapon pro that threw me as in nwn2 (and need alertness and iron will) you can just take martial weapon proficiency whereas toee you cant

    @Endarire theres no race requirements for eldritch knight? well atleast there shouldnt be, does temple+ require aaismar or tiefling? i didnt activate the extra races

    also just wondering about archmage, it says coming soon but i notice that was 2016...........
  9. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    The SRD doesn't require aasimar or tiefling, so Temple+ shouldn't either...
  10. adrian5000

    adrian5000 Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    gahhh they fixed the sun domain cleric, so only get 1x greater turning a day (as it should be) rather than all turning attempts for the day

    dammit nowhere near as powerful now heh and i wasted a feat on extra turning :( ohwell
  11. adrian5000

    adrian5000 Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    is this still being worked on? as its pretty buggy

    have had phantom creatures appear in combat. they are not actually there when you hover over their portrait in initiative turn a green circle (rather than blue for your guys and red for enemies, whats green? neutral?) appears on battlefield with no model. when it gets to their turn nothing will happen i can change them in the initiative cycle which means they are on my side? that is the only way to get the combat to keep going except when all enemies defeated combat wont end with these phantoms here. had to do the lareth battle 3 times before no phantoms appeared.
    cant click on them (no model) and although i can change their initiative order meaning i have control of them theres no attack nor move nor right click to bring up a radial

    enemies who are prone actually get a +4 bonus to AC!!!!!!!!!! rather than a -4 penalty
    hopefully if this bug stays it effects my characters too for all those aholes who like to trip my mages, ill have to check the roles as soon as one of my characters becomes prone.

    if i rest 2x in a row the character in my 4th slot always gets diseased (filth fever), this is not when sleeping around rats but sleeping in the inn in hommlet.
    happens every time i rest 2x in a row and only to the character in the 4th slot

    really cant remember about vanilla but these def werent in circle of 8
  12. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    @adrian5000 Eldritch Knight has no racial requirement. Aasimar/Tiefling grants you full martial weapon proficiency from race.
  13. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Hmm... Pathfinder must have dropped that, or I just never noticed it in 3.5...
  14. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    Phantoms: I often get the phantom enemies in the Lareth fight. If you hover over their portrait, you will see a circle in the combat area. You can target these "circle" combatants by either being within range of the "circle", or selecting "single attack" or "full attack", and then clicking on the portrait. It seems that a circle can hold several of these phantoms.

    I believe a melee attack against a prone creature gains a net +4 on their attack. A ranged attack, on the other hand, gives the prone target a net +4 to their defense.

    The effects of disease from a rat bite, or other attacks by enemies that can cause disease are normally delayed by several days.
  15. adrian5000

    adrian5000 Member

    Nov 24, 2019
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    ah thanks florian, i got past the lareth fight eventually when no phantoms appeared, good to know if get phantoms in the future

    was wondering whether it was a delayed effect for the disease but it seemed if i rested 2x in a row 4th character got diseased but if i rested then say went outside then back into inn and rested again nothing happened. i did this for days only resting once and if needed to twice did a map change (even if it was just go outside and back inside) and no disease but then as soon as i rested 2x in a row bam diseased.
    just seemed didnt matter how long it had been the disease only activated after sleeping 2x in a row

    i checked the rolls more often after that and yeah noticed that melee where getting a +4 to hit but my ranged were taking a -4 penalty.
    at range well yeah i get it but makes no sense when im standing right next to a target (like literally right next too) prone on the ground and they get a bonus to ac? standing right next to a prone hill giant should not result in a -4 to hit
    the assassin encounter i tasha'd him and he literally fell at my other mages feet. she shouldnt get a -4 to hit for that. hes on the ground at her feet should have been the easiest shot in her life!
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