Should I allow for the use of custom avatars or should users only be able to use the avatars available on the site?
I have a nice pic of myself in chainmail i'd like for my avatar, I may need to edit the background a little first though... I can't covince anyone that i'm really a knight from the middle ages, when you can see a poorly decorated 1990's living room in the back ground (Hhmmm...where can I find a medievil battle scene picture to paste my picture on...).
I say "YEA!" Besides, wouldn't such a portrait really lead to good depictions of self-image, andways? You know, get to know each other better.
I say yes. It's not like we have a ton of members and we won't get a ton of animated gifs or anything else ridiculous. I say yes, and if it gets out of hand you can revert back to the ones that are currently offered. I don't see it as a big risk with 117 members (as the last time I checked).