Status Report

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Shiningted, Sep 12, 2005.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I don't think a full party will go much past lvl 6 - certainly some testing we did last year suggested that.

    As to how much complete? Well, 90+%: all the encounters, maps etc are done (including the Orc Caves not included in v1.0), I am just working on the alignment endings. Different plotlines / endings for alignments is a lot of fiddly work.

    EDIT: Which psionic monsters? All of them, of course. Except Illithids - no, no, no. Way too overpowered.
  2. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I found it interesting that you made it so multiple playthroughs are nicer due to somewhat randomized encounters.
    What is the purpose of psionic monsters? I don't have much context of KotB module in general, where do they come in? Are there new models for these monsters?

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Psionics were always a debate, back in the day, with my group of friends.

    I've played as a psionic player class a few times, but others thought that it is more of a Sci-Fi ability and not a medieval ability. Something that the human mind would eventually grow/develop into over the course of time.

    I just thought of it as magical abilities; but without the magic mumbo jumbo.

    I think they harkened it the Force, before the Phantom Menace screwed with what the Force was. Since Star Wars was a Sci-Fi flick and there was psionics (the Force) used there, then it can't be a D&D thing. Even the Vulcan mind meld would be considered a psionic ability.

    So you see many Sci-Fi stories with psionics in them, but you rarely see any medieval/fantasy stories that have psionics used in them.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No new models, no, but some new outfits to make some of them look like their pics in the SRD / MM.

    There are two encounters with psionics, and the context for them is as follows

    - one big psionic encounter that will just make sense. Trust me. There'll be some foreshadowing and it'll come near the end.

    - a smaller presence in an existing encounter. Basically, as part of updating the monsters from Basic to 3.5, I considered what the MM said about monsters in groups. So, for instance, the MM says that Gnolls, in a big enough group, will have some hyenas with them, and a troll - so I added these to the Gnoll Cave in the Caves of Chaos (for anyone who wondered what the troll was doing in there - yes, he should be there under 3.5 rules even if not in the original module). The addition of psionic monsters was like that - one group of critters could reasonably be assumed to have a psion with them. So now they will.
    Ertury likes this.
  5. Ertury

    Ertury Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Hi everyone! :) Is it possibile to see a changelog of what all kotb updates do?Like temple plus changelog I mean.I played only a bit the first version of kotb and I got lost in new updates!:D (sorry for my broken english)
  6. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Ted: Last I read your updates, you said to wait for a new version so as to get a better map quality and bug fixes/enhancements. How true is that now?
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well the next version is still a couple of months away (due to IWD priorities and also some RL stuff for me like a new job) so certainly download and play now if so inclined. The current version (1.0.1) is playable from beginning to end and fun too :) The next release will add some of the alignment plots (as well as bug fixes etc) but the current version is certainly playable.
  8. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    5 long months since last update Ted,, anything happening with KotB ?
  9. ProphetPX

    ProphetPX Node Ravager

    Jan 18, 2007
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    This game has taken at least THIRTEEN YEARS!!! to work on, thus far, and because there is ONLY ONE person is left in the dev team?? Is that not right? ONLY ONE (ShiningTed and nobody else?) :(

    Aren't other people helping?
    The first post on this thread is dated 2004!!! :(

    So now i ask - what can I do to help? (besides not whine lol)
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2017
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Ted hasn't been around in a while again so you should assume the project is inactive until and unless you hear differently here.
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, I've got time for a quick update.

    The last few months, unsurprisingly, not much has happened. (Due to work commitments, not the new baby, which doesn't actually make you busy til it sticks its face out. I'll tell you the full work story if anyone cares, but suffice it to say, I've finished what made me busy, but it made me busy). And in the next few, not much will happen either til the new baby gets settled into a routine and I get my evenings back. If I do have time to mod, I will do the IWD stuff first, because I would rather provide stuff for Allyx to build on than just pick away at things of my own - that makes more sense to me.

    So - inactive, but temporarily so. On the up side I have been writing a memoir that has forced me to reevaluate a lot of the (bad) choices I have made along the way that have held this up, and has inspired me to finish some stuff.
    Hey, staying the course all that time and still whining is help enough :) Glad to know people still care.

    But please don't blame the other Co8 modders, they finished their responsibilities for the next KotB update ages ago. (At least a year). This is on me.

    But as far as a 'FINISHED KotB!!!' - we DID release a full version, you know? I hope you have played 1.0 and are not 'waiting'. I noticed that when I did the demos, which were meant to be complete releases of small sections of the game - some people said, "I'll wait for the final thing". Well, the 'final' thing was 1.0. I'm working on a major update - a 2.0 - but you should certainly play what is there.
    GuardianAngel82 likes this.
  12. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I will certainly give it a go (finally), I just got a sick note from the quack due to an infected cyst on my waistband, a signed week off work while it heals, and some quality gaming to help me feel better... it's like Christmas 7 months early!
  13. ProphetPX

    ProphetPX Node Ravager

    Jan 18, 2007
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    WHOAH!!!!!!!! WAIT ... does "IWD" mean what i THINK it means? ICEWIND DALE???

    WHICH version are you modding? 1 or 2?

    For YEARS i was hoping BeamDog/Overhaul Games would REVAMP Icewind Dale TWO like they have already done with ONE. PLEASE TELL ME you are MODDING THE SECOND ONE???? :D The MODDED Reboot of Icewind Dale ONE is wonderful!!!
    But those same company people who did mod Icewind Dale ONE, said, that it was "too hard" to reboot or mod TWO because the engine was not the same since TWO uses 3.5 Edition rules (whereas every other game uses only 2nd or 1st edition rules - but since 3.5 is my absolute favorite i have clung onto these hope for a long time, anyway).

    Now i am gonna have to start scouring this website to find out what else i have been missing because for the last few years this thread is honestly the only thread i have been following so now i feel bad that i have been ignorant of what else goes on around here.

    THANKS for the UPDATE and YES I CARE! I LOVE this game!!!!
    (and i have played some of KOTB. Just not like ... "a lot". At that time, there were many doors in the game i could not get past without TPK combat - meh. So eventually i think i gave up)
  14. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Icewind Dale I is the current one, just a demo but progress is being made
  15. ProphetPX

    ProphetPX Node Ravager

    Jan 18, 2007
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    ok now i am totally flabbergasted!!! lol

    So WHAT is wrong with the Overhaul/Beamdog "Enhanced" version of IWD 1??
    I've played both Enhanced and (patched) Original and i love them both -- so WHY move them to TOEE Engine???

    What are the benefits, or pros and cons?
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