Hello there! I wanted to change the appearance of Royal Armor to look like the Gilded Plate Armor. I tried editing the model in protos.tab but it did not change ingame. Can someone here teach me? I'm new to this kind of stuff.
I'll assume you are using World Builder for your editing tool (you can use Phalzyr's ProtoEd instead if you like, but some of the columns are miss-labeled), First open World Builder, and click on the Prototypes tab, in the Prototype drop box find your Guilded Full Plate Armor Prototype in the drop box (#6159) and make a note of the numbers listed in the following rows: Object Model Mesh ID (12055) - Model in Phalzyr's Proto Ed Item Material Slot (2700) - Color in Phalzyr's Proto Ed Compare these to your Royal Armor: Object Model Mesh ID (12172) - Model in Phalzyr's Proto Ed Item Material Slot (14900) - Color in Phalzyr's Proto Ed Swap the numbers for both rows, and save.