Battles With Issues

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Gaear, Jan 2, 2013.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No - they have to be alive for it to work. Likewise them for Senshock, and Senshock for Hedrack.
  2. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Good to know, thanks!
  3. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    All these changes to the Battle sound awesome, it will be like a whole new encounter..thanks to you and all the other modders that have put so much time and effort over the years into this.
    I do alot of work in locations without internet and this is really the only game I can still play on a computer with no internet connection and I can't thank you, shinning Ted and the other modders enough. Love it when I get back to the states and there is a new modpak update for me to download.
    I also want to apologize for not giving you the updates to the lagstop thread I volunteered for back in october time frame thought I would be in country for a long time and was gone again if I had known would not of volunteered.

    Also there is no Audible componant to drinking a potion by RAW so the bugbears should be able to while silenced. Maybe the game treats drinking a potion as a spell for processing the effects so it prevents the bugbears? time my party is silenced I will attempt to drink a potion and see if it prevents PC's as well.

    Thanks for years of hard work and making the only real 3.5 DnD computer game absoulutly a Gem
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks, hopefully it's worth it.

    Ha - I thought you wrote "Sinning Ted," but "Shinning Ted" is cool too. ;)


    Update 2 on HIC:
    • I eliminated Hedrack as a battlefield medic. He was having issues with that arising I think from there potentially being too many 'targets' (injured friends) to choose from, and sometimes he would just sort of choke up on that strategy. Also it was a rather significant distraction that prevented him carrying out his more urgent strategy of destroying you. (Really, would Hedrack think "zOMG, my bugbear minion is injured! Let us suspend the Evil plan of Evility for Luz the Old and rush to his aid!" He's the head pimp; he shouldn't be worried about anybody else, least of all minions. He will still heal himself though.)
    • Hedrack now has a not-terribly-game-changing trick up his sleeve after the resurrection of evil that may seem nonetheless kind of cool.
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    On Ash Wednesday I'm more of a 'repenting Ted'.

    Thanks for the kind words shapecharge.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Update 12 on SBD:

    • Did get Senshock's cronies to go KOS when he's dead or gone. Yay.
    • Discovered and fixed an oddity where SBD didn't have their KOS flag set for when the Temple's on alert. I'm suspicious of this as I somehow can't believe it was just an oversight. But they were definitely not attacking when the Temple was all geeked up. I assume they should. (Their protos are flagged KOS, but their mobs weren't.)
    • Tweaked Senshock and Barkinar's auto dialogue distances. Senshock was very short range (e.g. he would get all pissed if you were right next to him but wouldn't mind if you were a bit further away.) Now they pretty much hit you up when you cross the threshold into their chambers.

    Update 3 on HIC:

    • Tested Hedrack's routine as outlined above, works. Pretty much done here. :)
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, as a wrap on this deal I have bulletproofed SBD's routines so they don't spawn as backup for backup for backup et al. Was more complicated than it sounds, depending on what went down where, etc. Also made sure each of them turns off upon entering the queue if they're already in the queue. (e.g., you start a fight on one front, backup appears, and then you run next door and find S, B, or D standing there. Sadly we can't just turn the superfluous ones off during combat unless and until they join combat.)

    Otherwise this is all done, although I never did refine the dialogue routines. That will have to wait.
  8. Legless

    Legless Established Member

    Nov 14, 2012
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    when fighting Falrinth in 7.8 NC, I dodged past him to block his moving and he AOO'ed my Barbarian, who had 130 HP to unconciousness. He kept hitting him continuously till he passed out.

    Also, after the Senshock battle, his gear is not visible for several days. He was K.O. before he went invisible, but not dead till the battle ended
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Re. elemental dismissal: there's a typo in the DLL proto parser - it takes mc_subtype_exraplaner instead of extraplanar...
  10. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Hi folks. New forum member here. I found an interesting bug with the Lareth fight in the Moathouse. Using 8.1.0 with NC. I noticed Lareth had healed a few of the unconscious npcs. I never saw them actually stand up but, there were attacks of opportunity from invisible, non-moving npcs that were healed. I could not find a way to target them but a fireball scroll did hit them. Nice trap spell he had there :)
    As an aside, I did try to repeat this bug a few times and it seems it only worked just behind the wall and corner where you enter their main room. Its like the healed npcs stood up and were buried in the corner of the wall there.

    P.S. Old ToEE player and love all the mods done for this game. Thanks for all the work here folks!
  11. Corwyn

    Corwyn Gnoll Pincushion

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Speaking of crazy things that occur in the battle with Lareth ....

    Just encountered this one.
    Injured Lareth to the point that he calls on Lolth to protect him, and the ensuing situation with the arriving arachnids. Being injured myself, I retreated down the long hallway to regroup, only to run into the rear guard black widow spiders in the hallway junction. Lareth followed .... and commenced attacking the spiders. I don't believe that is supposed to happen, although I can roll-play like this: It appears Lareth doesn't believe the summoned black widows are on his team, or else even summoned spiders are notoriously even-handed in who they bite.
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