Host of scripting errors now in my game

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by CyrusSpitama, Jun 1, 2016.

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  1. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Two main issues with other minor issues I have noticed so far:

    (minor?)When I fought Lareth, he never engaged me in chat nor did he beg for his life. His health was very low so his script to chat and plead should have fired. I even waited an extra round doing nothing but defense to allow it to fire. He never mentioned lloth so the spiders were never summoned either. I did at least encounter all those naughty npcs outside once Lareth was pulverized.

    (minor?) When engaging Tolub in chat to have our boxing match, I take my first swing and before he ever swings at me, fight is over and I auto-lose... As if I was surrendering before his punch lands. I did talk with him outside at the docks prior to passing time for darkness to fall so he would go to the pirate tavern.

    (major?) as posted in my other thread, this new party is just not seeing any secret doors either. Even after visiting Jaroo, even the moathouse doors are not visible.

    (major!) I cannot ask Elmo, Pishella, or Ronald to leave my party. Engaging them in chat triggers their convo as if they were not in the party.

    I did see a couple threads showing commands to remove them manually from the party, but entering the console, then typing " from Co8 import *" ( not including the quotes) then typing pc.follower_remove([number of char slot]) only yields a line 1 error message.

    I am currently running most recent Java 7 version(7.79). Trying to install Java8 yields an install error for me still that Oracle hasn't fixed yet. I had reactivated the modules with new content before making this new party. Running 8.1.0 version of the front end and mod.

    Any tips or suggestions here?

    P.S. After a little more testing, I noticed none of those Co8 import commands seem to be working. I did see the file in the scr folder for those wondering...
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Have you tried re-activating the module?
  3. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Yes I did. I looked over my post and see I put the sentence mentioning that in the same paragraph as my party npc removal issue. I will edit that now so it is clearer.
  4. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Perhaps you mean to reactivate now with current saves running? Won't this invalidate those saves? At this point, I do wonder how many more scripts might go bad. it could be worth the re-activate and start over but, I am recently playing this again and want a party to dig deeper into the Temple before yet another restart... lol
  5. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Something odd is indeed happening in your game, I'd reinstall the game from scratch and try again personally.

    Install ToEE, Patch 1 & 2, Then the Co8 patch of your choice, and start a new game to avoid save corruption.
  6. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    I got back into the game via the GOG version which I believe was fully patched. Also, I did a small number of fixes that were posted from the ToEE thread. While I dread yet another restart, I can foresee more scripting errors in my future. Time to get uninstalling/re-installling then :)
  7. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    OK. Uninstalled and checked for any leftover folders. Rebooted and reinstalled ToEE. Rebooted. Installed 8.1 Co8. Applied the Gremag fix and two other various fix files by Sitra. Added the Luis Royo Portrait Pack. Now rolling new gang of 5 to roll to Temple. Will update on any issues that pop up.
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    A re-activation saves your save game files, also you can choose to "backup save files" and use them in a new install as long as the components of the new install are identical to the game you made the saves in, unfortunately most problems seem to be stored in the save game file.

    A completely clean new install, (like you are doing) will usually solve 99% of the common troubles with TOEE.
  9. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Did not get too far with the party but, I did see that my rogue with high spot and search skills (plus elf) was spotting secret doors. YAY! Only lvl 3 for the party now. I will update more as I progress past Moathouse.

    Let's be honest. I reallly didnt want to restart but, I did play the original with the corrupted save issue. Wasnt such a great surprise! lol
  10. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Little update. Visited Moathouse at lvl 2 to clear the frogs and courtyard bandits (plus tower spider). Back secret door was discovered by my elf rogue with no effort. Went below after resting and killed off the big ogre and checked for the secret door at top of the stairs near his room. Nothing to be found. At this point, my elf was 1 rogue/ 1 wiz so not a big surprise. Made a level and went up as rogue ( of course). Visited top of those stairs, but no secret door. Did an active search and VOILA!, secret door top of the stairs.

    Its these little victories that make our life worth living :)

    As an added bonus, I discovered that Calmert sells Masterwork Silver Light Mace at his shop(rarely). Will be useful having these silvered weapons! Very cheap sale price I might add...
    sirchet likes this.
  11. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Having never used anyone but the jeweler, blacksmith and cabinetmaker as shopkeepers this info comes as a pleasant surprise- even after all this time I find out something new...
  12. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    You are welcome Gehennis! I too was pleasantly surprised and currently have 4 of these enchanted to +2 spread about the party.

    A little update: So far, no more scripting corruptions in the game. Now currently working my way into the Temple level 3 with the party. I do have a minor issue with Elmo not ever wanting to surrender that +1 dagger but, so be it. I recall this happening in the "old game" as well... hehe I also noticed a few choices in Temple quests disappeared while attempting at least of few of them. Somehow, I figure questing for these Temples is just a little teensy bit evil. When I chose some of the less evil options previously, this probably killed off these other options. Main one I can recall without loading the game right up would be me talking with Oohlgrist(sp?) and only seeing the option to intimidate him. This did yield a couple nice gifts from him, but never got the chance to complete the Fire quest for him. I had previously done one of the Earth quests so perhaps this does have some bearing on things. I had also killed off a few other things in the Earth and Fire areas well before talking to the Troll Chief.

    Anyhow, just wanted to say THANKS! The reinstall was only a couple hours (at most) of time spent and so far, has resolved all the whackiness I had been experiencing.

    Question: I had also previously installed Rudy's item and spell mods before. Any known issues that pop up with these?
    I surely liked a few of those tweak his mods provided. Either way, I am taking this current party all the way through before further modding. Do not want to risk any mod caused corruption :)
  13. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Rudy's mod, a whole load of additional high level domain spells, and a few spell fixes and new spells are available to add to your game (not sure if its only for the NC version or if it works with the Standard version too) by Shiningted are available in the thread titled "I'm participating". Do a search you'll find it.
  14. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    Thanks Allyx, but I did not mean where but what. My previous install was corrupted and just asked if there were any known issues with Rudy's installed over existing games.
  15. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I've had no such issues with it, given the mods age and lack of complaints about it causing corruption, I'd be inclined to believe it was not the cause of your problem last time around.
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