Your Chosen Ones

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by CyrusSpitama, May 31, 2016.

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  1. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    As the title implies, asking what parties most folks like to run through the game. While I realize the game is not new, I figure there has to be at least a minimal party makeup most use for the game when folks are looking for a normal run-through.

    Of course, using no console mods to change char stats and at best, using the char creation trick I saw here... What parties do yall like taking through the game?

    My current party consists of:


    a dwarven fighter( tempted to multi but just as tempted not to). Focused on melee with no ranged feats (yet?)

    human fighter/cleric- plan to lvl cleric to 3 and the rest in fighter.

    elven rogue/wizard- max 3 in wiz to give some spell utility. all other levels in rogue with a focus on all the skills that make a rogue what it is.... no social skills at all. Those are saved for the next char...

    half-elven fighter/bard- plan to get the repeating light xbow feat and do mostly, but not entirely, ranged related feats. For now, plans are only to take fighter to lvl 2 and rest in bard. This bard has lots of utility and also acts as my party spokesperson.

    My 5th char slot was a real toss up. I KNOW I need a real caster so went with a human cleric/sorcerer. This allows me to use Pishella as my other mage type since she doesn't take every scroll we find..(sorry Burne) Max lvl in cleric is to be lvl 3 so this mage can use better melee weapons (when pressed into melee that is...) and some additional heals and buffs. With the level cap raised, I could still hit the higher ranked sorc spells.


    Elmo- a real charmer and a char I can see keeping till end game. Otis has better levels and stats but that pesky issue with Nulb visits makes me not want to take him along. Besides, by the time you can hire him, he seems very overpowered for the party makeup.

    Ronald- decent cleric who only lacks str to really take him up to being a really good char.

    Pishella- the sorc/wiz combo really turned me off to her at first. Her not taking all the scrolls we find makes up for this shortcoming. Honestly though, the sorc actually unlocks her use of the sling so I havent had any major issue with her. I did notice she was unable to copy any sorc scrolls/spells she already had into her wizard spellbook. The big one here being magic missle. You MUST choose this spell during lvl up to obtain it. Charm person is another spell I have to obtain during level up.

    So, what do you folks enjoy taking for a romp through the most glorious temple of evil?
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  2. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    every time I had run through toee until the end and through all the nodes.

    I kill everything usually even if I chose an evil party.

    i usually roll with

    fighter / rogues
    wizards and clerik
    sometimes a druid but not to often
    including a ranger can be succesful
    if you have magic bows and arrows at your desposal.
    usually will pick feats
    improved unarmed strike
    deflect arrows
    combat reflex
    exotic weapon spiked chain
    power attack
    craft wandorous craft wands craft armor weapons

    some archery chooses may include
    point blank, precise shot,multi shot or rapid reload.
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  3. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    My usual party consists of:

    Bard: Face character for completing most talking quests and providing extra healing spells.

    Paladin/Ranger/Fighter/Barbarian: Any of these will do as a main tank and for completing Intimidation based talking quests.

    Cleric: Main Healer, secondary tank character.

    Rogue: For the stealthy, sneaky pickpocket type skill, and dual wielding melee weapons.

    Wizard: Crowd control, fireball/lightning bolt/Ice Storm/Cone of Cold.

    The 'classic' adventuring party, usually a good party alignment, but I did run an evil group with a necromancer in once, that was fun. :D
    Last edited: May 31, 2016
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    My basic party would be:

    Rogue Face (generally an archer)
    Ranger (archer)
    A cleric (or Ronald)
    Pick up Meleny

    Generally all humans as I love that extra feat, but sometimes the rogue is an elf for obvious reasons.

    I've tried a hippy party several times - bard / ranger / druid / barbarian - but never played it all the way through.
  5. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Lately I've been challenging myself with a party made up of all the exact same class characters.

    I'm currently playing through with a group of Paladins, I call it "The Crusade". :p
    BrotherSmythe likes this.
  6. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    My usual party is six:
    Elven Rogue/Fighter (Archer and Face) at 20th level, she splits 11 Rogue/9 Fighter for the extra Sneak Attack die
    Half-Orc Fighter/Barbarian (Mostly fighter melee specialist, usually a reach weapon, but Scather eventually)
    Elven Fighter/Wizard (Diviner)... he only goes to level 8 Wizard (enough for the cool weapon enchantments), with the rest Fighter to reach +16 BAB (another archer)
    Human Cleric/Fighter... she goes to level 12 Cleric to make sure she can make Periapts of Wound Closure and still get to +16 BAB (yet another archer)
    Two Elven Fighter/Rangers (archers par excellence)
  7. CyrusSpitama

    CyrusSpitama Member

    May 25, 2016
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    An entire party of paladins? I must ask, who handles the laundry and dishes?!
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Why Divine Lights shines upon these most holy sacraments of service and thusly renews them for another day in the service of all that is good and true. ;)
  9. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Obviously the Paladin of Monotonousness performs these tasks. ;)
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
  10. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    I do the following usually
    Human fighterx/barb2 spec with bastardsword
    Human Bardx/fighter4 longbow and charm specialist
    Elvish fighterx/thiefx dual wield cleavers and ring of invisibility
    Human Cleric with longbow taken as a feat at start up
    Elvish Druid longbow and summoner
    Elvish Mage longbow and fireball
  11. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    I find it very difficult to avoid gravitating to:
    Rogues with point blank/ precise shot as their first 2 feats, who then, once they have a decent tumble and quick draw, occasionally join melee to sneak attack flanked opponents, before reverting to mainly ranged combat as glitterdust and improved invis become more readily available. Once I have the option to start crafting weapons, I get her longbow proficiency, a STR boost to 18, and a composite bow with aligned and elemental damage boosts. Above level 10 or so, rarely visible or denies sneak attack damage.
    Druid: produce flame early on, then call lightning, then spike stones, with nature's ally for flanking. Rarely use wildshape, animal companion early on but not replaced once they start being left behind by PCs with their magic armour, weapons and other buffs.
    Wizards who mostly do battlefield control (grease/sleep--> web--> stinking cloud --> cloudkill), buffs (haste, improved invis) and crafting
    Cleric: often defaulting to LG for the ability to craft aligned weapons and for spontaneous casting of cure spells before resting (changing large numbers of spells known to cures, then back, or using potions to heal, is a drag through a computer interface).
    Bard: additional source of glitterdust, haste, imp invis, and other buffs
    Fighter: usually with a plan to build a specific set of feats; these days I try to avoid power attack + great cleave + answering sword since that tends to distort any other tactic or feat tree.
    I have also done 'themed' parties- stealth (no heavy armour); nature (druids, rangers and barbarians), religious (paladins, clerics, monks), and I once tried to do a selection of specialist wizards (which actually got quite dull pretty quickly).
  12. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    QUOTE="sonofliberty, post: 141208, member: 15446"]I do the following usually

    Elvish fighterx/thiefx dual wield cleavers and ring of invisibility

  13. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Here's a fun way to do it, if you want to shake thing up...

    Roll a d12 for class, a d8 for race, a d2 for gender, and take what you get. Since there are 11 classes and 7 races, a 12 gives a fighter, and an 8 give a human, which helps account for the fact that there are probably more of each in the world. Keep them in the same class till the end.

    It really makes you play stuff you never would have, and in some ways makes it more 'real' in terms of a band of friends who are what they are and just out exploring, instead of the perfect party put together will balance in mind. It can be frustrating, but rewarding, as it makes you play in a different style than you are used to. And you can always balance out the party with an NPC or two if you need to.

    BTW, I do this at restaurants too, which annoys people usually. :(
    sirchet and Gehennis like this.
  14. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Depends on the alignment I play as with evil or neutral parties I might have a half-orc barbarian but I usually roll with this party of humans:

    1. Rogue with Dodge, Point Blank Shot & Precise Shot- will be the party's face man
    2. Fighter with Power Attack, Weapon Focus and Cleave
    3. Fighter or ranger/barbarian, depending on alignment. The second fighter would take Combat Reflexes instead of Cleave while the Ranger depends on if I'm making him melee, missile or both weapon type user. The barbarian gets the same skills as the Fighter but of course won't get Weapon Specialization later.
    4. Cleric or druid, again depending on alignment with Improved Initiative, Spell Penetration and Spell Focus X
    5. Wizard with Spell Focus X, Greater Spell Focus X and Spell Penetration
    6. Sorcerer with Spell Focus Evocation, Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration
    No NPC to drain away XP's. Both the Wizard and Sorcerer will get Improved Initiative later, as will everyone else except the Cleric, who starts with it. I do break out of my rut by playing oddball groupings every now and then, my favorite being Fighter, Ranger, Bard, Druid and Sorcerer...
  15. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I tend to go with:
    1. A Human Paladin
    2. A Human or Half-Elf Wizard- Generalist- or sometimes a Sorcerer (any race)
    3. A Dwarven War Cleric. Sometimes I split with Fighter for up to 4 levels
    4. A Half-Orc Barbarian
    5. Human or Half-Elf Ranger- Range Specced

    And I almost always pick up Fruella (Marrying her to the Cleric or the Barbarian :) ) Meleny (Marrying her to the Paladin or Sorcerer) and even Zaxis.
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