Has anyone ever successfully found the original Scurlock TTF File? I am working on a font rendering replacement for TP that will make use of TTF files and i want to match the original font on the main menu as close as possible. The only ones I have found do not 1:1 match the font used by ToEE. For reference, here's the bitmap used by ToEE:
Looking through the google results again I am beginning to suspect that they might have edited the bitmap by hand before making a font out of it. That would seriously suck. The most telling letter so far certainly is the capital A. I have found no fonts that match it's design.
If you cant find the exact font you can make fonts in windows there is a font maker or editor in windows system32. I think some photo shops might support it also but I dont know any other besides the built in windows font editor. you could maybe design something to make a font set from that given bitmap looks like the used the offsets of the image to map the Font to a billboard ? I know the GDI has built in ways to create fonts from bitmaps that alot of win32 games use the GDI.dll
Hm, there is also the issue of redistributing it as part of Temple+. I might bundle an open source lookalike font by default and just allow mods to override it with a closer-to-vanilla variant of the TTF.
Here's the one I used for KotB which as mentioned is subtly different. Just make the ToEE one match KotB. The populace will rejoice.