Wizard/Cleric Multiclass - Spells Memorized issues

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by guinness22, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. guinness22

    guinness22 Nexus of the Crisis

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Hopefully I can explain this clearly - For the first time I am trying an Elven Wizard/Cleric multiclass, and having leveled up to 1/1 I notice that although I have the proper 3 separate tabs for Cleric Wizard Domain in the 'Spells Known' window of my character sheet every time I try to memorize the individual spells for each of cleric and wizard they overwrite each other in the 'Spells Memorized' window and I end up with either/or but not both (ie. if I click on the Cleric spells to be memorized first then the Wizard spells after the Wizard spells will 'overwrite' the selected Cleric spells).

    I searched the forum but couldn't find anything related to this specific Wizard/Cleric multiclass issue, although I thought I read something quite a while back about a Bard/Sorcerer combo effectively doing the same thing and you don't end up with the combined slots available.

    I have Co8 8.1.0, Rudy's Item 0.8, and Temple+ 734 installed.

    Any insight would be appreciated, maybe this is a game engine limitation and spell casting classes multiclassed with other similar spell casting classes (ie both memorized or both spontaneous) are not viable, but a memorized/spontaneous combo is?

  2. guinness22

    guinness22 Nexus of the Crisis

    Jul 4, 2009
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    FWIW, looks like it was an issue with Temple+ and has been remedied in 736.

  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, we don't provide support for Temple+ obviously, but glad you sorted it out.
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