Every time I'm switching tasks in fullscreen and want to go back to the game, the game screen doesn't show up anymore. Music is playing, but no visuals. Only thing I can do is use the task manager and kill the program. Before trying to switch back, the correct preview thumbnail shows when I hover over the game with the mouse in the taskbar. I have no trouble switching tasks when playing the game in windowed mode, but since my monitor's native resolution is 1920x1080 and I get the invisible characters bug when playing with this resolution, that's not an acceptable alternative. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? I'm running ToEE with the Co8 8.1.0 NC modpack on windows 10. If this problem has already been adressed somewhere, I apologize, but I couldn't find it via the search function.
In windowed mode, you can try out different resolutions until you find one that might work for you. I use windowed mode, but had to try several settings before finding one that worked for me (my issue was finding the right size so that the entire window was visible to me - and the best one wasn't the native resolution). When you open the console, go to Options: Game Resolution if you want to try it.
Thanks for the responses, guys. As I've said, I'll wait for Temple+ to come out, and then try again with the fake-fullscreen-mode.