Max Useful Bard Level?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sonofliberty, Apr 8, 2015.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Also, a rogue with crippling strike, (10th level feat) she can steal a couple points of strength each hit on the power houses you face eventually. This is when she's invisible of course. ;)
  2. Dreamteam

    Dreamteam Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    links: How to Bard, Bard Tables

    Personally I would take the Bard to 14th, 15th, or 18th level due to the specials. Imo, there is some argument that the 6th level bard spells implemented in ToEE just aren't worth the bother (unless you want slots for heightened spells). I find 5th level bard spells still useful though, so Bard 13 or 14 is definitely a minimum in my book.

    A proper Bard build needs high Cha (for spells/DC rolls), Dex (for AC, ranged touch-attack spells), and Int (for skill points). With a starting Dex of 17 or higher, and wearing elven chain + elven wooden shield, my Bard usually has the lowest AC of anyone in the party. Weapon Finess applies his +Dex to melee combat when using a rapier or a touch-attack spell. No spell failure in elven chain or mithral shirt hell yeah!

    I always take 1 level of Wizard with my Bard, so they can copy all the spells they can't otherwise know into their spellbook (using high Spellcraft skill + stacked scholar kits). Having high Use Magic Item skill allows them to cast those spells from the scrolls they scribe, essentially enabling them the same spell-casting potential of any Wizard. Also if you add 1 level of Cleric, they can read any level divine scroll as well (using high Use magic Item skill)!

    My understanding of ToEE is that reading a scroll or using a wand in combat does not trigger an AoO, unlike trying to cast a spell. With high Tumble and Concentration skills, plus the ability to read any scroll or use any wand (high Use Magic Item skill), this makes a Bard a great front-line spellcaster. Care to try Vampiric Touch anyone?

    High level Fascinate song sung by a Bard with high Cha and Perform skill, Cloak of Charisma, Circlet of Persuasion and a Mandolin of Charming is almost impossible for mobs to resist. I've only ever seen a fail against Zuggtmoy or Iuz, and even then the text window said the song was successful, just I think divine bosses are hard-coded to be immune. Not to mention a Bard build in this direction should be concentrating on Enchantment school, and no Goblinoid, Human or Giant is safe from the Bard's Charm or Tasha spells.

    Wanna abuse the game engine? Watch what happens when the AI keeps trying to chop 4 charmed trolls into mincemeat while your Bard reads a backpack full of scrolls at the enemy ;)
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
  3. zugschef

    zugschef Established Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    Now someone pray tell me what your party can do with a bard which it couldn't do with any other character?

    They are worse spellcasters than sorcerers; and sorcerers get the shaft compared to wizards. They are worse skill-monkeys than rogues who get sneak attack in order to deal level-appropriate damage. And their buffs are not as useful or efficient as the buffs or debuffs of a full caster.

    I never said that you couldn't beat the game with a party full of monks and bards, but compared to classes which actually accomplish something unique, they are a waste of space. No need to be sentimental about this.
  4. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Try soloing with a Bard, and then try it with a Wizard or a Sorcerer. They are a jack of all trades. They are hardier than the later and can heal themselves. They also can wear armor, and can deal some melee damage. They are not the best at any one thing, but can pretty much do it all. There music magic is pretty powerful when they get some levels.
  5. Dreamteam

    Dreamteam Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    They are actually a very efficient use of space: fighter, arcane spellcaster, healer, pickpocket, skill magnet, diplomat. The Bard has you covered. If you build/equip them correctly, they are tougher than a Thief and can cast anything a Wizard can. Why backstab a monster when you can get it to fight for you instead, then kill it at your leisure? Then there are the special Bard buffs/skills no-one else has which allows them to single-handedly distract any sentient monster independently of whatever else the party is doing. Pretty OP if you ask me :yes:

    When making a party, first pick a Bard and then add whomever else you want. It's a balanced party guaranteed. You're good to go.

    Of course, ToEE makes it easy by giving you a free suit of elven armor in Emridy Meadows, and a Charm Person or Cure Light Wounds scroll only costs 1 exp each. This might not be the case in other CRPG titles, but in ToEE because of the quirks of the game, Bards are one of the stronger classes imo.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
  6. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    The OP already has a bard 12/ ftr 2. From there the route to more powerful spellcasting for this particular character (notwithstanding Dreamteam's scrollcaster trick) isn't to add Sorc or Wiz 6, it's build on what you have already. Sorc 6 gives you 6 cantrips, 6 first level, 4 second level and 3 third level spells a day (cast as a 6th level caster at level 20, when level-appropriate foes will just laugh this off). Bard 18 from here adds just one of each of those spell levels, but also 2 fourth level spells (for a total of 4), 3 fifth and 2 sixth level spells at caster level 18. Assuming you use your 2nd level sorc slots for ability score buffs, they still last for less time and take longer to put up than a single Mass Bear's Endurance or whatever. Yes you get better choice of spells, but you've already invested 14 levels in being an enchanter-lite so you're better sticking with it than spending your remaining 6 available levels duplicating what the party wizard could do many levels ago (andbyou can do now with scrolls and wands and UMD).

    If you are starting from scratch and are solely interested in power, by all means go for Tier 1 full casters for the whole party- I reckon with 2 druids, a Pelor cleric and a wizard you could get a hell of a long way without getting a scratch, but for flavour and variety a bard is a valid choice.
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