KOTB - Somehow managed to get my party thrown in JAIL ... sigh

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by ProphetPX, Jan 10, 2015.

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  1. ProphetPX

    ProphetPX Node Ravager

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Started playing KOTB all over again, from scratch, last night...
    then THIS happened!

    I don't know, for sure, what i did, or how i did it, but possibly it may have been that i equipped my paladin with a blue cape and a blue robe?

    ANNNNDDD, well ... I also used a cheat code to give my party more money. I CONFESS! lol (this game is really buggy when it comes to money handling -- i have seen CRAAAAAAZY prices in some of the shops!!! and it would not let me buy 1 ale for 1 SP when i had at least 9 GP)

    so which of these is what got my entire party thrown into jail?

    I've read on other websites that this could be for impersonating a member of the guard (though i kinda did it a bit unintentionally -- i really did not think that BUYING a blue cape or blue robe was a crime?!)

    so now that my whole party is in jail ... how do i get out?
    I've tried resting a full day. No guard comes to talk to me.
    I've also tried to talk to the guards walking by the jail cell but they won't stop long enough for me to get my talk pointer set on them.
    Also the jail cell door is magically held. I doubt i can just bust out without making it worse.

    What do I do? please do not tell me i need to start over! :(
  2. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    You should be able to talk to the jailer. You just have to time it right. Position your party members for maximum viewing area.
  3. ProphetPX

    ProphetPX Node Ravager

    Jan 18, 2007
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    FINALLY. yeah it took almost forever to figure that one out.
    i wish there had been a piece on this issue in the FAQ or walk-through :(

    turns out i am not only "not allowed" to wear blue capes, but NO FULL PLATE armor, as well - why is that not even posted somewhere? every single time, the guards took my blue cape and my full plate too lol

    they wanted a fortune in money to get out. that is 1 of the 2 reasons why i had to use cheat codes to give myself money. they wanted 50 plat and 50 GP!! i had like ... 9 and 9 lol

    argh lol
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I think the tips section at the end of the Game Guide deals with getting out of the gaol cell, but I'm not at my modding PC so can't check. The full plate thing is a bug that was fixed in one form and reappeared in another.
  5. Dreamteam

    Dreamteam Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    I think you should put a secret escape tunnel in the cell Ted, ala Count of Montecristo. :yes:

    Or have a few dialogue options that activate when you talk to the guard if your bluff or diplomacy is high enough that allow you to trick him into unlocking the door :thumbsup: For example, I never gave the Bailiff his ring back , so you would think showing the guard the Bailiffs ring would convince him you are secretly working for the Bailiff.

    Or you can use a charm spell and the guard will unlock the door (not sure how this would work in the game engine).

    Or you can use an illusion spell to convert an item in your backpack to appear as a pile of platinum and you can pay the fine that way :)

    On my playthrough, I was having so much trouble trying to get into the keep, I thought this was one of the legit ways to do it! In a PnP game, I would definitely roleplay it that way. Imo multiple ways of solving logical problems shows good design.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
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