Spolier Questions: Livonya's Mod

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Livonya, Apr 8, 2005.

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  1. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    After cleaning moathouse and emridi meadows, I have no problems at all entering the temple, making the hard tower fight - the only really hard encounter, and from there leading to the countess rescue. But anyway, I generally am happy to see that we are all on the same line.
    And c'mon, in D&D there are not only horses, but magic and teleport spells too. The countess is an elf and a noble, so no doubt that she is a wizard of some kind and I don't see why she should be missing Teleport among her spells.
    About Thormel, he may take some time to come back home by horse, but once here, I image him to send his servants on horses AND teleported by a wizard near the temple. Those are all good reasons to speed up the game in some way. Liv, are u listening? ^_^
  2. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    We can 2nd guess the gamewriters decisions and wonder why. A high level elf noble being kidnapped is not a trivial thing. A caravan would be heavily guarded and if the countess is a wizard of high enough level to have teleport, then how in the world did they get kidnapped. Not by a gang of gnolls and bugbears. Yeah, people of that level would have access to a lot of stuff but it's not in the game. Thrommel has been missing for 6years and a massive search isn't or hasn't been underway? The plot line is a little thin and weak here. Those rewards are pretty helpful, it would be nice to get them a lot sooner.
  3. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Well, interesting observation, but we could manage that many people couldn't image that thormel was charmed INSIDE the temple (still the plot is weak, because he should be in some coffin that keeps him under stasis, or with an enchantress that costantly refresh the charm/paralisys spell), since the temple was supposed to have been magically sealed by the same thormel's wizards.
    About the countess, I think that it wouldn't be that hard for a group of well trained hobgoblin thieves and some temple cleric to approach unseen her caravan.
    Remember that teleport works without mistakes only if the person clearly remembers the place where he/she wants to teleport, so caravans are still needed for long travels in unknow countries. So, I image a temple cleric that casts silence on some rogue's clothes, so that the silenced area moves together with him, the rogues kill the guards during the night, that can't give the allarm because of the silence spell, they enter the countess room or whatever and block her mouth and her hands, so that she is unable to cast any spell. And so the countess is captured and helded prisoner in the dungeon, without her spellbook, and can't escape by herself.
  4. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    No doubt the temple people have access to high level magics and have big plans. They spend so much of their time and efforts fighting each other, the bigger plans are slow developing. Then along comes these do-gooder adventurerers to confuse things even more. The plot line possibilities are endless but they never got developed by Troika. You would think the modding potential is huge and can keep the game going on for a long time. There is lots of room to grow here.
  5. Scorched_Earth

    Scorched_Earth Established Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Livonya was right, I only played this game once years ago when it first came out and didn't even finish it (got to the temple though). I picked it up again a few weeks ago and found the lotus in no time...in fact, i wasn't even looking for it! Excellent job Livonya. Also, a few things I've noticed, I don't know if they've been mentioned before or have anything to do with Liv's mod. I did a search at the entrance of the inn of the welcome wench and seemed to have a found a trap. At least that's what it said, but there was nothing to disarm. The same thing happened when I did a search at the traders' place. Also, at the bottom floor of the church(where Myella is) if you press tab a blue dot appears near the center cell? Everytime i press it a blue a dot appears but nothing seems to be there.
  6. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    You need to talk to Corl first. After you chase Corl away then go and talk to Corl at his home, and then later talk to his dad.
  7. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I don't know why you think it takes 100 days. It takes 2 to 3 weeks in my game. I tried it over and over again. 100 days is 4 times what it takes me.

    Don't know if that means the time code in the game is different. It is possible it is dependent on your CPU speed. Perhaps the routine that counts time is going slower on your system than on my system.

    In any event, it only takes me 14 to 21 days to trigger that. And it takes 2 days to trigger Corl's death.

    Not sure why other people are getting different results. It is always the same on my system.

    - Livonya
  8. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    You only need fight one Gelatinous Cube to rescue Thromell once you know the location of the temple. All you need is a someone with good hide/move silently skills and the Ivory Robes from the chest in the above ground Temple.

    You can avoid the 4 ogre/shaman, and I've managed to sneak past the GTB and ogre to rescue the Countess. Then that stupid Sir Juffer, her consort, spotted the GTB and ogre and went hostile to both of them and my rogue, forcing a three sided combat mode. He was attacking them and my party.
    Last edited: May 27, 2005
  9. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    There are a variety of ways/methods to do the rescues but then again, it;s all "cheating". I suspect those encounters were put in where they are in order to maintain some balance. Having Scather in temple level 1 and the elfs money and armour is nice. You need money to "craft items" and buy things. Manipulating the game like this speeds things up once you;ve been thru it and it's kind of fun just to see if you can get away with it. Then there is the best laid plans......oops! It's different.
  10. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    I have a AMD 1300 mh on Win98. It always runt fine untill now. Maybe something has been messed up, since I didn't meet the merchant AFTER 100 days! And anyway, when I move on the map, in the actual game only, the red cross moves at least at 1/4 of usual speed, so maybe something really messed up with game time, this sime.
  11. biobaba

    biobaba Member

    May 23, 2005
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    I've been killing Orgers Ettins and Mountain Giants all over tha places but was not able to recover the Giant's Head which the smith requires me to find in order to buy he;s masterwork goods... any hints?
  12. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    The Hill Giant at Emredy Meadows has a head you can loot off the body.
  13. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    well i probally remembered it wrong then cause i past time a few times untill i got the right amount done. maybe it was only 25 and it only seemed longer lol
  14. Orion11349

    Orion11349 Member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    Hi Livonya,

    First off, fantastic job on the mod. I am really enjoying playing again. I just finished the broken tower fight and man was it much harder. I did notice some things you might want to look at. I do not know if they are bugs or anything you can do about them.

    In the fight the witch on the left hand side of the room by the entrance cast a silence spell and caught my wizard in the area of effect. I then moved him out of the area of effect and tried o cast a spell which then got disrupted by the silence spell. I had to wait for it to wear off before I could cast a spell. I am not sure if that is how it is suppose to work. As far as I know, if you leave the area of effect you are no longer silenced. The area did not move when I moved any of my characters so it was fixed, yet my wizard could not cast any spells until it wore off.

    Also during the battle, my wizard was finally able to cast a fireball at the witch and it killed her guards and she spend several rounds casting animate dead which created zombies. after that she did not cast any offensive spells nor did the created zombies move or attack elmo after I sent him to smack the witch.

    also, you must be a great dm as I can not find the rare flower. Must keep looking. Any chance you good give any more hints? If not I understand

    Again great job

    Thanks for all of your hard work and I am looking forward to your next mod.

    I have atari patch 2, CO8 3.8.4 and your 1.5 mod
  15. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I finally got 1.5.1 to load good, kids and all. Two things. 1. Greater turning only works about every 4th try and the radius is much smaller. 2. I never got the dialogue with the miller to let Marek convert. The talker has a charisma of 18. Went back after levelup to 2 with increase in diplomacy, and no go. Did the leatherworker , Cavanauge and artifact quests. Am I missing something or is this just mod changes?
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