I used all of the intimidate options(he gave me a belt and a necklace) and then I paid him to join the temple, but I still don't have an option for him to join.
The face PC needs an Intimidate Skill of 17 or greater. BTW, when you get him, take off that silly Troll Bone Armor . . . put a Mithril Shirt on him. His DEX bonus will give him a higher AC with Mithril than with Bone. Then give him TWF, a Greataxe and a Cleaver. . . ;-) Have fun!
It's been a while since I recruited him for one of my evil parties so let me ask- does alignment have any bearing on this or do you just need a high enough Intimidate skill?
Thanks. I'll need to get another 5 ranks somehow then. One other thing...is there a second mithril shirt in the game or will I need to buy back the one I sold? edit: This is a little off-topic, but why do willow-the-wisps have a BAB of 20? According to the 3.5 rules, they should have a total attack bonus of +16 with a BAB of 6...
I can think of three mithril shirts you can find off the top of my head, and Ah Fong should be able to sell you one if I remember right.
I haven't been able to recruit him after he joins a temple, that has to be done Before and if you do he will not join the temples. He is fun to try out, but he becomes too powerful with a few levels of fighter.
Yes, he becomes VERY powerful. I put a couple levels of Rogue on him as well. Pure murder. I am modding a Chaotic Evil Temple Takeover questline, and Oohlgrist is muy importanto to subvert to the cause. The mod is about 1/3done and works great so far. However, there's been a slowdown in the mod because I lost my home and am wandering looking for shelter and a job. Oooh! Real life adventures!