KotB 1.0.0 Bug List

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Shiningted, Jun 26, 2014.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No, that's definitely a bug. There's a flag at every hole for if you leave your rope there under just such scenarios.
  2. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    My PC talked to the Bailiff about the Raiders and the Bailiff gave my PC a pass to access the cells. When my party appeared on the Cells map, Billy wasn't in his cell. My PC talked to one of the patrolling Gaol Guards near Billy's cell, who gave my PC the key to Billy's cell, but Billy still wasn't in his cell. I figured out how to get Billy to appear in his cell. My party exited the Cells map and then reappeared on the Cells map - Billy was now in his cell.

    At the Raider Camp, when the player's party has climbed up to the mesa, there is no longer fog-of-war on the Raider Camp map. I don't know whether this is a bug or intentional - it does mean that the player's party can see Mystic fey and Forestal well before encountering them.

    00594Wemic.dlg has a typo:

    Updated in 1.0.1

    00616Reynard.dlg has a typo:

    Updated in 1.0.1

    Lorin (Apprentice Druid) has no ranks in either Survival or Handle Animal skill. I strongly recommend giving him 5 ranks in each of those skills because (in my opinion) he is fairly useless with 0 ranks in both of those skills.

    Updated in 1.0.1

    Mia's Masterwork Greataxes still have the graphics bug associated with them whereby the sprites of a Greataxe appear on the ground of each map that the wielder of those Masterwork Greataxes appears on.

    Updated in 1.0.1
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  3. Kapacha2089

    Kapacha2089 Member

    May 6, 2013
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    Possible Spoiler:
    Location: Cave of Chaos. Distinct Area: The Gnoll Cave.
    Is there a "bug" in the secret door corridor between the Gnoll Chieftain's Room and the secret room, North of the dead body? I clicked the Secret Door Item to search for secret doors, and a secret door materialized North of the dead body. As my PC clicked on the secret door, my PC or any of my PCs were unable to open the secret door. I tried to move my PCs to get in front of the dead body, but the cursor would not allow me to move and kept on clicking the dead body's inventory. I was dumbfounded. So I decided to leave this secret corridor back the way I came from the Gnoll Chieftain's Room, but could not exit the room. There was no secret door icon on my side, but there was secret door icon on the opposite side in the Gnoll Chieftain's Room.

    Updated in 1.0.1
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, that'd be a bug Kapacha, I didn't think I'd activated any of that secret area (let alone done an actual inventory for the body). Apparently I started it but didn't finish it.

    @ Gazra: thanks, will fix. Re the mesa (since it's been mentioned a few times now)...

    ...I don't know it's anything we can control. Also, I don't see it as having much of a downside, since you should be able to see a long distance from up there - I find it almost bordering on a beneficial bug. Certainly I want the players to be able to see the Forestal and the show he puts on, not just hear it.

    However, I do acknowledge this is inconsistent with the rest of the game. Also, there are other scenarios in which you get transported across specific maps without this happening (such as in the Moathouse dungeon of ToEE, where the secret door in the Zombie area teleports you to the Ghoul area). That's not an identical mechanic. but it encourages me this can be 'fixed'.

    ADD: Added the Raider camp unfog issue to Known Issues.

    FIXED LORIN RE SURVIVAL AND HANDLE ANIMAL and correctly calculated his skill points. Ditto Kepler and Intone. Who knew Kepler was lvl 5? I thought he was about 3 :scratchhe

    NOTE: You have NOT met Intone yet.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  5. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    When the Quartermaster is rewarding the player's character with a masterwork weapon, if the player selects the dialogue response "A Rapier and a Main Gauche? Wow, thanks.", then the Quartermaster gives the character a Masterwork Dagger instead.

    Updated in 1.0.1

    The following weapons have no long description:

    Masterwork Katar
    Masterwork Shovel

    gamequestlog.mes has a typo (it should read 20):

    Updated in 1.0.1

    00494LizardChief.dlg has a typo:

    Updated in 1.0.1

    00475ClericHextor.dlg has a typo:

    Updated in 1.0.1

    When Billy is in his cell, when my character talked to Billy, Billy marked my map. But the Raider Camp had already previously been marked on my world map, and my party had already been to the Raider Camp before talking to Billy in his cell.

    During a random encounter with Raiders, the Raider Cleric cast Sound Burst at my party, which caused Two Swords to be stunned and "drop" her weapons into the inventory of the nearest Raider to her. After winning the combat, I tried to transfer Two Swords' weapons from the Raider's corpse inventory to Two Swords' inventory but I couldn't move the weapons from the Raider's corpse inventory because those weapons have the attribute of being irremovable from inventory (see screenshot below). I passed time until the corpse disappeared, but Two Swords' weapons disappeared also.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  6. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Don't know if this has been mentioned already (and it doesn't affect the game play) but in the Swamp, diagonally from the lizardmen cave entrance there is a solid black bar about 1 inch high and 5-6 inches long. It might just be my PC but I thought I'd mention it...
  7. xandros2000

    xandros2000 Member

    Jan 11, 2011
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    Whenever I go to the bailiff, I have to report billy the sniper. Upon agreeing to stop him, if I go to the roof, or go outside he's not there. I can leave the screen, camp, rest come back at various times and he's still never there (neither are the archers below). I also can't report the completed quests to the bailiff since when talking to him, he wants to know why I haven't taken care of billy. So I'm pretty much stuck and can't go any further. So I'm giving up on the game for a while. Maybe I'll try it again in the future hopefully the bugs will be gone then and I will be over this frustration......
  8. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Have you tried saying you failed and then go on?
    I could continue my game even though the billy quest failed.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    @ Gazra: thanks for the typos. The Long_Description.mes is incomplete. Where did you get a masterwork shovel?

    Re Billy: he marks a spot on the road which you make a note to visit on your next trip out of the Keep. Nothing to do with marking the raider camp which, by definition, you must have already visited to get the
    boots on poles
    that sends you to see Billy in the first place. Sounds like its working as intended.

    Re Two Swords: that's funny :) The drop item script is a work in progress: I'll probably just exempt anything with 'no_transfer, no_loot' etc flags. That might be why Gnoll shields are turning up in loot as well.
    Be prepared for that.

    Gehennis: no idea how that happened but thanks for the confirm.

    Xandross: apologies. How does one freakin' Elf upset the apple cart so badly? I hate that Elf.

    EDIT: Fixing the typos now: Gazra (if you read this) how does the Swords for Hextor quest play with only 20? Just right? Too easy?
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2014
  10. Zoroastre

    Zoroastre Member

    Dec 15, 2010
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    Re: Choice of quests? Spoilers

    [Moved from Quests thread - Ted]

    No prob, thx ted.

    but I have a few other issues (or challenges as they says in the corpo world ;-)):

    1- the game crashes when I try to enter the shop where the quests are posted (it used to very long to load, but now it just never loads), I know I'm not the only one who has this problem, haven't been there for quite a while, dunno if I missed something.

    Updated in 1.0.1

    2- I have a bunch of silk that I don't know what to do with... I'm a member of the guild but nobody wants it.

    3- I have 2 rescued prisoners in my group, a man-at-arms (hobgobelin cave) and an elf (bugbear cave), what do I do with them? if nothing, how can I get rid of them?

    and most inportant:
    4- I told the Bailif about the cave thing, he sent me to the chatelain, but when I meet him nothing happens, I've tried talking to everybody and only have "nice to meet you" dialog option.

    Updated in 1.0.1

    thx for reading
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  11. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Priest deskdrawer can't be looted it seems, pc can't reach it and thus not open it.

    Updated in 1.0.1
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  12. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    As far as I am aware, the only purpose of the roll of silk is to
    allow you to join the Merchant Guild

    On my first playthrough of the alpha build of the KotB module, I picked up a Masterwork Shovel from the ground on the 'Lizardman Refuge' map (also known as the 'Lizardman Hunting Ground' map).
    When the Quartermaster offers me a masterwork weapon as a reward, if I select my half-orc Fighter PC or the NPC half-orc monk Brother Fist as the recipient of the masterwork weapon, then the Quartermaster gives that character a Masterwork Shovel.

    The scenario does work as intended. But I only defeated the Raiders and completed the 'Raiders of the Southern Forest' quest by blindly stumbling upon the raiders instead of knowing where I was supposed to be going in order to encounter the raiders. In other words, Billy's directions of where to find the raiders are not clear at all.

    I haven't accepted or completed that quest yet. I am playing a "good" party in my current playthrough. I will do that quest in my next playthrough when I play an "evil" party, and then let you know accordingly (unless another player completes the quest and reports their assessment before then).
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
  13. Kapacha2089

    Kapacha2089 Member

    May 6, 2013
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    Quest Bug on two quests: SPOILERS ALERT.
    1. After completing the sword quest for Hextor, the Hextor Cleric informs me to speak with Lord Axer. I go speak to him and nothing happens. Its starts a cycle again, when I inquire about the trade route, Lord Axer says you don't have the blessing of the temple...I go back to the Hextor Temple...Hextor Cleric says...if you want my blessing, you must kill those lizard creatures near by...PCs tell him I already did that...Hextor Cleric mentions the "Sword quest again."...Eventhough I already completed it. I leave the temple and speak with the Lord, 3 options appear: 1. I understand. 2. About the trade route business. 3. I am departing. I select "2". I go through the Lord's Storyline sequence where ends up, "You need to get the Temple's Blessing!" I go back into the temple, somehow I get a blessing, but it doesn't appear in the scripting. I exit out of the temple to tell Lord Axer, I received the blessing, but he says NO, you did not... Is there suppose to be some rank in file sequence of when these quests are supposed to be conducted? My last save, I ended up killing Lord Axer and the temple. I went back to temple 3-5 times and keep on receiving the same storyline sequence. I get the Hextor blessing, but Lord Axer doesn't register it and tells me to go back to the temple.:sadblinky
    Quest Bug 2 : Spoilers Alert:
    2. After aiding the mad druid - he informs me to seek out the sergeant of the guard at the keep. Mad Druid offers a reward for aiding him. He provides me with 3 choices: 1. Paws of the Cheetah, 2. Paws of the Tiger and 3. Claws of the Jaguar. My leading PC selects "3" - Claws of the Jaguar. I looked in my leading PC's inventory; and there were no claws of the jaguar in the inventory. I checked the rest of the party - Nothing found. I searched for any highlighted spots around my party - Nothing found. I go speak to the Sergeant of the Guard at the Keep, ...he only states where is your NOTE! Ok? I am baffled on both of the quests. Is there suppose be a pattern of when these quests or supposed to completed or is it randomized.

    Updated in 1.0.1
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2014
  14. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    If you put spoiler in brackets before the spoiler and /spoiler in brackets after the spoiler it will hide the spoiler unless someone high lights it. :)
  15. Kapacha2089

    Kapacha2089 Member

    May 6, 2013
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    Looks do this again. SPOILER ALERT
    I am not sure if these are "BUGS", but I will address them as issues.
    Issue 1: Is there a bug within the Hextor Sword Quest? I completed the quest and brought the items to the Hextor Priest. ...the Priest informed me to tell the Lord about the accomplishment. I exit the temple and went to speak with the Lord...Nothing happened. I started a dialogue with the lord about the trade business and he sent me back to speak with the Hextor Priest to acquire a blessing. After speaking with the Priest, Hextor Priest says...you need to do something for me...go take out the lizardmen nearby...I told him I already did that and then the sword quest reappears again in the dialogue. I exit the temple and went to tell the Lord I got the temple's blessing... The Lord says, No! Go back to the temple and the same dialogue cycle begins again... Could it be a party alignment trigger??? Maybe? Or does these quests have to be completed in a particular order??
    Issue 2: I ran into another bug within the Mad Hermit Quest. After aiding the mad hermit, he informed me to speak to the Sergeant at the Keep. I spoke to the Sergeant and nothing happened, ...he just says where is the note, which I did not have. Also Mad Hermit rewarded my party with an item, an item never appeared in my leading PC's inventory. Leading PC had a lot of empty slots in his inventory. I talked to the Hermit again, he wanted to reward me, I picked my item and item never appeared in my inventory.
    Issue 3: Talk to Nobby about shining up rusted weapons, paid his fee, he took the rusted weapons from my inventory, I went back to him a couple hours later and spoke with Nobby again, but never got my shiny weapons returned to me. Nothing appeared in the inventory.
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