Please post any and all bugs found here. Firstly though I want to note the following: Known Issues: Wearing Full Plate Armour can see you mistaken for someone impersonating a Cavalry Officer and have you hauled up by the Watch (FIXED 14/7/14 for any coming patch). The Watchmen in the various towers do not make disguise checks like other Guards. (FIXED 31/7/14 any coming patch). The Worldmap landing coordinates in the Outer Bailey are slightly out (FIXED 28/7/14 for coming patch). If you should somehow get drenched by dragon bile in the swamp, the damage taken will put you into combat mode. You will then be unable to loot any chests on that map until you hit 'C' to come out of combat mode. Please be aware of this. You can currently only play as NEUTRAL GOOD, NEUTRAL EVIL or LAWFUL NEUTRAL alignment. This is a deliberate design decision for reasons that will shortly be elaborated on. The Orc Caves in the Caves of Chaos are currently EMPTY. The Gnoll and Hobgoblin Caves have minimal graphics. This is again a deliberate decision for reasons I will go into soon in the News thread. Throwable items - acid, oil, other alchemicals - exhibiut the same bug here as in ToEE, namely, they don't cease to exist on impact and can be thrown back. Repeatedly. Note this is a pre-existing vanilla bug, but only ever seen with Jaer's balls of no-one-ever-used-them-to-notice. I have a fix in mind Mislead is currently a lvl 1 Wizard spell, should be lvl 6 (set to lvl 1 for testing, forgot to set it back ) Already fixed for patch. Please do not exploit. At the Raider camp, when you climb out of the ravine and onto the mesa, it unfogs the whole map. I'm not sure this is something we can control. Long Description.mes needs an overhaul. Minimaps show secret doors revealed. This can't really be helped as we need to show all the 'scenery' objects or the trees etc won't be on the minimaps (and you'll see Emridy Meadows over and over for some of the outdoor ones ) Note the KotB mod is different to the Co8 mudpack (and ToEE in general) in many areas, particularly subtle differences of AI and dialogue behaviours. Please think twice when posting a bug and ask - is this a mistake, or just a difference?
I think there is a bug when you buy and equip the red plated gloves in the starting area (before going to the keep): they act as (powerful!) gloves of +6 strenght, gave to my barbarian a 22 strenght ADDED AS BUG 1; -Fixed 18/07
Let's get a bug-tracker going. I can't find the ToEE one so I will assign my own colours: Grey = Unconfirmed bug Orange = Confirmed bug Teal = Fixed bug (+ release # - bugs will only 'go teal' after fix is released.) May add others as the need arises 1) Updated in 1.0.1 2) Updated in 1.0.1 Here's hopin'! 3) Updated in 1.0.1 Sir Purrsalot, Tiger, Marmalade, Prince Leopold, Patches. 4) Updated in 1.0.1 Needs testing. 5) Updated in 1.0.1 Both Hextorite shields increased in value as per DMG (large steel shield, +1 bonus for spell). 6) Updated in 1.0.1 7) Updated in 1.0.1 8) Updated in 1.0.1 needs extensive testing 9) Updated in 1.0.1 10) 11) Updated in 1.0.1 12) 13) 14) Updated in 1.0.1 15) Note: could note find this in dlg file. 16) Note: could not confirm this from checking the script, gameplay testing needed. 17) 18) Updated in 1.0.1 19) Updated in 1.0.1 Untested. 20) Updated in 1.0.1 21) Updated in 1.0.1 I actually 'broke' this just before release to make her less overpowered (forgetting the TWF prerequisite). Go figure. 22) Updated in 1.0.1 Now labelled 'gloom'. 23) 24) Updated in 1.0.1 25) Could not replicate - see pic below. 26) Updated in 1.0.1 27) Updated in 1.0.1 28) Updated in 1.0.1 Only found one possible cause of that, fixed it 30/7/14. Needs monitoring for others. 29) Could not replicate. 30) Updated in 1.0.1 31) 32)
I'm not sure if this is the place for a trivial thing like a typo, so if there is better place let me know. The Game Portal says: "It will reveal a secret ladder in the just stairs behind you." Should the word "just" and "stairs" be swapped, or was Yoda helping with the dialogue? Congrats on the release. Been playing for 4 hours so far and having a blast. Taking it really slow so I can absorb every ounce of it one juicy piece at a time. Updated in 1.0.1
There's a strange graphical glitch on the top of the swamp map, where there's a rectangle of black screen. It doesn't effect gameplay in any way, but it isn't beautiful, so you might not want it!
This is indeed the place to for Yoda typos and such. Post them, you should, mmm. (The Game Portal changes for the ladder were about the last thing to go in after I stupidly left the file out of the Beta release, that's the sort of thing that got picked up in the Alpha and Beta testing ) May I ask which swamp map?
A note on the plate gloves being +6... only the first pair in the chest are that way. The second pair are normal. None of the boots I've checked so far are similarly overpowered.
Thanks for the confirm, Daryk. Don't stress about checking for things, as the first release I am more worried about bugs that turn up organically and prevent people enjoying the game than the smaller things that show (and then grate) over time. There'll be enough of the former and time for the latter.
Am I supposed to post things here? V1: The Bailiff Tower's door icon is unreachable when you are up on the wall. (workaround: you can bypass by entering the worldmap) Updated in 1.0.1 (Not sure this was tested in situ - Ted).
I'm not sure this is a bug, but here goes (spoilers): Spoiler I returned to the Keep at night and found four guardsmen exchanging fire with someone on the wall. I joined in, killed the guy on the wall (after rolling sufficient 20's), and now see the guardsmen shooting at...? One of them (accidentally?) hit one of the others, and instead of normal crossbow damage, it was some strange "Unknown(empowered)" type of damage for 1d3. And of course I can't get up on the wall to loot the obviously well equipped attacker (rope and grappling hook say "not here"). Should I have let this play out on its own as a set piece, or is there a bug? Billy bug, addressed -SA
I noticed that the lizardmen proclaim their attack strategy, ie ... Sniper, Melee charge and such, every time they attack. This is inside the cave.
@ Daryk (highlight to read): Spoiler It's indeed a bug that they keep shooting, will be fixed in the next version , but suffice to say there are alternative resolutions to this scenario
Daryk, when you see the 3 or 4 watchmen firing their crossbows at the guy up on the battlement, go over to the watchmen and carefully read what they are saying as they fight the guy. This should give you an idea of what to do next.