Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Pygmy, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Have you tried setting the game resolution to the same as your native resolution of your monitor?
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I'd try reactivating the module in TFE-X. Your saves should be preserved, but only go back to a known good one or you may just re-introduce the problem.
  3. bubbyman

    bubbyman Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Thanks Guys still same problem in windows mode I was wrong the guys cant move off the map the save starts on . My monitor has five scaling options

    Maintain display scaling

    center image

    scale full screen

    maintain aspect ratio

    customize aspect ratio

    which one should I use ???
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I would recommend, as Gaear said, to reactivate the module first.

    It might be a good idea to try out each of the settings on your monitor, one might hit the sweet spot, although I would try center image first due to the way TOEE doesn't like any scaling

    It would be a good idea to reboot your PC between changes also.
  5. bubbyman

    bubbyman Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Hi guys I reactivated restarted added mod pack and restarted. I changed resolution and it still only starts in windowed mode.

    Once on I cant move off the map on the screen. It allows me to go from location to location on the world map but I cant move off the windowed portion of the screen once there
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It's very unfortunate but I don't know what else to suggest at this point. It seems pretty clear that your system - which at one time had no problem running ToEE - now has decided it no longer wants to. :(
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Was your video driver recently updated? Or have you checked to make sure it's current? When I had a similar problem, it turned out Intel disagreed with Microsoft as to the currency of my driver.
  8. ihateregistering

    ihateregistering Member

    Jan 12, 2011
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    Well, seems like my problems are multiplying like tribbles... game keeps crashing on loading in more and more areas. I couldn't travel between Hommlet and Nulb for better part of the game (CTD every time) which makes meeting Zaxis or picking up reward for temple rescues impossible, unless these can trigger also between other locations. At least there is teleport spell. After killing Falrinth I couldn't enter the escape tunnel (CTD on load in every case) I could fix this by traveling via console. Then I realized I missed freeing the elven countess on level 2 but the game would CTD every time I tried to return there, even via console. Strangely enough, I could enter from level 1. Seems like I somehow luck out every time but dunno how long that will last. If any of you should make an educated guess, would another reinstall clear these problems or are they hardcoded in saves? Obviously, I don't want to start over.

    EDIT: lol few more to add to the list... air and fire nodes were only accessible via console, otherwise CTD. After beating the 6 noble salamanders in fire nodes with help of lesser globe of invulnerability on Spugnoir, the sage gained neverending immunity to 3rd level spells or lower! Nothing monsters cast at him does anything to him and I can heal/buff him only with 4th lvl spells or higher, no matter how much time has passed since the globe effect expired... how (un)cool is that? Also, after bringing Paida to Valden in the tavern in Hommlet during the night and checking on them back in their home during the day there were TWO Valdens... one standing in the hall and another one in the bedroom with Paida. One possible explanation is that she developed an appetite in the temple and asked Burne to Mislead her husband...

    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  9. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    My final run comments (I adore this game and engine...perhaps a bit too much.)

    This time NO CHARM spells/ no domination/ no stinking cloud / no crafting and 3 pcs with 5 npc. Absolute max of 2 summons at any time on the map.

    No reinstall of game and the game ran almost flawlessly. Except Hedricks area and the fire node, all game saves were clean and good. Even the reactive temples.

    In every other game I used the charm spells a lot, so I wonder...

    A few other observations:

    -Hickory branch - circling around counter-clockwise is the best approach to have an honest, crash-free and relatively safe battle. Although it's long. Use those archer positions against them.

    -after Hickory the WOTGS is a bit too easy with all the stuff you acquire like bows,etc.
    Maybe make the bearded devils into chain devils? Would fit in since the Verb priest mentions they are raising army of chain devils(Monster mash quest).

    -The final (or any) arena battle can be saved and used as a handy teleport to Homlet.

    -Opportunist feat works only once each combat, not each round.

    -In the final battle with Cuthbert or Iuz SPIKED STONES works amazing well to split up the 4 gods. They take a small amount of damage from it (1-8 points) when it's stacked or a big enough area. Paste it around the middle and circle around it and you can single them out quite easily with your whole party. The others can be path-blocked with summons.

    Why bother you ask? Well, with no crafting, no buying, and NO SCATHER and FRAGR you need a lot a of time to kill the Cuthberts. On average 1 out of every 20 rolls hits as only a crit can hit.
    (Yes, I am ridiculous for doing it, and after an hour and one Cuth dead, I could see that this would win the fight; a normal, sane player would have quit at that conclusive moment - I did not :roll:)
    Only useful weapon against Cuthbert is the sword of chaos. With the sc/frag this would take 20 mins.

    Iuz took only 20 min as there are lots of holy weapons to be found and his AC is actually hittable. No power attack needed.

    The point is that spike stones immediately gains battlefield mob control and positioning. Two can be put down each round with quicken spell. Make sure you don't get caught in the area of the spiked stones.

    Great game. Thanks to modders.
  10. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Glad you had fun and few issues.

    Regarding Charm Person, IIRC the next update should feature an optional toggle that indeed gives enemies +5 to save vs. that, which is more compliant with RAW.
  11. bubbyman

    bubbyman Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Hello all Thank you for such a great mod. Im doing the "go back and forth from hommlet and nulb" to get scather ... I have several encounters and then Ill get an encounter and it will crash to desktop.. I have a feeling it is the scather encounter thats causing it to crash any suggestions?????
  12. outdrack

    outdrack Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    I look though most of the thread about this chest, to no avail

    I sometimes forget to collect my extraplaner chest, so I'll leave them at that area for a long time while I go adventuring. When I realize that my chest wasn't collected I go back and try to locate it...

    Here is my question, is it possible for my chest to disappear?

    Because I reload one of my save when I still have the chest, and I left the chest in an unexplored area, As the fog of war covers the unexplored area, I can still see where the chest stands. However, when I go back to the save where I try to find my chest, I cannot locate it using this fog of war trick.

    Before I try to search every corner of the level to try to recover the chest, I just wish to know if it's a possibility for it to disappear.

    Other than that though, as someone who is still starting, I just want to say this was a great mod for a great game you guys made. Tons of replay-ability and detail :thumbsup:
  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    If the chest is summoned on a random encounter map and you save there, (not recommended btw) it usually will be gone when you load the save.
  14. ihateregistering

    ihateregistering Member

    Jan 12, 2011
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    I'm trying to get a rid of Zaxis through dialogue but I can't see the relevant option although I know for sure I saw it there before I gave him the note from his sister and again upon giving the note... hopefully that didn't get him so attached to me that he won't allow me to kick him now. If so is there any way to do it via console? I'm not killing him.


    EDIT: In the end I found a console command in the relevant thread that did the trick. Gonna miss the guy... until about level 10 his spells were nearly irresistible with best cloak of charisma and enchantment focuses making the game almost too easy but lately he kinda of started sucking and I thought if was gonna use him as an archer, I might as well give Taki a go.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
  15. Andrew Blackfire

    Andrew Blackfire Member

    Jun 23, 2014
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    Hi, I've just recently discovered this game for myself and I want to play original campaign first, but I really want those black robes and hat. Is there any way to add particular items in my inventory or to some merchant without installing everything else? It was so easy with NWN and Baldur's Gates, can't figure out how to manage it with these Excel-like tools :blank:
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