Improving the in-game Help

Discussion in 'Community Projects' started by Sitra Achara, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. sunspear732

    sunspear732 Archmage of Greyhawk

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Good to meet you Ted!

    Strategically, doors will only be opened by the enemy, and, since we're nosy as hell, we want to open EVERY door, don't we? What can it be used for, in a roelplaying sense?

    I also think that, when Haste or Slow wears off, make the people under the spell Exhausted.... or I WOULD, but you just said that it's not supported. Dammit :thumbsdow Good ideas though..... at least in my opinion.

    P.S. Ted, you are NOT drinking my milkshake..... it'ssssss my precioussssss...... preciousssss........

    EDIT: I had a blond moment the minute i hit "Post Quick Reply." O.O Unless Hold Portal does not lock doors, and just closes them?
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    You're thinking of Open/Close. Hold Portaling that door between the Earth Temple High Priest and his army of goons comes to mind.
  3. sunspear732

    sunspear732 Archmage of Greyhawk

    Dec 31, 2013
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    You're right, that IS Open/Close..... but I havent gone against the Earth Temple High Priest since before I downloaded the modpack, so I wouldnt know yet........ guess we gotta wait and see! :)

    But still, can we now actually LEARN Hold Portal, from that scroll that Burne sells?
  4. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I have a present to give to the Co8 community. :peace:

    I have finally finished with what I think is a much improved Help file for the Temple of Elemental Evil. :help:

    I made so many changes that I can only give the highlights to what I have done to the file.

    1) I have reworked the layout of both the external view (main help menu) and the internal lines in the file.
    2) I went through the entire and added links to pretty much everything!
    3) I added and fixed some details with the abilities, alignment, deities, races, classes, class features, skills, feats, spells, combat, character conditions, creature special abilities, equipment, monsters, and even the tutorial.
    4) In the abilities, alignment, deities, races, and classes, I added or rearranged some info. The classes now have all the class features, feats, and correct skills.
    5) The skills and feats have better layouts. I also added the Far Shot feat and the craftable items (with descriptions) for the Item Creation feats, Brew Potion, Craft Staff, Craft Rod, Forge Ring, and Craft Wonderous Item.
    6) All the spells have been worked through. I fixed all the errors (and corrected any links) I could find and added the four new spells, Destruction, Mislead, Modify Memory, and Sunburst.
    Note: I made a couple of changes in the spell descriptions to that correspond to spell updates (and future ones too!) from my modifications, here.
    7) I tried to improve the combat help. All the combat commands and actions should be as they are implemented in ToEE, which may not be as they are in the SRD.
    8) The character conditions and creature special abilities have been worked through with their correct effects in ToEE.
    9) Equipment: I added only a few weapons, no armor or shields, but the most I added were the craftable magic items. All the staffs, rods, rings, and wonderous items have been added!
    10) Monsters: I went through the monster descriptions and corrected any errors. I also added all the monsters that can be summoned (Summon Monster I though IX, Summon Nature's Ally I through IX, and even Giant Vermin).
    11) The tutorial only needed a few typo fixes.

    Finally, I added all the help file links in the Feat and Rolls History screens. The feat_enum.mes contains the fixes that I posted here. The spell_enum.mes also contains all the links to my spells (NOTE: They are NOT in the help file! YET!) posted here.

    The first changes you may notice is in the party pool and character creation screens. There is a shortcut in the party pool screen for a quick link to the help screen. The character creation screens should have links that make character creation a little easier for new players.

    NOTE: This is my baby and only is the first draft. I really need all your help and input to correct any mistakes, fix any errors, and give any general advice on my creation! :hug:

    I am posting the, spell_enum.mes, and feat_enum.mes files. All these files are in the attached zip file, Murlynd's Help -
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your original files! Only and spell_enum.mes MUST be backed up! If there are any problems with installation or any in general, just let me know.

    UPDATE: I have an update to Murlynd's Help - v1.4, see below or here.

    ENJOY!! :doublethuu

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 6, 2014
  5. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Cool stuff, particularly the craftables. :thumbsup:
  6. theruler

    theruler Member

    Nov 15, 2013
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  7. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I have to present an update for my additions. :)

    I forgot to add the monster stats for the Sorcerer/Wizard familiars. I added all the stats for the familiars, as creatures. The changes are in the Monster list under "Familiar" and in the Sorcerer and Wizard class features for Call Familiar.
    I also added a focus to the Destruction spell description for my posting, here.

    The only changes were to the file, but I am posting the, spell_enum.mes, and feat_enum.mes files. All these files are in the attached zip file, Murlynd's Help -
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your ORIGINAL files! Only and spell_enum.mes should be backed up! If there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY! :thumbsup:

    Attached Files:

  8. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Greetings theruler,

    I liked your layout for the spells! (I forgot to read ALL the postings in this thread!)

    If you don't mind, I have tried to put your suggestions into my help file. The link is under the "Spells" link in the main menu.
    I made a few changes, like the classes alphabetized and "Lv" instead of "Lev." If you see the attached picture, Spell screenshot.jpg, you will see my results.

    I put the changes to my help file, but I did notice a problem in my testing. When I would try to click on a few of the links (They are all correct!), I would have to click a couple of times or move my mouse around to get the link to activate! I wanted everyone to test this to see if my problem is a real problem or just with my display or mouse!

    NOTE: This posting is for TESTING only!

    I am attaching a zip with the file only! The file contains my updates for Murlynd's Help - v1.1! The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\mes\'.

    Thanks theruler for the suggestion! :gotmyatte

    ENJOY! :eyebrow:

    Attached Files:

  9. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Again I have an update for my additions. :roll:

    In the file, I found that the spell of Greater Command was missing! Sorry, I missed that one! :shame:

    I also went through the spell_enum.mes file to make sure ALL the spell links were correct in the Rolls History screen. However, I found a couple of spells that need fixes! The following are the corrections:
    - added link for Greater Command
    - fixed links for Lesser Restoration, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Lesser Confusion, Greater Magic Fang, Greater Magic Weapon, Mass Cat's Grace, and Resist Energy (You guessed correctly that the Lesser and Greater spells had typos!)

    I also found in the feat_enum.mes file that a few corrections were needed.
    - added one link to Stunning Fist
    - fixed links to 5 weapons from Weapon Focus to Weapon Finesse

    If anyone can find any links that I missed, PLEASE let me know!

    I am posting the corrections to, spell_enum.mes, and feat_enum.mes files. All these files are in the attached zip file, Murlynd's Help -
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your ORIGINAL files! Only and spell_enum.mes should be backed up! As always, if there are any problems just let me know.

    ENJOY! :anger:

    Attached Files:

  10. Aeroldoth

    Aeroldoth Established Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    This sounds amazingly good! One of things I always love to find in games are people who've fixed text errors. Most people may not care, but I do! I've been looking at many of the very unhelpful and very uninformative descriptions for various things and wishing I knew how to fix it. And here you are!! Now, I have a couple of questions.

    1) Will I have to start a new game to check the changes?
    2) Why don't we need to backup feat_enum.mes also?
    3) Is there anything specific we should be looking for?
    4) I'm not a modder here, so instead should I wait for this to be incorporated into mod updates?
  11. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Hello Aeroldoth,

    I hope I can answer your questions.

    1) You don't have to start a new game, but if you install the files, you will have to exit and restart the ToEE game to see the new help.
    2) The feat_enum.mes is included in one of the dll files, I forget which one, and is not located in the \Temple of Elemental Evil\data\rules folder. The new feat_enum.mes just over-rides the old one.
    3) Any typos, sentences that make little sense, any D&D rules that are missing or entered incorrectly, and any such things.
    4) You shouldn't have to wait. In my testing, the help file works correctly. I hope that it is incorporated! :joy:

    Note: I have already made a few minor fixes, so I will post the new version when I am done! Any of your input is greatly appreciated!

  12. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Greetings everyone, I have another update for my work on ToEE's help file. This time the update mostly concerns the links to the file in the Rolls History screen and a couple of errors in the game I found while working on this update.

    The first part is the error corrections. :writersbl

    The error is in the dial on the radial menu for turning/rebuking for the Earth and Air domains. If you look at the attached picture, Earth Domain fixing.jpg, the screenshot is from the pregenerated character, Eberk (a LG dwarf male cleric of Moradin), who has the Earth domain. The game radial menu (left screen) has "Rebuke Air / Turn Earth Creatures".
    However, the SRD has the Earth domain granted power of "Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead."
    The Earth domain granted power should be "Rebuke Earth / Turn Air Creatures", see screenshot (right screen). The Air domain has the same error just opposite of the Earth domain.
    I found that the error is in the combat.mes file. I corrected the text for both the Earth and Air domains and in my testing the turning/rebuking appeared to work properly before and after the text changes. If anyone notices any problems, please let me know!
    BTW: The Water and Fire domains didn't have any errors.

    The second part is the links to the file. These links are in the Rolls History screen. :paper:

    The following are the changes in the combat.mes file:
    1) for charging the Staff of Striking or any weapon (on Radial Menu): changed "Staff of Striking Set Charge" to "Set Weapon Charge"
    2) fixed typo "Tertiatry Attack" to "Tertiary Attack"
    3) fixed links for "Rebuke Earth / Turn Air Creatures", "Rebuke Air / Turn Earth Creatures", Detect Evil, Remove Disease, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Forge Ring
    4) added file links for Use Magic Device and "Full Attack - Throw"
    5) changed file links for Reload, Sleep Immunity, and Ready vs. Spell

    The following are the changes in the bonus.mes file:
    1) fixed links for Smite, Greater Magic Fang, Greater Magic Weapon, Cat's Grace, Greater Heroism, "Off Hand", "Dual Wield", "Weapon Nonproficiency Penalty", and "Condition: Flatfooted"
    2) changed links for Item, Feat, Critical, Fast Movement, Grapple, Animal Companion, Call Familiar, "Temp Ability Score Loss", "Perm Ability Score Drain", and "Dex bonus retained due to Uncanny Dodge"
    3) removed links for Deflection, Racial Bonus, Negative Energy, Nonhumanoid Target, "Fiendish Creature: Smite Good", and "Target has Animal Intelligence"
    4) added links for Medium Encumbrance, Heavy Encumbrance, Overburdened Encumbrance, "Temporary Negative Level - Item", and "Fast Movement lost due to Armor"
    5) Changed text on the Rolls History screen for the following:
    "Charging" to "Charge Attack"
    "Endurance" to "Bear's Endurance"
    "Blindness" to "Blinded"
    "Deafness" to "Deafened"
    "Barbarian Fatigue" to "Fatigue"
    "Magic Circle [Inward]" to "Magic Circle against (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) [Inward]"
    "Magic Circle [Outward]" to "Magic Circle against (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) [Outward]"
    "Protection" to "Protection from (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law)"
    "Emotion [Despair]" to "Crushing Despair"
    "Emotion [Hope]" to "Good Hope"
    "Emotion [Rage]" to "Rage"
    "Sword Fragarach: Always Hits" to "Sword of Answering: Always Hits"
    "Buckler bonus lost: Off-Hand or Two Handed attack made this round." to "Buckler bonus lost: Off-Hand or Two-Handed attack made this round"
    "Off-Hand or Two Handed attack while wearing buckler." to "Off-Hand or Two-Handed attack while wearing Buckler"
    (All the changed texts have correct links!)

    Lastly, I didn't forget about the file. I made only a couple of changes to it! :doh:

    For each class, I added a screen for the Base Attack Bonus (BAB) and Base Save Bonus (BSB) for each level. The attached picture, Barbarian BAB screen.jpg, shows the screen for a barbarian and his/her BAB and BSB for each level. The links for these screens are in the Class screens and in the "Class and Level Bonuses" screen.

    1) "Types of Feats" - modify description
    2) Combat Expertise and Track - add links
    3) Simple Weapon Proficiency - modify description (remove Rogue and link)

    1) Blink, Contagion, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic, Extraplanar Chest, Freedom of Movement, Invisibility, Miracle, Phantasmal Killer - modify descriptions
    2) Gentle Repose - add Target line (Missed that one!)

    1) Avoral, Celestial Polar Bear, all Familiars, Giant Lizard, 3 Salamanders, Thoqqua - modify descriptions

    I am posting the changes to the, combat.mes, bonus.mes, spell_enum.mes, and feat_enum.mes files. All these files are in the attached zip file, Murlynd's Help -
    Note: The spell_enum.mes and feat_enum.mes files are unchanged from v1.2.
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your ORIGINAL files! All the files, except for feat_enum.mes, should be backed up! If there are any problems just let me know.

    ENJOY! :dance:

    Attached Files:

  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Looking pretty sweet. Just FYI, there will most likely come a day when all this stuff will go into an official Co8 v8 update release, but we're pretty full-on with KotB atm.
  14. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Greetings everyone,

    I believe it is time to update the file and hopefully, this will be the last major upgrade. :roll:

    I have done some work on the equipment in the I have tried to add most of the weapons and armor that is in ToEE. I added the stats for the simple, martial, and exotic weapons, the stats for light, medium, and heavy armor, and I even added a few magical weapons and a few extra lists for the armor.

    The following is what I added or changed in the
    - added most weapon and armor and included stats
    - added a few magical weapons
    - modified main Weapon and Armor screens
    - added list to Magical Bardic Instrument screen
    - Eyes of Charming - modified description
    - fixed cleric spell levels for Dispel Air, Dispel Earth, Dispel Fire, and Dispel Water (They are tagged for Cleric Lv 4, should be Cleric Lv 5. Missed that one!) :doh:

    The following is the only change I made to the bonus.mes (in the Rolls History screen):
    - changed Class link from "Class" to "Class and Level Bonuses" (for easy access to the new class charts for Base Attack and Base Save Bonuses, see v1.3 posting)

    If I have made any errors in this posting (or previous ones), please let me know! :scratchhe

    The updates for and bonus.mes are included in the Murlynd's Help - The combat.mes, feat_enum.mes, and spell_enum.mes files are included, but are unchanged from v1.3. The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your ORIGINAL files! All the ORIGINAL files, except for feat_enum.mes, should be backed up! If there are any problems, comments, or suggestions, please just let me know.

    ENJOY! :doublethuu

    Attached Files:

  15. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    This is most impressive.

    I take it you zipped it up in the format so we can just extract it to the TOEE directory and it will put the files in the right places, (if we overwrite).

    At least I think that's what I got from your post. :)
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