I saw on the forums mentions that there is sticked somewhere a proto.tab editor. But I cannot find it. It still exists? If not, what tool you recommend to edit proto.tab without corruption it? My intention is to fix Scather on my game so that it follows what Gary Gygax said (instead of the wrong print on the book): It, it should be lawful good (not chaotic good, it does not even make sense as that, Prince Thrommel is a Paladin and Paladin cannot be Chaotic Good), and also set it as a sort of... Broadsword (I guess I will set it as a longsword... since ToEE does not have Broadsword... And Broadsword was just a term on 1800s to refer to medieval longswords, because in the 1800s they called what now we call rapiers, as longswords).
proto.tab ftw. Use the WorldBuilder to change any item or critter or even doorway in the game. http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2864 There is another great tool I use for the strateg.tab, it's called Phalzyr's Toee Proto Editor. I try to attach it since I don't know where I got it from and the crappy sorcerors pliss has the (probably down) ddl behind a video ad. lol. knock yourself out and tell me how'd it go