Improving the in-game Help

Discussion in 'Community Projects' started by Sitra Achara, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    read magic is used to identify scrolls. Easy to retool to also identify potions.
    detect magic has very different mode of operation.
  2. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    the spell stoneskin has a conflict between the descriptions on whether it costs 250gp or 500gp per cast.
    the spell identify should mention that it costs 100gp per cast in the short description.
  3. Fernando

    Fernando Established Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ok, I'm trying to understand what Sitra said above, in his detailed post. I've tried to start by adding "Ray of Clumsiness" description in, but I don't know where should I place it in there. Does it have an assigned number? Because, in that case, I've failed to understand that... I tried adding that description on the end of the file, below the last entry, but that didn't work. If anyone can point me where to put it, I believe I'll finally understand it.

    The other thing... looking in the srd, could it be that the "Ray of Clumsiness"... doesn´t exist? I found the Ray of Enfeeblement, but not this one. I also found that the Ray of Exhaustion (link), apparently, could be easily implemented on ToEE, but a search in here didn't brought out the subject. Is it more difficult than I tought (because I dunno if there is an "exhausted" state in ToEE, as the "fatigued" that already exists as an aftermath of the Barbarian Rage)? In any case, I could give it a shot in the future, given that I could succesfully do the things that I'm trying right now :p

    Sorry for all the questions, and thanks.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Other than after a barbarian rage, I don't know of anywhere else exhaustion exists in ToEE. It would be GREAT to trigger it though - new spells, cursed items, items with a side-effect etc. If anyone can think how to trigger it at will, please say so.
  5. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Ok, I've added/improved some spell descriptions, monster descriptions, and a small Co8 entry that will hopefully expand in the future.
    Also added a guide to editing etc in the first post.

    Changes made:

    • Spells:
      • Eyebite - shortened short description so it fits in the description box. Also added implementation note in
      • Heroes Feast - added long description.
      • Miracle - added short description.
      • Mass Heal - added short description.
      • Finger of death - added long description.
      • Disintegrate - added long description, corrected short description.
      • Scorching Ray - added long description.
      • Mordekainen's Sword - enhanced short description, added long description.
      • Summons - see below.
    • Summoned monster descriptions:
      • Added stats for:
      • Summon Monster I - all monsters.
      • Summon Monster II - all monsters.
      • Summon Monster III - Fiendish Large Viper
      • Summon Monster IV - Fiendish Huge Viper, Fiendish Large Monstrous Spider
      • Summon VI - Fiendish Huge Monstrous Spider
      • Summon VIII - Fiendish Gargantuan Monstrous Spider
      • Summon IX - Bebilith, Fiendish Colossal Monstrous Spider

    • Also added "Monsters" entry in main help menu, listing the above.
    • Added "Circle of Eight" entry in main help menu, with some important notes.

    Long descriptions taken from SRD, edited to comply with Co8 implementation (where relevant).

    Gaear, please merge these changes with the relevant files in data\mes (, spell.mes) and data\rules (spell_enum).

    That's it for this weekend, see you next friday.
    (I'd be happy if someone picked up the file and continued working on it in the meanwhile - it's a lot of "dirty work")

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    Last edited: Jun 26, 2010
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Good stuff, thanks.
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Further help file enhancements:

    • Expanded Animal Companion entry, including links.
    • Added all available animal companions:
      • Bears (polar brown, panda, black + celestial variants)
      • Jackal, Wolf, Attack Dog
      • Giant Lizard
      • Chicken
      • Dire Rat
    • Added Hell Hound.
    • Created expanded entries for Nature's Ally VI-IX.
    • Added links to Summon Monster spell entries for monsters that were added.
    • Some minor formatting (indentation of important stats).


    • Added: Dire Bear, Dire Bat, Dire Wolf, Yeth Hound, Constrictor Snake, Huge Constrictor Snake, and Celestial / Fiendish variants, and updated relevant summon spells.

    Till next week...

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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2010
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Added. (Mainly posting this so I don't forget what I have and haven't done.)

    Also, stickied. :thumbsup:
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    More additions:

    • Boars - Fiendish, Dire, Fiendish Dire
    • Hound Archon
    • Viper - Huge, Large, Medium, Small (non-fiendish variant)
      • also discovered bug in the smaller variants' attack
    • Hyperlinks to new entries
    • I discovered I made a mistake in Fort save calculations; I mistakely thought it was governed by STR rather than CON, so I adjusted as I thought it should be. Will be gradually fixing this.

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  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sitra, could you merge my version of this file with your running changes? It contains two differences:

    "leftmost position" instead of "positions" in the Co8 line, and 20 charges instead of 50 charges in the TAG_CRAFT_WAND TAG_FEATS_DES line.


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  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I've added all remaining Co8 custom high level spells for all classes to and cross-hyper-linked as appropriate. Spells should be complete now.
  12. theruler

    theruler Member

    Nov 15, 2013
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    I'd like to add my contribution to the spell list page.
    Arranged in a table would be more readable to me.

    TAG_SPELLS				Spells	Spells are broken down by class and level as below:@t~DRD~[TAG_DRUIDS]  @t~CLR~[TAG_CLERICS]  @t~SOR~[TAG_SORCERERS]    @t~WIZ~[TAG_WIZARDS]  @t~BRD~[TAG_BARDS]   @t~PAL~[TAG_PALADINS]    @t~RGR~[TAG_RANGERS]------------------------------------------------------------------@t~Lev. 0~[TAG_DRUID_0] @t~Lev. 0~[TAG_CLERIC_0] @t~Lev. 0~[TAG_SORCERER_0] @t~Lev. 0~[TAG_WIZARD_0] @t~Lev. 0~[TAG_BARD_0] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_PALADIN_1] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_RANGER_1]@t~Lev. 1~[TAG_DRUID_1] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_CLERIC_1] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_SORCERER_1] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_WIZARD_1] @t~Lev. 1~[TAG_BARD_1] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_PALADIN_2] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_RANGER_2]@t~Lev. 2~[TAG_DRUID_2] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_CLERIC_2] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_SORCERER_2] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_WIZARD_2] @t~Lev. 2~[TAG_BARD_2] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_PALADIN_3] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_RANGER_3]@t~Lev. 3~[TAG_DRUID_3] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_CLERIC_3] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_SORCERER_3] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_WIZARD_3] @t~Lev. 3~[TAG_BARD_3] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_PALADIN_4] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_RANGER_4]@t~Lev. 4~[TAG_DRUID_4] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_CLERIC_4] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_SORCERER_4] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_WIZARD_4] @t~Lev. 4~[TAG_BARD_4]@t~Lev. 5~[TAG_DRUID_5] @t~Lev. 5~[TAG_CLERIC_5] @t~Lev. 5~[TAG_SORCERER_5] @t~Lev. 5~[TAG_WIZARD_5] @t~Lev. 5~[TAG_BARD_5]@t~Lev. 6~[TAG_DRUID_6] @t~Lev. 6~[TAG_CLERIC_6] @t~Lev. 6~[TAG_SORCERER_6] @t~Lev. 6~[TAG_WIZARD_6] @t~Lev. 6~[TAG_BARD_6]@t~Lev. 7~[TAG_DRUID_7] @t~Lev. 7~[TAG_CLERIC_7] @t~Lev. 7~[TAG_SORCERER_7] @t~Lev. 7~[TAG_WIZARD_7]@t~Lev. 8~[TAG_DRUID_8] @t~Lev. 8~[TAG_CLERIC_8] @t~Lev. 8~[TAG_SORCERER_8] @t~Lev. 8~[TAG_WIZARD_8]@t~Lev. 9~[TAG_DRUID_9] @t~Lev. 9~[TAG_CLERIC_9] @t~Lev. 9~[TAG_SORCERER_9] @t~Lev. 9~[TAG_WIZARD_9]
    Just my two cents.

    here's how it looks:

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    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
  13. sunspear732

    sunspear732 Archmage of Greyhawk

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I have an idea for exhaustion!!! :D

    Say an enemy damages/drains your Strength (I have also noted that Ability Drain never seems to show up), if your Strength lowers so much, so that you would become Encumbered, in the middle of combat, you become Exhausted from the sudden loss of Strength and what probably feels like an increase in weight. Removing the Ability Damage/Drain or removing enough items so that the victim is no longer Encumbered removes Exhaustion. Resting also does. However, after resting, 10 rounds of combat for the victim will cause Exhaustion (FULL combat rounds only). Exiting combat alone does not remove Exhaustion.

    I'm not a computer tech, so idk any codes. I'll leave the reality up to the people who know what they are doing. :)

    P.S. Also cause Exhaustion to any characters (generally all, since all party members rest at the same time) who have been awake and active for more than 12 hours. (Magical Sleep restarts the countdown; uncosciousness [stabilized or no] and death do not) Note: Do NOT make the recruitable NPCs who are not in your party Exhausted. And don't make NPCs in general Exhausted. Only the ones in your party. :)

    Good luck and thanks for reading! :D

    EDIT: This is an idea on how to cause Exhaustion, not what it does (Please describe it, as I don't know myself! Lol).

    EDIT: Being Disabled counts as being active. There is also an option that lot of people will probably disapprove of: Exhaustion from Travelling (Exlcuding Travelling within Hommlet or Verbobonc). Let me know what you think. :)
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  14. sunspear732

    sunspear732 Archmage of Greyhawk

    Dec 31, 2013
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    THAT is a VERY good question. Is it fixed? It should just be instantaneous for the entire map you're on, like in Baldur's Gate. One time, (after I finally figured out that Zert was evil) I cast Detect Evil with him in the center of the cone. This did NOTHING (he was not in my party and was still in the Inn of the Welcome Wench), until I rested, which was when red rings started floating around him until I left Hommlet (I ran all around the village and checked back frequently).

    Any ideas on what could be wrong? :(

    P.S. Can anyone tell me why I can't learn Hold Portal (probably in the Release Notes that I was too lazy to read). o_O I don't see where it could be used, but I am mildly curious.
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Use it on a door.

    Fatigue / Exhaustion is not really supported by the engine, beyond barbarian fatigue. But then many of the things that cause fatigue, such as forced marches, swimming etc, are not supported. Pity.
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