verbobonc not appearing on my world map. I seam to rember that their is a fix for this but I tried searching and i could not find it.
What do you mean "not appearing"? It is never on the map, there is just a "Passage to Verbobonc" entry in the list to the right.
All console commands are listed in gazra_1979's TOEE GAME GUIDE AND WALKTHROUGH. There is a banner above this thread, simply click on it and you'll find the commands near the end.
Give a man a console code and solve one of his problems ..... give a man access to a plethora of console commands, hints and problem solutions and make his gaming experience much less frustrating.
You're saying that when you kill Zugg and go away to Verbobonc, it's still not listed as a known location on your worldmap list in 8.0.1?
Yes - this was the option with the skull destroyed by Pishella. On a side note - I did the Zuggy fight twice - neither time with the Verbo option appearing on the world map. The interesting thing is - the first time - I gave the skull to Pishella WITHOUT the gems in it (just for s*** and giggles) - still got Zugs' fight and still had the gems with their wonderful properties intact when I arrived in Verbo - did the Drow/Dragon job to the outside cave and that area DID appear on the world map but still no "passage to Verbo" - tried Zuggy again with the gems in the (destroyed) skull - same result. Then I found this thread & consoled it in And - no I wouldn't have kept the gems anyway - way too gamey.....
I ran into this bug as well after going the 'have Pishella destroy the skull with all gems' route and killing Zuggy. Console command above fixed it right up.
To anybody still reading this thread, THERE IS A PATCH THAT FIXES THIS AND A FEW OTHER BUGS. Get it from the patch links you see at the top of every page.