1. Is it possible to add more races to ToEE? I'd like to see things like drow and some of the other races, that would make things interesting. 2. I would like to know if there's anything I could possibly do to help with possibly improving the game, adding content, things of that nature. I like ToEE a lot and would love to help make it as best a game as possible. I don't have actual coding skills as in having gone to school to learn this. However I am good at modding things. Back in the day when Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun was all the rage I taught myself how to mod the game through internal files to the point of creating my own playable faction that could be chosen from the main menu. Can't count the CtDs I went through on that one.
1. Assuming you mean races for PCs - then no, not in a complete way. Complete, as in, supported by the mechanics/UI of the game. That would require some serious DLL hacking. However, a while ago there was a sort of work-around where you could add a pregenerated Giant PC to the party pool screen, so I guess you could also include Drow and others that way. You can find it by searching in the old posts, I guess. 2. Well, there's always something to do. Part of the reason I started modding ToEE was that it was such a broken, incomplete game at release Personally, I just act on my own initiative, and submit my work for incorporation. Much of ToEE modding has been done that way. Maybe Gaear and ShiningTed would like help in Verbobonc or KotB, as more of a team effort, but I'll let them speak for themselves. What I generally do is find something that bothers me and try to fix or improve it. Can the game be made to respond to my actions? Can I script the combat AI of an encounter to be more intelligent? Is there a missing element from the P&P module that I can implement? Can I work around some engine deficiency? That sort of thing. And the odd bug fix here and there, of course.
What about modding some weapons? I don't mean ungodly weapons either. I was thinking of adding interesting things that won't break the game.