Circle of Eight Modpack v7 / v7 NC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by UncleBuck, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Gehennis said:

    The upside is that now I can go back and try new party builds, strategies and whatnot- and considering that some of those other play thrus were done before some of the NC was moved to Verbononnoc, I think I might actually have to think up some new ways to play the game- which is were all the fun comes from of course..

    You speak from my heart brother. ;)
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    @Gehennis, at some point I would like to interview you about your experiences with Zugg with all the alignments, as that whole thing is one of the last vanilla elements we still need to troubleshoot. We need to know about any oddities, hangups, etc. etc. I know you've detailed them all to some extent above, but a condensed version would be nice.

    The main reason for this is the NC-related disabling of the endgame after you deal with her.

    Re: Hickory Branch, that train has sailed. It has to be moved to restore balance, end of story. While it's creation and that of all the other NC is laudable, we were wrong to just plop all that in the middle of the game and assume there would be no carryover effect.
  3. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    @Gaer- just let me know what you're looking for and what kind of format you want it in- I'll load up the saves I have from just before confronting Zuggy to refresh my memory (although I tend to play some of the neutral alignments as less combative towards Zuggs, i.e., they just want the gem hoard). My only comment on moving Hickory Branch is this- what- now I have to buy arrows? :)
  4. Nightcanon

    Nightcanon Garrulous Halfling

    May 7, 2012
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    Hi Gaear, I certainly wasn't complaining re moving HB, and I'm sorry if it came out that way. I loved the fact that the NC stuff meant I could almost play an entirely separate game post-Moathouse, which made a change from dungeon-crawling the temple for the nth time, but you're right that it then does alter the challenge level of the vanilla content . Zugg at level 12 without destroying the skull first and various style restrictions (notably no Scather or flashy magic) was a great challenge, and one I'vemissed out on in the past as I suggested.. Of course, it cuts both ways. I've been accustomed to doing the early Verbo quests at around level 7-9, so going with a bunch of 13th level PCs I breezed through the drow and white dragons. From that point of view the new, harder HB sounds great.
  5. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Have just refinished the temple with a new LG party composed of fighter 1/paladin 12, fighter 1/cleric 12, fighter 1/cleric 12, rogue 13, wizard 13 and sorcerer 13- observations as follows:

    1- Balor guardians can fall to the Mind Fog spell, which cuts their save vs. Abjuration spells in half- very handy when casting Dismissal...

    2-doing nearly all good quests while defeating all the bad guys raised the party to level 13 by the time the fought Zuggy. W/O destroying the skull she has 882 HP, destroying it she had 601 HP. The responses went like this:

    a- meet the hag- chose responses 2, 2, 1, 3 (eye appears), 1 (exit)

    Apply buffs, move a little and meet Zuggy in true form. Responses are this:

    If the Intimidate skill of the party's spokesman is high enough 1-"No, Zuggtmoy you shall die like all the others in your worthless temple!", 2- [attack], 3- [try to run], 4- [soil yourself]

    3- Zuggy attacks. "You think you are my equal?" etc. (summoned 2 vrocks this time but not for several rounds).

    4- at 3 HP Zuggy speaks: "Stop mortal! You have powers that I did not imagine. Let us stop this fighting. I will surrender."

    a- Responses are: 1- "You expect mercy? What do you offer for quarter?" and 2- "No foul demon! You shall have no mercy, just as you have shown none to all of your victims!" I went with 2 :).

    5- defeat Zuggy, movie plays, take gem hoard and teleport to Verbobonnoc.

    The wizard has the Heighten Spell metamagic feat, which came in handy. Not as much crafting done as before, especially for weapons- only did the shortbow of the rogue and the crossbows of the wizard and sorcerer- +1 to each and only 1 other enhancement on each: Holy for the rogue's shortbow, axiomatic for the sorcerer's light crossbow and shock for the wizard's heavy crossbow.

    2 minor things: had to get rid of Spell Permanency on the sorcerer (invisible) and one of the clerics (protection from Elements-Fire)- the spell effects were gone but the characters retained the spell's affects- i.e. the sorcerer maintained a transparent, almost ghostly look and the cleric still had the ring of flames around her. None of this seems to have affected the game though...
  6. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Just reread the spells list on the sticky under Gaer's signature and noticed that my 13th level clerics didn't have access to the higher level domain spells- at least, not as domain spells... Now that I think about it, it might be that not every alignment has high level domain spells?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I just noticed that the Kukri is listed as an exotic weapon (in v 7.8). Per the SRD, it's martial.
  8. BenWH

    BenWH BGPHughes

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I am also playing 7.8 NC and my cleric also does not get any spells listed for his domain at level 6 (Sun and Good).
  9. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    My Paladin of Palor has not received anything but level one spells even though he has progressed far enough to have a few second level spells.

    7.8NC with new Front End.
  10. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    His wisdom is at least 12, right?
  11. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Yup, 10 for level 0 spells, 11 for level 1 spells and so on. ;)
  12. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Just a quick question: having restarted another play thru on the alingments I just defeated Hedrack with a CE party- why in the world does Protection from Good help him when my party's alignment is CE? Is the game making an assumption here or what? And on a side note, why would Cuthbert even care that 2 evil foes are fighting- unless he fears that the player's pc's might turn out to be worse than Iuz? ;)
  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I didn't think he stepped in when an evil party is whooping up the H man.

    And yeah, WHY would he care?
  14. Belcanzor

    Belcanzor Member

    Jun 16, 2013
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    Re: Resurrection NPC

    I know this is not the right thread, but I want to mention that Wonnilon is stuck in the same chat, he is already in the hideout and I still "untie the gnome" every time I try to talk to him, a new dialog appear after I got the first deliver of items, but later I come back with the scroll and crossbow and after the "untie the gnome" nothing new is show in the dialogue. Is a way to fix that with console? I already begin a new game because my lack of knowledge of the new set of rules made me do many errors in my party build.
    To mod: Already search and cannot find another ppl with same Wonilon error, maybe I made a wrong search? I search for "Wonnilon".
  15. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Re: Resurrection NPC

    @Belcanzor I'll *try to reproduce your issue later and let's see if I can help you with that. Still downloading the Co8 modpack. :p
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