[WIP] ToEE Front-End X 5.0 Progress Report

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Agetian, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    UPDATE: Updated to Release Candidate 9. Some documentation updates. Added an option to switch the random number generation algorithm from the Patch 2 Mersenne Twister to the original vanilla Quick'n'Dirty. This option is only useful for people who want to see the original RNG algorithm in action. Keep in mind, however, that the old algorithm was considered inferior by the developer and was known to underperform (even compared to Mersenne Twister). If, however, you played in the vanilla/patch 1 days and liked your experience and now believe that you're having worse random number generation results with Mersenne Twister, you may want to try out the old algorithm for nostalgic reasons (but don't keep your hopes up too much ;)).

    EDIT: Also, working on a FAQ here. Here's the current set of questions and answers, feel free to suggest something to add (or ask a question or two so that I can have them answered and possibly put in the FAQ if they are important and interesting enough):

    Q: Why is there a need for the new ToEE Front-End X?
    A: The original, classic ToEE Front-End X is quite good, but over the years of
       usage it has proven to have certain weaknesses and issues that have recurring
       character and that bother the users. The file formats used by the front-end
       and the general technology are solid and well-tested though, and that demands
       a rewrite which keeps the strong points of ToEE Front-End X while taking care
       of the weak points. Also, as the Circle of Eight community is progressing
       with the mod pack, there is a demand for some new and updated features, which
       also means that a new version of ToEE Front-End X needs to be released.
    Q1: I'm already using ToEE Front-End X version 3.x. Do I need to completely
        reinstall my game in order to start using the new ToEE Front-End X?
    Q2: When the next version of the Circle of Eight Modpack is released together
        with the new ToEE Front-End X, will I have to reinstall the game to use the
        new mod pack and the new front-end?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X v4.0 Maywind is fully backwards compatible with the
       classic ToEE Front-End X v3.x. Moreover, it is designed to be a drop-in
       replacement for the old front-end. As such, you do not need to take any extra
       action in order to start using the new front-end - you just need to overwrite
       your old front-end with the new one and you are immediately ready to go. Your
       options and module activation settings will be preserved as is. The only
       minor exception here is the case if you're using a highly dated version of
       ToEE Front-End X (in particular, v2.0 or lower). In that case, you will still
       be able to run the game immediately with the new front-end after copying it
       into the game folder (so, you don't need to reinstall anything), but you may
       want to check the game options in the "Options" menu of ToEE Front-End X to
       make sure that all the options are still set up correctly (enabled or
       disabled as you need them).
    Q: I'm still using a very old ToEE Front-End (ToEEFE) from mid-2000s that was
       released before ToEE Front-End X and shipped with the v4.x.x builds of the
       Circle of Eight Modpack. Can I upgrade my installation to the new ToEE
       Front-End X format without reinstalling the game?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X does not support converting an installation using
       a technology as old as ToEEFE 3.0 or 4.0 into the new format. Moreover, 
       attempting to run the new ToEE Front-End X on an installation like that will
       have unpredictable side effects which are practically guaranteed to ruin
       your game. You will have to reinstall your game to start using the new 
       ToEE Front-End X and the newer builds of the modpack. If you need to back up 
       anything (like saved games or player character files), please do so manually
       before reinstalling.
    Q1: Does the new ToEE Front-End X require .NET Framework?
    Q2: I have Java 6 installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE Front-End X?
    Q3: I have Java 7 installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE Front-End X?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X Maywind is written in Java and is designed to run
       on the Java virtual machine. As such, it does not depend on .NET Framework
       but requires Java Runtime Environment to be installed. The minimum requirement
       for the version of Java is 1.6.0. As such, ToEE Front-End X can work with
       both Java 6 and Java 7 without any restrictions or caveats.
    Q: I have Java 5 or lower installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE
       Front-End X?
    A: No. Unfortunately, the minimum requirement for ToEE Front-End X is Java 6.
       If you're using a Java Runtime Environment as old as Java 5 or lower, you
       should consider upgrading.
    Q: I'm using the open source OpenJDK instead of the standard Oracle JRE. Will
       ToEE Front-End X run on OpenJDK or do I need the proprietary Oracle package?
    A: ToEE Front-End X is fully compatible with OpenJDK 6 and OpenJDK 7 and will
       run on systems running OpenJDK without any restrictions or caveats.
    Q: I'm using the GNU Classpath set of libraries for Java. Can I use the new
       ToEE Front-End X with it?
    A: No, ToEE Front-End X uses some of the features of JDK that are not (yet) in
       GNU Classpath and, as such, is not compatible with it. You will have to 
       install either OpenJDK or the standard Oracle JRE to run ToEE Front-End X.
    Q1: Is ToEE Front-End X Maywind compatible with Linux?
    Q2: Is ToEE Front-End X Maywind compatible with Mac OS X?
    A: Yes, ToEE Front-End X is designed in a way that allows it to run on multiple
       platforms in a consistent and reliable way. ToEE Front-End X was tested on
       several different Linux systems, both 32-bit and 64-bit, and was confirmed
       to work properly without any extra dependencies. While it was not officially
       tested on Mac OS X, it should work on it as long as Java and Wine are both
    Q1: Do I need Mono to run ToEE Front-End X on Linux?
    Q2: Do I still need an unreliable hacky version of ToEE Front-End X to use it
        on Linux?
    A: No, Mono is not required for the new ToEE Front-End X as it does not depend
       on anything related to .NET Framework. Also, a special version of ToEE Front-
       End X is no longer required for its operation on Linux and other operating
       systems. No matter whether you are on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, or another
       system with Java (and Wine if necessary), you will be using the exact same
       version of ToEE Front-End X, with the same level of stability and the same
       set of features.
    Q: Is Wine required for ToEE Front-End X itself on Linux/Mac OS X?
    A: No, ToEE Front-End X can be launched without Wine, but Wine is required to 
       run the game from the front-end on operating systems other than Windows. 
       Since it is the only way to run ToEE on non-Microsoft operating systems, 
       Wine is required on all Linux and other Unix-like systems for correct 
    Q1: ToEE Front-End X could not launch the game and showed an error instead. Why?
    Q2: ToEE Front-End X was supposed to launch the game and closed itself as if
        getting ready to start ToEE, but the game never started. Why?
    A: There can be a variety of reasons why ToEE Front-End X may fail to start the
       game. If you are on Microsoft Windows Vista or a newer operating system from
       Microsoft, please ensure you are running the front-end as administrator. Not
       running the front-end as administrator may result in the denial of permission
       to launch and executable file from the game folder. Also, please ensure that
       your game is not installed to any system folder (e.g. Program Files), as it
       may cause additional trouble for the front-end as the system is reluctant to
       give full permission to read, write, and execute files in the game directory
       to a third party program if the game directory is a part of a certain system
       path. Instead, please consider installing ToEE to a custom directory, such
       as C:\Games. Another situation which may lead to a failure when starting the
       game may occur if a certain anti-malware software blacklists and/or deletes
       the main game executable (toee.exe) while ToEE Front-End X is attempting to
       start it (this may happen in case the scanner considers toee.exe to be a 
       trojan virus, even when it's a false positive). In a case like that, you can
       restore the executable, disable your scanning software and then try again.
       On Linux and other Unix-like systems, the game may fail to start if Wine is
       not installed or is installed incorrectly. Another possible reason for failure
       is the absence of execute (+x) permissions on the main ToEE executable
       (toee.exe). While the front-end will attempt to run the game even without
       having an execute permission by calling Wine directly with a parameter, if all
       other things fail, try changing the permissions on toee.exe in such a way that
       it includes execute (e.g., chmod +x ./toee.exe).
    Q1: I launched the front-end and it showed me a warning saying that one of the
        game executable files (toee.exe and/or temple.dll) was not found but it was
        possible to successfully recover it. Why?
    Q2: I launched the front-end and it was unable to start, showing an error that
        one of the game executable files (toee.exe and/or temple.dll) was not found
        and it was impossible to recover it. Why?
    A: This problem typically happens on Microsoft Windows systems on which some
       virus scanning software is present that detects a (usually false positive)
       trojan horse virus in either toee.exe or temple.dll (the former is by far
       the most common scenario). All the executables that are bundled with the
       Circle of Eight Modpack are tested to be virus-free and, as such, are false
       positives if blacklisted this way. If this happens to you, you should consider
       adding both toee.exe and temple.dll into the trusted list (white list) of your
       antivirus scanner (if possible) or disabling the scanner while playing the
       game. If the blacklisting occurs, however, ToEE Front-End X will try to recover
       from the situation gracefully by looking for alternative backup locations for
       the executables. In most circumstances, it is possible to recover the files
       from known backup locations. However, it may sometimes be impossible, in which
       case ToEE Front-End X will fail to start with a critical error. If that happens,
       consider recovering the mentioned files manually. In either case, you will have
       to do something about your antivirus scanner to avoid this potential situation
       in the future. NOTE: in case you install the new ToEE Front-End X Maywind on
       a fresh game installation, it will automatically maximize the capabilities of
       the self-recover subsystem. If you upgrade your installation from a previous
       version of ToEE Front-End X, the options for self-recovery may be somewhat more
       limited, even though not substantially (basically, if you upgrade from a TFE-X
       v3.x installation, the self-recovery will work the same way as the TFE-X-repair
       utility worked; if you install ToEE Front-End X v4.0 Maywind from scratch, it
       will be able to do everything TFE-X-repair could do and also a little bit more).
    - Agetian
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Thank you Agetian,

    My version 6 build 32 will work and I'm happy. :)
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    @ sirchet: I'm glad I could make it work seamlessly for you and for everyone else who is on Java 6! :) Thanks!

    - Agetian
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Hey Ag, a couple things ...

    If we think that the Program Files limited access issue is significant enough (and personally I think it will only continue to be moreso, as more and more players inevitably migrate to more modern OSs than Windows XP), we could update the modpack installation instructions to reflect an 'assumed' installation to a neutral directory like C:/games/ToEE. This would have no adverse affects on XP users beyond them having to reinstall the game to such a location if they wished, and they would of course still have the option to leave it or install the game wherever they want. We could do likewise with the installation utility, where it would default to C:/games/ToEE as the location to install the modpack and force users to navigate to a different directory if desired. (Currently the default directory is C:/Program/Files/Atari/ToEE - the boxed vanilla default location.)

    Also, you may want to elaborate a bit more on the antivirus snafu, namely the fact that some AV makes may actually have to be uninstalled in order to stop them killing toee.exe.

    Looking good otherwise.

    Oh, and I forgot about the launch icon but I will try to work that up for you soon.
  5. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Thanks, Gaear! Yeah, I agree, we probably should change the path to something else and update the mod docs to reflect the change, it's a good call! I will definitely update the documentation a bit more soon according to your suggestions! ;)

    - Agetian
  6. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Updated the FAQ:

    Q: Why is there a need for the new ToEE Front-End X?
    A: The original, classic ToEE Front-End X is quite good, but over the years of
       usage it has proven to have certain weaknesses and issues that have recurring
       character and that bother the users. The file formats used by the front-end
       and the general technology are solid and well-tested though, and that demands
       a rewrite which keeps the strong points of ToEE Front-End X while taking care
       of the weak points. Also, as the Circle of Eight community is progressing
       with the mod pack, there is a demand for some new and updated features, which
       also means that a new version of ToEE Front-End X needs to be released.
    Q1: I'm already using ToEE Front-End X version 3.x. Do I need to completely
        reinstall my game in order to start using the new ToEE Front-End X?
    Q2: When the next version of the Circle of Eight Modpack is released together
        with the new ToEE Front-End X, will I have to reinstall the game to use the
        new mod pack and the new front-end?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X v4.0 Maywind is fully backwards compatible with the
       classic ToEE Front-End X v3.x. Moreover, it is designed to be a drop-in
       replacement for the old front-end. As such, you do not need to take any extra
       action in order to start using the new front-end - you just need to overwrite
       your old front-end with the new one and you are immediately ready to go. Your
       options and module activation settings will be preserved as is. The only
       minor exception here is the case if you're using a highly dated version of
       ToEE Front-End X (in particular, v2.0 or lower). In that case, you will still
       be able to run the game immediately with the new front-end after copying it
       into the game folder (so, you don't need to reinstall anything), but you may
       want to check the game options in the "Options" menu of ToEE Front-End X to
       make sure that all the options are still set up correctly (enabled or
       disabled as you need them).
    Q: I'm still using a very old ToEE Front-End (ToEEFE) from mid-2000s that was
       released before ToEE Front-End X and shipped with the v4.x.x builds of the
       Circle of Eight Modpack. Can I upgrade my installation to the new ToEE
       Front-End X format without reinstalling the game?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X does not support converting an installation using
       a technology as old as ToEEFE 3.0 or 4.0 into the new format. Moreover, 
       attempting to run the new ToEE Front-End X on an installation like that will
       have unpredictable side effects which are practically guaranteed to ruin
       your game. You will have to reinstall your game to start using the new 
       ToEE Front-End X and the newer builds of the modpack. If you need to back up 
       anything (like saved games or player character files), please do so manually
       before reinstalling.
    Q: If anything goes wrong (e.g. I end up using ToEE on a computer without Java),
       is it still possible to use the old ToEE Front-End X on an installation which
       was updated to use the new version?
    A: First of all, please remember that the old front-end is deprecated and we
       do not recommend to use it anymore now that the new one is tested and
       released.  However, due to the nature of the new ToEE Front-End X as a
       drop-in replacement for the old front-end, the old Front-End (v3.x) has
       limited forward compatibility with the new front-end which allows it to be
       used interchangeably with the new one. In particular, you can use the two
       front-ends side by side if necessary (just rename the executable of one of
       them so they don't overwrite one another). You can also go back to using the
       old front-end and then switch over to the new front-end again. However, there
       is a caveat: you have to keep in mind that the old front-end has a certain
       fixed set of features and it can't make use of any of the advanced features
       supported by the new ToEE Front-End X Maywind. As such, if you configure the
       game with the new front-end and then launch it with the old one, the game
       will start, but some of the new options from the new front-end will either be
       inaccessible or even disabled. In particular, there is no way to change the
       portrait pack from the old front-end and the game launched from the old FE
       will use the portrait pack that was last chosen in the new front-end. Also,
       there is no way to choose the random number generator from the old front-end
       and it will always use the new algorithm even if the vanilla one was chosen
       in the new front-end. The windowed mode will be restricted to whichever
       resolution was last set in the new front-end, even if you change the
       resolution in the old front-end. Also, please remember that the old front-end
       still has all the bugs and issues that it always had, so you will not be
       protected from having the issues with the old front-end that you've always
       had even if you installed the new front-end and configured your game with it
       once.  As such, unless you absolutely must switch back to the old front-end
       for an unavoidable reason, you are highly discouraged from doing so. If you
       have to, please remember that we no longer support the old front-end and do
       not provide support for the users using the old front-end or a mixed
       front-end installation.
    Q1: Does the new ToEE Front-End X require .NET Framework?
    Q2: I have Java 6 installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE Front-End X?
    Q3: I have Java 7 installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE Front-End X?
    A: The new ToEE Front-End X Maywind is written in Java and is designed to
       run on the Java virtual machine. As such, it does not depend on .NET
       Framework but requires Java Runtime Environment to be installed. The minimum
       requirement for the version of Java is 1.6.0. As such, ToEE Front-End X can
       work with both Java 6 and Java 7 without any restrictions or caveats.
    Q: I have Java 5 or lower installed on my computer. Can I use the new ToEE
       Front-End X?
    A: No. Unfortunately, the minimum requirement for ToEE Front-End X is Java 6.
       If you're using a Java Runtime Environment as old as Java 5 or lower, you
       should consider upgrading.
    Q: I'm using the open source OpenJDK instead of the standard Oracle JRE. Will
       ToEE Front-End X run on OpenJDK or do I need the proprietary Oracle package?
    A: ToEE Front-End X is fully compatible with OpenJDK 6 and OpenJDK 7 and will
       run on systems running OpenJDK without any restrictions or caveats.
    Q: I'm using the GNU Classpath set of libraries for Java. Can I use the new
       ToEE Front-End X with it?
    A: No, ToEE Front-End X uses some of the features of JDK that are not (yet) in
       GNU Classpath and, as such, is not compatible with it. You will have to 
       install either OpenJDK or the standard Oracle JRE to run ToEE Front-End X.
    Q1: Is ToEE Front-End X Maywind compatible with Linux?
    Q2: Is ToEE Front-End X Maywind compatible with Mac OS X?
    A: Yes, ToEE Front-End X is designed in a way that allows it to run on multiple
       platforms in a consistent and reliable way. ToEE Front-End X was tested on
       several different Linux systems, both 32-bit and 64-bit, and was confirmed
       to work properly without any extra dependencies. While it was not officially
       tested on Mac OS X, it should work on it as long as Java and Wine are both
    Q1: Do I need Mono to run ToEE Front-End X on Linux?
    Q2: Do I still need an unreliable hacky version of ToEE Front-End X to use it
        on Linux?
    A: No, Mono is not required for the new ToEE Front-End X as it does not depend
       on anything related to .NET Framework. Also, a special version of ToEE Front-
       End X is no longer required for its operation on Linux and other operating
       systems. No matter whether you are on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, or another
       system with Java (and Wine if necessary), you will be using the exact same
       version of ToEE Front-End X, with the same level of stability and the same
       set of features.
    Q: Is Wine required for ToEE Front-End X itself on Linux/Mac OS X?
    A: No, ToEE Front-End X can be launched without Wine, but Wine is required to 
       run the game from the front-end on operating systems other than Windows. 
       Since it is the only way to run ToEE on non-Microsoft operating systems, 
       Wine is required on all Linux and other Unix-like systems for correct 
    Q: Can I use the JAR file to launch ToEE Front-End X directly instead of using
       the executable (.exe) on Windows or the shell script (.sh) on Unix/Linux?
    A: Technically speaking, you can, but you shouldn't. The platform-specific
       executables perform some extra initialization that can potentially help in
       certain difficult cases where otherwise the front-end may have trouble
       initializing. Therefore, while it's possible to use the JAR file directly
       and in most cases it will work the same way as when using a platform-specific
       executable, you're better off launching ToEE Front-End X via a launcher
       in order to avoid getting into potential difficulties.
    Q1: ToEE Front-End X could not launch the game and showed an error instead. Why?
    Q2: ToEE Front-End X was supposed to launch the game and closed itself as if
        getting ready to start ToEE, but the game never started. Why?
    A: There can be a variety of reasons why ToEE Front-End X may fail to start
       the game. Depending on what exactly happens and how the operating system
       treats it, the front-end may either detect the failure and show the error
       message or be none the wiser about the fact that something had failed. If you
       are on Microsoft Windows Vista or a newer operating system from Microsoft,
       please ensure you are running the front-end as administrator. Not running the
       front-end as administrator may result in the denial of permission to launch
       an executable file from the game folder. Also, please ensure that your game
       is not installed to any system folder (e.g. Program Files), as it may cause
       additional trouble for the front-end as the system is reluctant to give full
       permission to read, write, and execute files in the game directory to a third
       party program if the game directory is a part of a certain system path.
       Instead, please consider installing ToEE to a custom directory, such as
       C:\Games. Another situation which may lead to a failure when starting the
       game may occur if a certain anti-malware software blacklists and/or deletes
       the main game executable (toee.exe) while ToEE Front-End X is attempting to
       start it (this may happen in case the scanner considers toee.exe to be a
       trojan virus, even when it's a false positive). In a case like that, you can
       restore the executable, disable your scanning software and then try again.
       Please note that with some (rare) antivirus software, you may even have to
       uninstall it [and install a better one] if you don't find a way to whitelist
       the executable binaries or to disable active scanning.  On Linux and other
       Unix-like systems, the game may fail to start if Wine is not installed or is
       installed incorrectly. Another possible reason for failure is the absence of
       execute (+x) permissions on the main ToEE executable (toee.exe). While the
       front-end will attempt to run the game even without having an execute
       permission by calling Wine directly with a parameter, if all other things
       fail, try changing the permissions on toee.exe in such a way that it includes
       execute (e.g., chmod +x ./toee.exe).
    Q1: I launched the front-end and it showed me a warning saying that one of the
        game executable files (toee.exe and/or temple.dll) was not found but it was
        possible to successfully recover it. Why?
    Q2: I launched the front-end and it was unable to start, showing an error that
        one of the game executable files (toee.exe and/or temple.dll) was not found
        and it was impossible to recover it. Why?
    A: This problem typically happens on Microsoft Windows systems on which some
       virus scanning software is present that detects a (usually false positive)
       trojan horse virus in either toee.exe or temple.dll (the former is by far the
       most common scenario). All the executables that are bundled with the Circle
       of Eight Modpack are tested to be virus-free and, as such, are false
       positives if blacklisted this way. If this happens to you, you should
       consider adding both toee.exe and temple.dll into the trusted list (white
       list) of your antivirus scanner (if possible) or disabling the scanner while
       playing the game. Certain antivirus software may have to be fully uninstalled
       to make things work because there is no way to whitelist the executable
       binaries or disable active scanning (if you are a proud owner of software
       like that, it might be a good time to look for some better antivirus programs
       on the market). If the blacklisting occurs, however, ToEE Front-End X will
       try to recover from the situation gracefully by looking in alternative
       backup locations for the executables. In most circumstances, it is possible
       to recover the files from known backup locations. However, it may sometimes
       be impossible, in which case ToEE Front-End X will fail to start with a
       critical error. If that happens, consider recovering the mentioned files
       manually. In either case, you will have to do something about your antivirus
       scanner to avoid this potential situation in the future. NOTE: in case you
       install the new ToEE Front-End X Maywind on a fresh game installation, it
       will automatically maximize the capabilities of the self-recovery subsystem.
       If you upgrade your installation from a previous version of ToEE Front-End X,
       the options for self-recovery may be somewhat more limited, even though not
       substantially (basically, if you upgrade from a TFE-X v3.x installation, the
       self-recovery will work the same way as the TFE-X-repair utility worked; if
       you install ToEE Front-End X v4.0 Maywind from scratch, it will be able to do
       everything TFE-X-repair could do and also a little bit more).
    - Agetian
  7. AjiTae

    AjiTae God

    Nov 7, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Agetian, test this 1680x1050(testing only).
  8. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    @ AjiTae: Alrighty, will do it tomorrow! :) Thanks for not giving up on it!

    - Agetian
  9. ghfdhd

    ghfdhd Member

    Apr 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    ''Likewise with Humble NPCs - it's in override mode right now (can't turn it off), and it won't be going back, ever, so there's no need to see the option there.''

    Is there a reason to have it in override mode? Perhaps some of the stuff in the mod won't work without it?

    If the NPCs loot normally without it then there's not much reason to turn it off. If they don't though, then the NPCs don't cost loot as they did in vanilla, thus making them freebies.

    I suspect humble NPCs is needed for some things in co8 and it seems that almost everybody want humble NPCs activated anyway but I thought I'd ask anyway.
  10. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    @ AjiTae: Sadly, the newest dll crashes even before starting the first cutscene (basically, immediately as it starts) :(

    @ ghfdhd: Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact reason it was put into a forced enabled mode via an override, so your question is best addressed by someone else who remembers (I hope Gaear will know), but I do know that it is indeed the desired behavior in the Co8 modpack. As for the front-end, the new front-end operates in exactly the same way the old one did - it allows the modpack creators to override certain options if necessary. The Co8 modpack has done it for a while by now and there are no plans to go back to the old functionality.

    - Agetian
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    That was done because of the 'less humble NPCs' mods, which require some script interaction for NPC behavior and would be broken and goofy if Humble NPCs was disabled. Less humble NPCs is the most sophisticated behavior we can get from the NPCs, and being as no one wants the vanilla NPC behavior anyway, it was kind of an easy decision to make it mandatory for the modpack. If anyone wants vanilla NPCs and crazy looting and encumbrance, they should play vanilla.
  12. AjiTae

    AjiTae God

    Nov 7, 2012
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    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    Ok, lets do it step by step: party centering only dll(any resolution).
  13. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    @ AjiTae: This seems to work very well!

    - Agetian
  14. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    I'm trying once again to use the new front end here but am still running into problems. I removed the unneeded files, clicked on the latest version of front end-x 4 and extracted the file. But when I clicked the TFE-X executable file, I get a popup window saying 'Game executable (toee.exe) not fond in current folder, aborting." When I click on the front end desktop shortcut I get this from Microsoft.NET Framework saying an "unhandled exception has occurred in your application. Could not load file or assembly 'ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib, version=, Culture=neutral, Public Key Token=1b03e6acf 1164f73' or one of its dependencies. The system file cannot find the file specified".

    When I check the Help it still says that it's version 3.0e. It shows the message for the original game in the module description area and nothing else- not even the Co8 symbol shows in the large black box. I clicked the activate button (I forget if I had to do that to originally activate the front end or if that was just for the modpacks- but since it's not showing any modpacks...) and waited for over an hour- nothing happened. I eventually opened the Task Manager to close the front end. I've tried this 4 times tonight w/o success- the good news is that I can play the 7.8 NC as I have it on a separate desktop icon but there's nothing I can do with the version 4 front end. Is the link to version 3.0e still active? Sorry, but I'm not really going to be able to test it for you- unless you want to count how folks can get confused trying to get it to work...
  15. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: [WIP] ToEE Front-End X 4.0 Progress Report

    @ Gehennis: It seems like either you've confused yourself with multiple game installations or you were being overprotective of your game installation and that backfired on you.

    All the symptoms you've listed tell me of only one thing - you did not extract the new TFE-X 4 into the root game folder (and that has always been, since the first days of the first front-end ever, the absolute requirement). As it stands right now, you still have the old TFE-X 3.0e executable in the game folder (this is confirmed by the fact that it indeed identifies itself as v3.0e and runs on .NET instead of Java), and wherever you're starting TFE-X 4 from is definitely somewhere else because it can't even find toee.exe (and, just like the other front-ends before it, it looks for toee.exe in the same folder as TFE-X.exe). At the same time, you busted your original TFE-X 3.0e installation because you deleted its support files but you haven't replaced the executable with the new front-end. As such, the new front-end can't run because it's in the wrong place, and the old one can't work correctly because its support files are missing. Chances are, you could have corrupted your installation by running the old front-end without its support files and making it crash. Considering you even tried to activate modules using the old front-end without having the libraries to support the operation (basically, you kept clicking buttons despite the crashes and exception messages and obviously abnormal behavior), I'd say there's a pretty high chance you killed your game right there, but let's hope for the best and assume that you didn't and your installation is still intact.

    Installing TFE-X 4 is as easy as it can get. In simple words, the procedure is exactly the same as for TFE-X 3 and below. To make things work, extract the new ToEE Front-End X 4.0 archive into the root game folder (on top of the old TFE-X, if any). If your game is installed to, for example, C:\Games\ToEE, then the TFE-X executable must end up having the absolute path C:\Games\ToEE\TFE-X.exe. If you're asked to overwrite any files, agree to do that. That's it, you're done.

    If done correctly, you should *definitely* NOT see v3.0e in the help box for the front-end, nor should you see anything ever coming from .NET Framework (that's a telltale sign of the old front-end operating, not the new one). If you run the front-end (e.g. via a desktop shortcut) and it identifies itself as v3.0e or shows some errors from .NET Framework, you're running the old front-end, not the new one! In your case, it seems like you're running at least two distinct game installations, so you could have extracted the front-end into one game folder while your desktop shortcut points to the other, or something like that (only you know what's going on though).

    If the new front-end starts successfully once you do the above, I'd highly recommend to reactivate your module (switch to vanilla then back to Co8 7.8.0) to hopefully prevent possible after-effects from crashing the old FE. Note to self: do we actually need a "Reactivate" button in the front-end for cases like that?....

    P.S. In case you do the above and still won't be able to get the new front-end going, please check and see if toee.exe is indeed in your game folder. If it isn't, it could mean you've busted your installation pretty good with that experiment with launching TFE-X v3.0e without its libraries - if that is the case, you can either try manual recovery (may be hard to do + who knows what else might have gone wrong) or just reinstall the game from scratch and install the new front-end correctly next time. Good luck!

    - Agetian
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