ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussion

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by ConjurerDragon, Feb 6, 2013.

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  1. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    You get non hostile encounters if they are bunched up in enclosed areas when you rest. I got once from a test,4 Trolls,3 Lizards and 4 Lizard men,all non hostile in the corridor next to Smigal in Temple. Once I moved any way,I got gang banged. It was worse in Mouthouse mining area-room with picks-had 12 gnolls and 5 lizards and 3 bugbears..and lost of rats if I recall-was real messy. Everytime I rested more appeared until I moved. So good way to farm xp if you survive!
  2. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    TOEE is not as AD&D normal rules,that is the problem with some of the rules,it is limitations of the computer program. The team has tried their best to simulate what they can to make up for any odd things out of the AD&D normal rules,so to fit in the TOEE game engine. And some things in the other games like IWD and Baldur's,or older AD&D games are not in TOEE as with the missile range thing. You can only save-fire missile-see if in range,if not reload game and try again,a real pain if trying to be sneaky.
  3. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    I didn´t try that. I saved the game and on reload they became hostile.
  4. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    In my current playthrough with version 8.1.0 I had my fighter join the drinking contest and won. All other participants had fallen to the ground and were sleeping.

    So my rogue started a collection for the winner by looting them all. :p Kobort, Wainwright, Tuporello were stripped of everything.

    Then I tried to get Zerth´s items (Sword, Shield, Armour) and the "NPC refused to give up that" message came.

    I had a similar message from Fruella when I tried to move her cleaver to my dwarven axefighter and could do so only after her untimely death in a battle. :dead:
    However Zerth was not in my party when that message came...

    So are the items of Zerth similar "special" items like Fruellas cleaver or Elmos axe, chain and shield that are supposed to not be given up unless dead?
    Or is that a bug and he should be lootable just like Kobort, Wainwright and Tuporello when drunk?
  5. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    Started a collection. Heh heh heh too funny.
  6. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    To be honest with ya, I think if you are unconscious, you shouldnt have a choice if someone loots you. How can you hold on to your sword if someone tries to take it while your unconscious. I never understood why that was added to the modpack. Makes it kind of unrealistic. There are so many unrealistic things about this game though that I just ignore it. Its still the best D&D game there is. :beer:
  7. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    Oh, I CAN understand why SOME items are restricted like that and NPC´s don´t give them up unless dead. Fruellas cleaver is a powerful handaxe and Elmos shield, axe and chain are magical. Furnok´s dagger is magical.

    So I don´t expecet the participants of the drinking contest to give up any magical stuff or masterwork or heirloom stuff if they would have any of that. It could even be reasoned that the landlord would step in if say Elmo would participate (he doesn´t but let assume he would) and the party would strip him from everything. :rant:
    However if only mundane, normal equipment is taken he might look the other way for the winner of the drinking contest... :beer:

    When a level 1 or 2 party gains those items it´s already better equipped than it should be and some of the fun of of the starting game in going from
    "only partly equipped because we can´t afford armour and shields for everyone and helmets are a luxury so we have to take the used equipment of kobolds and goblins" to
    "we can afford a few masterwork items for some in the party" to
    "wow the last loot allowed us to go on a shopping spree and all fighters have new (normal) chainmail" to
    "the party is the new bluemangroup with everyone decked in magical blue glowing stuff able to beat every opponentf" :chairshot

    So my question is only why Zerth holds to his equimpment which I don´t remember to be everything than mundane shield, armour and longsword...?
  8. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    I've always been able to fully loot Zert after the drinking contest every time, and I just tested it again. The only time I can not is if he is in the party. The message that says "NPC will not drop that item" should only come up if the NPC is in your party, so I'm not sure why you are getting it.
  9. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    Could it be a leftover because I had him in my party before?

    During the dialog I accidentally clicked the option to let him join when talking about the moathouse and then dismissed him after that.
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    That's almost certainly it.
  11. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio


    For Zert and Kobort, their most pricy equipment like armor and weapons is set to not be transferred when they are recruited (technically: itemA.item_flag_set(OIF_NO_TRANSFER)). When you disband them from the group, these changes to their items are never set back.

    This will also affect looting them if you knock them unconscious with non-lethal damage.
  12. ConjurerDragon

    ConjurerDragon Established Member Supporter

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio


    But in case I meet them again on the battlefield they would be lootable again?
  13. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    They made the NPC's more valuable items untransferable so you can't just recruit an NPC to strip them bare, and then boot them from the group naked. :transform

    If were you asking "why are the settings not switched back?". I guess it's just an oversight by the developers.

    If they are totally killed in combat then their items will be fully loootable just like any dead creature.
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    It's news to me the NO_TRANSFER flag kicks in when you are unconscious (but not dead). I'm not sure it's been reported before.
  15. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Re: ConjurerDragon's Many Bug, Oddity, and Irregularity Reports and Related Discussio

    I just verified it a few times with different NPC's to make sure.

    1. Set the OIF_NO_TRANSFER flag on one of their items.
    2. Knocked them unconscious.
    3. Looted all items just fine, except...
    4. The item with the flag set got "NPC will not drop that item" when I tried to take it.

    Once fully killed, I could loot the item just fine though.
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