Circle of Eight Modpack v7 / v7 NC Bug Report Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Ausdoerrt, Dec 18, 2011.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That would be the arena owlbear. Both they and the arena giants were zeroed out in CR at some point in an attempt to reduce xp/levels ... they should go back anyway in anticipation of the 'big move,' so will fix.

    Will fix.

    Fixed all the typos.

    Fixed and synced up black with blue as it was unRAW. Price is now 13,xxx and base AC is 5 instead of 7, like blue.

    Okay, fixed.

    I don't know that there's anything we can do about the death crashes, sadly, but I got rid of the gems.

    That would explain it.
  2. Darkie

    Darkie Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack v7 / v7 NC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

    Is there a consolidated bug reporting thread somewhere? I can't seem to find one...

    Using a level 10/10 Cleric/Wizard as a crafter...

    Gave a Helm of Brilliance to a level 2 Good/Sun cleric of Pelor , and none of the spell abilities work. When I try Consecrate, Detect Undead, or Flamestrike in or out of combat, I just get an "Invalid Action". While the cleric doesn't have Consecrate or Flamestrike available to normally craft yet, he does have Detect Undead - and the helm won't cast that either.

    Giving a Staff of Elemental Command (Fire) to the level 2 Sorcerer works fine - she can cast all the wiz/sorc spells on the staff, even though she never took Burning Hands and doesn't have Fireball yet.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  3. Darkie

    Darkie Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Incorrect rule implementation(?):
    Blink, among other things, denies enemies their Dex to AC, allowing for Sneak Attacks. Blink also imposes a 20% miss chance to the user, due to possibly being out of phase when they attack.

    This miss chance is incorrectly implemented in ToEE as 20% Concealment for the target, which makes the target immune to Sneak Attacks.

    (Even on an intuitive level it doesn't make sense since you're still aiming and "hitting" properly, your weapon just phase through instead. That shouldn't have an impact on when the weapon doesn't phase through.)
  4. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    The following information applies to version 7.5.0 NC:

    The file Circle of Eight Modpack 7.5.0 NC - Release Notes.txt has the following typos in the following section:

    The file 00053leatherworker.dlg has a typo in line 103:
    The file 00007carpenter brother.dlg has a typo in line 110:
    The file 00335banker.dlg has a typo in line 260:
    The file 00351captain_absalom.dlg has a typo in line 390:
    The file 00321captain_abiram.dlg has typos in line 470, line 550, and line 580:
    The file 00329rakham.dlg has typos in line 140, line 370, line 380, and line 390:
    The file 00330boroquin.dlg is missing an apostrophe in the word gods' in line 240:
    The file 00338Viscount.dlg has a typo in line 640:
    The file 00488ariakas.dlg has typos in line 70 and line 1190:
    The file 00363lady_asherah.dlg has typos in line 100 and line 370:
    Panathaes' Notes contain a typo:

    Burne and Furnok won't relinquish their items (even after levelling them up a level, and even after levelling them up to level 18).

    When Zaxis is in the player's party, when a player's PC talks to Zaxis, there is no dialogue option to remove Zaxis from the player's party (or at least there wasn't for me when I tried to remove him from my party when he was level 18 and I had talked to him previously and selected all of the dialogue options when talking with him).

    When Wonnilon is in the player's party, Wonnilon runs (around maps) at about half the speed as all of the other PCs and NPCs in my party.

    There's a DO NOT USE bullet on the ground floor of Rufus and Burne's guard tower (see screenshot below).

    I think that the Dire Boar at Hickory Branch did nonlethal damage with its first attack.

    In older versions of the Co8 modpack NC, when my party used to run through the Fire Temple, my party would run up to within sight of Bassanio and then combat would start against Bassanio, the 2 Noble Salamanders, and all of the Flamebrothers in the same combat. But now, when my party runs through the Fire Temple, combat starts when my party comes within LOS (line of sight) of each Flamebrother, so I have lots of small, easy combats against only 1 or 2 Flamebrothers, and by the time that my party comes within LOS of Bassanio, combat starts against Bassanio and the 2 Noble Salamanders only (see screenshot below) (because all of the Flamebrothers are already dead), which makes clearing out the Fire Temple way too easy!

    Burne joined my party, then left my party when my party discovered the Orb of Golden Death, then my party got Pishella to destroy the Orb of Golden Death, then I tried to recruit Burne again but he said: "I must stay behind and continue to conduct research about that skull. I cannot join you now." Surely Burne wouldn't need to conduct any more research on the Orb of Golden Death if it has already been destroyed, and surely Burne would be willing to rejoin the player's party once the Orb of Golden Death has been destroyed.

    When my party ran into Senshock's room, combat automatically started. When Senshock escaped, combat ended and all of the remaining temple forces in Senshock's room were no longer KOS (kill on sight). When one of my characters left-clicked on Barkinar, the dialogue interface opened and Barkinar said: "So we meet again. But this time you wear not the Temple robes." (see screenshot below). The problem is that my characters had never met Barkinar before, and my characters had never worn ANY temple robes.

    When looting Deggum's corpse, there are 2 Generic Helms in Deggum's looting inventory (see screenshot below).

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    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  5. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    The Drow Fighter in the Gnarley Forest did not act in the first round of the combat (see screenshot below). He did not move or attack.

    On 2 different occasions, when my party entered the Spruce Goose Inn, a Verbobonc Guard was walking on the map's black area far to the south of the inn (see 2 screenshots below).

    When my party entered the Verbobonc bank (The Silver Consortium) at night, the interior maps were not displayed - the only things that could be seen were the candle lights (see screenshot below). Entering the Verbobonc bank during the day caused no problems.

    The Water Snake (outside the moathouse ruins) did nonlethal damage to one of my characters with its first attack.

    In the Gnome Living Quarters tunnels, during the combat with 2 Phase Spiders, the Fiendish Large Monstrous Spider in the tunnel is stuck in the corridor - it can't advance into the room containing the Phase Spiders (see screenshot below), which allows the player's characters to kill the spider with ranged weapons or ranged spells.

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  6. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    During the combat with the Drow Matriarch, the 2 Drow Wizards each cast a spell that fizzles because they are wearing armour (see 2 screenshots below). My guess is that either both wizards are already wearing armour and they cast the spell Mage Armor (which is causing the spell to fizzle because armour bonuses don't stack (only the higher of the 2 armour bonuses is supposed to apply)), or that both wizards are wearing armour that has a chance of Spell Failure and both wizards failed their spell failure checks when they attempted to cast a spell while wearing the armour.

    Friar Tack has Spell Resistance [18] and Spell Resistance [23] (see screenshot below). Only the higher Spell Resistance is supposed to be in effect. Does Friar Tack cast the spell Spell Resistance as his first round action? If so, then it seems a waste of a spell, and that his A.I. Strategy could be vastly improved by casting a different spell instead.

    The slave trader Sorceress has an item that is incorrectly called a Scarlet and Red Ioun Stone. Senshock sells an item that is incorrectly called a Scarlet and Red Ioun Stone. Both of these items are actually meant to be called a Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone (see Ioun Stones in A PC (or NPC in the player's party) that has the Craft Wondrous Item feat can craft a Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone (so that doesn't need to be renamed because it is correctly named).

    If the player doesn't buy both specialized information from Uncle Orrengaard III the first time that the player encounters Orrengaard, then the player is unable to buy any specialized information on subsequent visits to Orrengaard.

    Ariakas still has Spell Resistance [18]. My understanding was that his Spell Resistance was supposed to have been removed in order to conform with RAW (rules as written).

    When the player identifies King Battlehammer's armour, the armour is incorrectly called Magic Dwarven Plate. Also, the armour's long description states "This armor has +2 armor bonus to the wearer." I believe that it is actually a +2 enhancement bonus, not a +2 armour bonus.

    Fireforge sells Full Plate Armor +3 for only 2729 gold. It is meant to be worth far more than that because it is +3 magical armour.

    The Gremlich always does 11 HP damage whenever it hits. It does 1d6-5 damage (plus 10 damage due to its Strength). Is the -5 damage WAI (working as intended) or a bug?

    The Gremlich gives no XP award when it dies because it has a CR (challenge rating) of 0.

    In this computer game, the spell Meld into Stone doesn't protect the caster from an enemy rogue's Crippling Strike ability (see screenshot below) - it is supposed to protect the caster from all physical damage (

    My logbook shows that the quest Snitching On The Scarlet Brotherhood is completed (see screenshot below), but I never got the custom random encounter associated with the quest (despite travelling around the world map for at least 2 months). I can post a game save if you wish to analyze my game. If you want me to enter some console codes so that you can find out the current state of some of the global flags and variables in my game, then I am happy to oblige.


    Iuz cheats with both the number of attacks that he gets and the damage that he does with his attacks. His first 4 attacks are as if he is wielding a weapon 2-handed (he gets the 1.5x Strength modifier to his damage with his first 4 attacks), but his last 5 attacks are as if he is dual-wielding (his attack bonus and damage with his last 5 attacks is illegal). He should either be wielding his weapon 2-handed or dual-wielding, not doing both in the same round.

    The file 00173stcuthbert.dlg has a typo in line 1:

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    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I had a problem where Rannos and Gremag were locked in the "you double crossed us" dialog even after I accepted the Retribution quest (i.e. I couldn't accuse them of sending the assassin; I verifed all the correct flags were set before taking more desperate measures). I fixed it by modifying their DLG files, essentially copying the "accusation" dialog option from its usual place into the "you double crossed us" section (i.e. leaving those options where they were, too). Where should I post the proposed fixes? I've already put them in the initial thread where I was seeking help (TRC's "How to get 300 gp..." thread), but wasn't sure if there was an official bug fix thread for such things.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Just start an appropriately named new thread here in the modding forum and post it there.

    FYI I will have to look that whole thing over before anything goes into the mod. Rannos and Gremag have rather complex dialogues and scripts and its easy to nullify one thing by seemingly fixing another. There's a lot to learn beyond what at first seems obvious. I'd encourage you to check out Ted's tutorials - I'm sure he has one or more good ones on dialogue. :)
  9. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Will do, thanks Gaear!
  10. mrmarginal

    mrmarginal Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Completing Ambush crashes burn's assistant

    Version 7.6

    Killed one of the traders post assassin ambush.
    Purchased Nulb house.
    Obtained Golden Skull.
    Defeated the remaining trader and his minions in the Nulb house.
    Game crashes when I try to enter the area with Burn's assistant.

    I reloaded a previous save to see if that save was corrupted and could access the assistant. Once I defeated the remaining trader the area was still unavailable and crashed the game upon trying to enter.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    You mean when you try to enter the Nulb house with Pishella in tow or when you try to enter the main floor Hommlet tower where Pishella normally is with her not in tow?
  12. mrmarginal

    mrmarginal Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Pishella is not in tow. I have no NPCs; only 5 PCs.

    The game crashes when trying to enter the area with the assistant who sells spells one floor below Burne and Pishella. The spell vendor was available prior to defeating the remaining trader in the Nulb house, but was not accessible after I defeated him and his minions.

    I have no apparent issues accessing Burne and Pishella; just the floor below them.

    I have no issues entering the Nulb house.
  13. mrmarginal

    mrmarginal Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    Version 7.6

    Scarlet Brotherhood encounter:

    I had Darlia arrested, and, while traveling, I was confronted by the Scarlet Brotherhood in a forested area.

    The encounter removed my equipped weapons and armor.

    I had two enchanted spike chains removed prior to the fight, but could only recover one of them.

    No chest had visibly appeared that could have contained the second weapon.

    Each spike chain was named "holy spike chain of fire".
    Perhaps the game only processed one since they both shared the same name?
  14. Sarezar

    Sarezar Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Tasha's Hideous Laughter seems to have a DC 14 for all classes, regardless of abilities, feats, etc.

    (Sorry if this has been reported before)
  15. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    I'm not having that issue for Tasha's, but I am having a possibly related one.

    Tasha's Hideous Laughter is supposed to give a penalty of 4 to the DC when using the spell against a monster or monstrous humanoid. It does so. However, it *also* gives a +4 to their saving throw as a racial bonus in many cases, effectively granting a penalty of 8!

    For example, if you use the spell against the Hill Giant in Emridy Meadows, a check of the log indicates that the DC has been reduced by 4 AND the giant has a +4 bonus to its saving throw roll.

    In summary, you are penalized twice when it should be only once. No idea whether this is fixable. I'll keep an eye out as to whether the issue occurs for all non-demihumans.

    Beyond this, the DC seems to be calculated correctly as 10+spell level+primary casting stat + bonuses from Spell Focus for me.
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