Why is filliken attacking me? Meleny is in my party and about a 4th level druid. I recruited/married her when my paladin was 4th level. She died and was reincarnated in the final battle with the Orcs. Although she was last in my ordering and tactics, she appeared in front of the party when I entered the cave and humungoes killed her in the first round before she could move. nonetheless, I brought her back and am using her as a regular in my party. I used Jaroo to bring her back. Was this my mistake? Is this a bug that her dad wants to kill me? I have his "farmers stealing from me" quest open and i want to close it. Thanks for any help.
The fix I implemented for san_resurrection (to stop such things) was only ever applied to Raise Dead: I didn't do it for Reincarnation as I consider it an exploit. Sorry.
Is there anyway to keep from getting the butcher of homlette reputation when you raise them from the dead?
Check the news thread General Ummm, not sure about the Butcher of Hommlet rep. The fix causes the resurrection script for this or that NPC to fire as its meant to (not all of them have it). Generally, this undoes whatever flag was set by them dying: so for Meleny some flag or other is set when she dies (flag 17 from the dim recesses of my memory, but thats probably wrong) and this flag causes Filliken to go mental when you see him after she dies. Casting Raise Dead (but not Reincarnation) now unsets that flag. It would only unset the Butcher of Hommlet rep if that was originally meant to happen. Bjones, to fix your problem just look up the flag in data/scr/py00017prosperous younger d.py and unset it with the console, you can't un-Reincarnate her. Unless you kill her and raise dead, but thats excessive. Or maybe try Jaroo's sepll premancency fix.
I believe that at some point I gave everybody left out who has a dying script a resurrection script. (Flag = 1 / flag = o type thing.) The butcher rep thing would be different because that is incremented on a variable, with no corresponding de-incrementation of that variable for resurrections that I'm aware of.