Has anyone considered the possibility of having Temple with Pathfinder rules instead of D&D? I was recently introduced to Pathfinder, and I've found that it's far superior to what 3.5 ever could have hoped to be. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gettingStarted.html http://www.d20pfsrd.com/home Some links for anyone not familiar with Pathfinder ^^ What sort of work would it take to create a pathfinder variant for ToEE? Or, is there already such a mod? Would it be possible to make such a mod as a variant of Co8?
We are not talking about a MOD here. The game rules are much less accessible to modders. If you will forgive me Gaear, it has often proved too difficult to ensure anything like full conformity with even 3.5 rules. Examples: the longspear being effective at under 5' which nerfs the spiked chain and the omission of more or less the whole of the barbarian character class. I would suggest you (Caelen) produce a barbarian with damage resistance and greater rage before you think of Pathfinder.
its arguable, path finder is better for the core classes (hence for TOEE it would be great) but 3.5 is designed to heard you into a prestige class so PnP 3.5 can be better knowing that youll never be playing any core class!
It would no doubt require some major switching out of core elements of the engine that we are simply not capable of, even on our best day.
Wow, didn't know it'd be that complex to get into the sytem and change it all... I know nothing about programming ^^; But, on a related subject, are there currently any computer games out there that already are pathfinder based? I know pathfinder is a relatively new system (2008 or 2009 I think?), but I can't be the only one to have thought about it. I'm not that creative. XD
Oooh... my bf just found this. https://goblinworks.com/ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1675907842/pathfinder-online-technology-demo
I played a little bit of Pathfinder on Fantasy Grounds II, but it seemed every time I turned around I had to buy another book, license or manual. Maybe once the system has been around for a while, a player will be able to access the pertinate information via a wiki or some other cost free means. I did enjoy the realism of the combat though.
The book buying issue is probably what makes pathfinder better than other systems, then... it's almost completely open source. Campaign settings and adventure paths may be the exception, but the core books are all open source, since it's d20. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathfinder_Roleplaying_Game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Game_License
Well I for one agree, I currently play Pathfinder and really enjoy the system. Have you heard of the 'Pathfinder Online' project? It was put up on Kickstarter and was fully funded. Check it out: https://goblinworks.com/
Pathfinder would be fun to see- and I am going to check out that Pathfinder Kickstarter game you gave a link to in the second link, but I understand the impossibility of changing this game. The Modders here have done an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS job on Vanilla. In PnP though, I play Pathfinder, not DnD, as I really have found it a better system. It is often refferred to as "DnD 3.75". Here is the exciting part- I have not bought ONE SINGLE Book!! As an open source game Sirchet, you can view and use plenty of free material here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ Enjoy!
Pathfinder is online kind of, you can play as I did in the Fantasy Grounds 2 on line table top. I currently play in two DnD campaigns on FG and it's just like sitting around the table except you don't have to provide snacks for anyone but yourself There's a number of voice servers that are free to use too. The main problem I had with Pathfinder on FG was the cliche type of mentality that seems to follow it there, you know ... Either you play PF or you suck, we'll maybe I was reading into it, but the DnD bashing WAS getting out of hand. I can't change how folks act, but I CAN change where and who I game with If you, maalri, were to start a game I would be happy to participate.