Compatible with the latest co( modpack (7.3 & 7.3.3 addon) 39 quality portraits taken for various sources. Was gonna put more in, but I ran out of numbers in the portraits.mes file. (aparently when you reach 36th portrait, your'e already at 3490 and mosnters start from 3500) May put more if I find a way around that. ENJOY! *** UPDATE!!! *** Pack 2 is now avilable under the same download link! NOTE: The new pack uses different numbring, so save games with the older pack will have the portrait images shuffled or missing. Slots used: 0780 - 0990 (22 slots) <- human males (22) 1120 - 1490 (38 slots) <- elf females (23) 1520 - 1990 (48 slots) <- elf males (20) 2140 - 2490 (36 slots) <- dwarf males (23) and females (12) 2570 - 2990 (43 slots) 3140 - 3490 (36 slots) <- human females (23) and 3 human males
You've got more space available at the end of each race type in the PC section. (You're only adding them after the last.) Available ranges: 0080 - 0490 (43 slots) 0780 - 0990 (22 slots) 1120 - 1490 (38 slots) 1520 - 1990 (48 slots) 2140 - 2490 (36 slots) 2570 - 2990 (43 slots) 3140 - 3490 (36 slots - these are the ones you used up) I never actually counted until now but it seems the ToEE added PC portrait 'limit' is actually 266, lol. No idea why'd you'd ever want that many; people like options but they also don't want to go option-blind (endless scrolling to the extent that you forget what you saw above). Total possible: 350 Vanilla provided: 36* Co8 added: 48 Custom possible: 266 *minus the original drow portrait ~ @sirchet, in this pack he is working off the modpack portraits.mes file and has provided an updated version that accomodates his new portraits, so you don't need to do anything to that file. Note however that there are going to be NPC portraits added in v7.4 and that they will not show up with this pack unless it's updated. That's the rub with custom portrait packs - they have to be updated regularly as the modpack grows. We do that for you with the 'official' packs.
Hmm..when you expand the Co8 with more portraits, what numbers do you plan to use? Might be handy to know to prepare beforehand. Thing is this totally breaks characters if you change the portrait numbers around. And I do have enough quality images for roughly 100 portraits. EDIT: Just one small flaw in the .mes file. The angry female dwarf image appears twice. so just find this: {3470} {TM_PORTRAIT_034_BIG.tga} {3480} {TM_PORTRAIT_034_BIG.tga} <---- and put 35, not 34 in this set that starts with the 80
It won't affect custom PC portrait packs, as we'll only be adding NPC portraits (new characters) in the NPC section. Not sure what you mean ... if applied to existing characters, yes it may bork their portrait, but you really shouldn't do that anyway.
Oh, my bad. I misunderstood. Dunno why (maybe lack of sleep) but I thought you wrote you'll be adding portraits for PC's (and not NPC's). LOL.
I'd certainly like more choices when creating my pc's, but I can wait until after 7.4 is released. Ellderon, did I miss a post where you put up a picture of these portraits, or should we download an open them to peek at them?
I haven't made a large picture of all portraits. Will do so now. EDIT: I plan to fill the entire image with more portraits But mind you, for the next version I will probably put portraits in appropriate categories (human under humans, etc..) so I can use more portraits... and so they can be better organized. Unfortunately that would mean that if you start the gmae with this portrait pack, the next one would switch potrait numbers around...
Wow, I recognize many of these images. BG, IWD maybe some from Heroes? Now, I guess I'll just have to wait until 7.4 is out and maybe you have set your pack to accommodate the 7.4.changes. IMHO we can never have to many portraits to choose from.
New Pack is already in the works and should be done soon. When 7.4 is out I'll make a compatible .mes file for it. I aim to have at least 10 images for every race and sex. Currently making dwarven females (good images are hard to find, so I had to composite some in Photoshop).
Current Status: EDIT: HUMAN - male 25 - female 23 ELF - male 20 - female 18 DWARF - male 22 - female 12
Check the firt post and judge for yourself! Have trouble finding dwarven women... You can see it's the lest compelte category. Just a few more images and then the second pack will be ready!