Falling Failure Feedback

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by dunkelzahnen, May 23, 2012.

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  1. dunkelzahnen

    dunkelzahnen Member

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Okay, there is absolutely no code remaining that would cause that to happen in 7.2. Are you positive you're on 7.2 and that you're not using saves from 7.1?

    When I start ToEE Front Enc X I see the following options:
    Modpack 7.1.0 NC
    Modpack 7.2.0 NC
    Temple of Elemental Evil

    I installed 7.2.0 following the prompts and waited for the process to finish.
    I highlighted 7.2.0 and chose Activate and let the update complete.

    Before I launched anything I saw that all the saves and pcs were removed or deleted. Again no issue, I favor clean starts.

    I launched the active version 7.2.0 by clicking play.
    Created characters from scratch and there were no save games for me to launch.

    In your testing was it a clean wipe and reload or as in my case, I had 7.1.0 and just installed 7.2.0. Also I installed or rather copied the files over from your 7.2.1 patch. Experienced no issues in Nulb. For whatever reason pathing in Hommlet seems better.
    As a habit if I notice something irregular, I have quit out, let all the precesses stop runing and re-started as the clean cache on launch seems to do a good job.

    Hopefully this is useful. I may just be an anomally.
    Attached image for Front End.

    Following UP:
    For each, I only moved around hommlet to the church / wainwright (NG and LG start)
    I did the fix Bing thing as that was easy.
    They were my only adventuring attempts.
    I did have to wait until night then went into the Welcome Wench

    I just tested four ways.
    Test One
    I used stock PCs --Alhandra paladin
    She did not fall.

    Test two
    created some brand new PCs.
    Whole party is non-stock.
    No console mods but did purchase gear in start shop.
    Paladin fell.

    Test three
    New characters
    Console mods.
    Paladin fell.

    Quit and restart

    Test Four
    New characters
    No Mods
    standard gear
    Paladin fell

    Weird result, I would think your fix would be a global value so it should apply to all.

    Hope this helps.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 23, 2012
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Alrighty, I verified that they are still falling, although they only do so after the contest is won and you complete the quest and get the rep. That's bad news, as there are no heartbeat scripts running anywhere in the inn looking to apply it that I can find, which in turn means that it may be hardcoded. That would be bafflingly stupid, but this is ToEE ... :roll:
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Alrighty 2, I found that this routine was specifically tied to the granting of the Victor of the Drinking contest rep (in hard-coded fashion), so we will get around it by simply replacing that reputation with an identical reputation that has a different number so the engine ignores it. Tested and it works. Yay!
  4. dunkelzahnen

    dunkelzahnen Member

    Apr 6, 2012
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    If you have a fix to try available, let me know where to grab and I will be glad to try it out. The only other scenarios to check might be to include the stock paladin with non-stock pcs, non-stock paladin with stock pcs and in a bizarre case, multi-paladin group.

    All the enhancements and fixes have extended the life and enjoyment of ToEE. Great job.
  5. FGWquester

    FGWquester Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    I think I read that reputation 19 was switched with a NC reputation because there is only a range of reputations in the dll designed to control falling. So a new (bad) reputation had to take reputation 19's spot.

    Spellslinger made reputation 19 cause falling by changing an address from 01 to 00 (address 5481A). Since a range was mentioned, I thought that all of the fall values for reputations may be adjacent. I looked at address 5481B and saw 00. I changed that to 01 (after removing the fall code from line 261 of the 00073innkeeper dialog file, then putting the modified file in the dlg folder of the data folder (which, by itself, only postponed the fall)).

    Before the hex edit, I fell after getting the reputation (both by gameplay and console). After the edit, I completed the drinking contest without falling. I also used the console to get the reputation, and did not fall.

    To make a long story short: removing fall code from inkeeper dialog will prevent falling by starting the contest, and changing address 5481B from 00 to 01 (I did it with emacs for windows (alt-x, "hexl-mode", alt-g, "5481B", ctrl-alt-x, "01")) will prevent falling when gaining the reputation.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2012
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Interesting ... I take it you are a .dll capable modder? Care to take a look to see where the number of maps the game can process is enumerated? We're currently at a limit of 200, but more would be nice. :)
  7. FGWquester

    FGWquester Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    Before I get hopes up any further, I will say that I am not knowledgable about many things other dll modders know. I can use charts to translate hex to x86 ASM, but I do not know how to use/read the resulting ASM code. It also seems necessary to be able to stop ToEE when it tries to access certain parts of its code. I don't know how to do that either.

    I mostly have tried playing around with the underlying Python (V2.2) to see what I could learn (seemingly only being able to figure out things known for years). I only tried editing my own dll (from the anthology version of ToEE, if that makes a difference) once I found Spellslinger's notes. Using the notes, I did some edits that simply involved changing values (instead of adding more values, which I heard would make older saves not work).

    When I used the notes to change reputation 19, I looked at gamereplog and saw that editing #19 was not good for the anthology version of the game (no modpack). When I changed it back, I noticed there were about 18 values before 19's address that were either 00 or 01, and 2 of the same after 19's address.

    All I really did was remember there weren't many more than 20 reputations, remember a discussion about range, and decide to act upon a guess (after making a backup).

    To make another long story short: I do not have the tools or experience (yet) to be as useful as other (true) dll modders.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No problem, thanks anyway. :)
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