Welcome to the comprehensive list of console commands Circle of Eight accepts no liability for game crashes if any of these codes are used. Use at your own risk to open the console use (left)shift+~ [effectively you are typing the upper case character that appears right next to '1' and below 'ESC'] give #### gives item to selected character or import utilities utilities.create_item_in_inventory(####, game.party[x]) create ##### spawns NPC at selected characters location game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_strength,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_dexterity,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_constitution,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_intelligence,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_wisdom,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_charisma,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_hp_max,Y) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_experience,Y) or game.party[X].award_experience(######) or for the whole party, level at a time levelup ...will give your entire group a set amount of XP, at higher levels you may need to repeat this proces to gain your next level. Just push the up arrow to go to the last command you entered and hit return. Repeat as neccesary. game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_deity,Y) 0 = none 1 = Boccob 2 = Corellon Larethian 3 = Ehlonna 4 = Erythnul 5 = Fharlanghn 6 = Garl Glittergold 7 = Gruumsh 8 = Heironeous 9 = Hextor 10 = Kord 11 = Moradin 12 = Nerull 13 = Obad-Hai 14 = Olidammara 15 = Pelor 16 = St. Cuthbert 17 = Vecna 18 = Wee Jas 19 = Yondalla 20 = Old Faith (Animal, Earth, Plant, Sun) 21 = Zuggtmoy (Earth, Air, Fire, Plant, Water) 22 = Iuz (Chaos, Evil, Trickery) 23 = Lolth (Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery) 24 = Procan (Air, Trickery, Water) 25 = Norebo (Chaos, Luck, Trickery) 26 = Pyremeus (Evil, Fire, Trickery) 27 = Ralishaz (Chaos, Luck, Trickery) game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_race,Y) 0 = human 1 = dwarf 2 = elf 3 = gnome 4 = half elf 5 = halforc 6 = halfling game.party[X].stat_base_set(stat_alignment,Y) 0 = TN 1 = LN 2 = CN 4 = NG 5 = LG 6 = CG 8 = NE 9 = LE 10 = CE to get money use give 700# 0 = copper 1 = silver 2 = gold 3 = plat gives you 50 coins of your chosen type or game.party[0].money_adj(####) Make #### = the amount in copper you want. (you will get plat, but need to add it in copper) 50 copper = 0.5 gp, 50 silver = 5 gp, 50 gold = 50 gp, 50 platinum = 500 gp. game.party[0].reputation_add(#) game.party[0].reputation_remove(#) Add / remove spells: game.party[X].spell_known_add( nSpellIdx, nClassCode, nSpellLevel ) game.party[X].spell_memorized_add( nSpellIdx, nClassCode, nSpellLevel ) game.party[X].spells_memorized_forget( ) Where: nSpellIdx is the spell's index number - see data\rules\spell_enum.mes for the list of spells (you can use the strings there e.g. spell_death_knell is equivalent to using nSpellIdx = 100) nClassCode is the caster's class, e.g. 17 is Wizard - see data\mes\stats.mes, nSpellLevel is the desired spell level. It should match the spell's level or there could be problems - it's mainly there as an option in case a spell has different levels for different caster types, like Bards for instance. spell_known_add is good for all casters types, and spell_memorized_add adds memorized spells. spells_memorized_forget() removes all memorized spells (but not known spells). To teleport back to the Hommlet in from anywhere game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5007,487,488) To teleport to the middle of the hallway of the greater temple (Dungeon Level 4) game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,5080,478,507) game.party[X].has_atoned() Where X is your paladin PC slot number decresed by 1 (0 for first PC, 1 for second PC, etc.) It is very useful for an NPC paladin, and he/she had fallen (because NPCs paladin are unable to talk with Terjon) game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,xxxx,Y,Z) where xxxx is the map number, which you can get from MapList.mes and Y and Z are the coordinates u want to appear at. location_to_axis(game.party[0].location) to see the coordinates of your party leaders current location. use this.. from Co8 import * (or from ed import * in older installs) then use this.. loc() to get it working to change a quests state, you can't set a quest as unknown though, but you can check if a quest is unknown. game.quests[#].state = qs_unknown game.quests[#].state = qs_mentioned game.quests[#].state = qs_botched game.quests[#].state = qs_accepted game.quests[#].state = qs_completed game.quests[#].unbotch() # is the quest number remove NPC 'manually' game.party[0].follower_remove( game.party[X+1]) Using Kobort as an example (in the case where he no longer has a portrait), where are X number of portraits at the bottom of the screen (since the leader is 0, so the last portrait is number X and if Kobort IS considered in the party, he should count as number X+1). To use them open the console and type from Co8 import * Then just type in the commands. Here is what they do: partyxpset(X) Gives every member of your party X experience points. EXAMPLE: partyxpset(9386) will set the experience points of every member of your party to 9386. partylevelset(X) Gives every member of your party the minimum experience points to reach level X. EXAMPLE: partylevelset(10) will give each member of your party 45,000 experience points, the minimum required to reach level 10. partyabset(X,Y) Sets the ability score X of each member of you party to Y. Ability scores are referred to by number as follows: Strength = 1 Dexterity = 2 Constitution = 3 Intelligence = 4 Wisdom = 5 Charisma = 6 EXAMPLE: partyabset(4, 20) will set the intelligence of each member of your party to 20. massabset(X,Y) Sets all ability scores of party member X to the value Y. Party members are numbered left to right starting with 1 for the leftmost character in the party order at the bottom of the screen. EXAMPLE: massabset(3, 20) will set all the ability scores of the party member third from the left to 20. partyhpset(X) Sets the base hp of every member of the party to X. EXAMPLE: partyhpset(100) will set the base hp of every member of the party to 100. This is a pre-constitution bonus value. If the character is 3rd level and has a 16 constitution, the resulting hp will be 109. speedup() Sets the out-of-combat run speed of the entire party to the same, higher than normal value. This is very useful for completing the Homlett quests and moving around Nulb, as the higher run speed shortens the time it takes to run between locations, and since the whole party is set to the same speed they all stay together. If there are any that are missing or I've made a mistake PM me so I can update the list. Finally, not a console code but a helpful cheat sometimes. This is the method you'd use if you wanted to make a 30 or 35 point buy character although you'll have to keep careful track of the points you spend. Using this method you can make any stat between 8 and 18, before racial changes, or if you want a stat below 8 roll a few times untill you get it and then keep that one. The Technique. at the screen where you can role for points (basic) or use point buy system (advanced) go to the advanced screen and put (for example) strength to 18 click and drag the number 18 to the right and drop it about where the yellow boxes are in the basic screen, the 18 should disapear (it will trade out with the number that was there if you rolled). go backto the basic screen you'll see the 18 in the yellow box go to the advanced screen and repeat (on different attributes) finally when you have you stats at the numbers that you want them at go back to basic screen and drop your numbers in the boxes like you rolled them.
Great stuff. You can also use the command: game.party[X].stat_level_get(stat_Y,#) to edit attributes (strength, etc.) race, allignment, god, gender, or anything else (don't know about feats) X= PC slot -1, Y= attribute, race, allignment, etc. #= numerical value (where appropriate.)
Instead of "import utilities utilities.create_item_in_inventory(####, game.party[x])", you can simply use "give ####". This creates the item with the String ID #### in the inventory of the currently selected character.
game.obj_create(#,coordinates) This sticky has all the info (well, a lot, anyway) on spawning, including method of getting coordinates. Also to spawn something near active pc, you can type game.leader.location instead of coordinates.
game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,xxxx,Y,Z) where xxxx is the map number, which you can get from MapList.mes and Y and Z are the coordinates u want to appear at.
Quick question bout Y and Z, I'm trying to teleport to the fire node, but it seems that I'm ariving outside the map (as far as I can tell) then if I try to move CTD.
Start up an old game, go down there to where Darley would be and use location_to_axis(game.party[0].location) to see the coordinates. Otherwise try something in the 400-500's for each and adjust accordingly. Interesting it is giving you issues. There must be something different about the nodes from all the other maps, for them to have the unique lag problem they do... every little scrap of info brings us closer to a solution (thinks I).
weapons? go to your data/rules/mes folder open description.mes with notepad this is a list of names for every item, npc, scenery. Weapons are in the 4000 -4999 range.
Alternatively, you could use the handy TOEE Formatted Item List: http://bobtokyo.robertdorf.com/Characters/TOEE Stuff/TOEE Formatted Item List.htm Also available in printable three column Word format: http://bobtokyo.robertdorf.com/Characters/TOEE Stuff/TOEE Formatted Item List.doc The TOEE Item List: "Because there was nothing on TV"
oh shit for gotto tell u tip what u gotta do is domonate a person then kill the domonated person then raise im from da ded wala u got a permonent ncp player on ur teem!