
Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by WinstonShnozwick, Dec 23, 2011.

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  1. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    I think you are correct. Falling does not change your alignment. TOEE does not have the alignment shifts that you would get in NWN 1 and 2.
  2. BruntFCA

    BruntFCA Member

    Sep 3, 2009
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    With monks, you don't always need to use the flurry ability. If you do, you can take two weapon fighting, and haste, to get 5 attacks a round.

    HOWEVER, you can also use the trip monk, and quickdraw feat , take out your quaterstaff, which can also be treated as a 2H weapon. Take Power Attack Feat. Now since staff is 2H you get times 2 your power attack value, and also times 2 STR.

    Trip attack is not affected in any way from the -10 (at level 10) from power attack (its an opposed STR roll) . Once they are tripped they take -4 to AC. So if you miss a lot think about throwing in a trip.

    My monk is very versatile he can either 5 hit a round with holy enchanted Kama, or trip attack, and slam the hell out of the enemy with 2H staff.
  3. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    With multiclassing xp cuts, it seems like an effective way to increase difficulty of your save if you find it too easy.

    A pairing I've thought about for a while. Rangers and barbarians are both "wild" classes, their descriptions have made me think of them as similar. How would a barb/ranger succeed do you think?

    Also, it's just about that time to start my multiclassing in the current save. My party is as level 11, paladin, wizard, and bard. The wizard can't handle power dilluting, and the pally is my RP character. I want to multiclass my bard, I just don't know what would go well with him. The way I built him has made my bard an accomplished combat unit, dual weilding longswords and to be wearing royal armour, so his fighting abilities don't need something so powerful like a few fighter classes. His spell abilities are average, much weaker than the wizard and serving primarily as a support unit in that regard.
  4. guinness22

    guinness22 Nexus of the Crisis

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Is it possible to go higher than 20th level overall if you multiclass? If I wanted to play a solo Druid/Sorcerer for example can I get to 20th level in each class? Or am I done at 10/10? Thinking I am done at 10/10....

  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Yep. You're done when the different classes sum to 20. It's an experience cap.
  6. guinness22

    guinness22 Nexus of the Crisis

    Jul 4, 2009
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    Thought that was likely the case. Thank you for the confirm.

  7. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    yes, 3.0/3.5 DnD is not like others where a human could dual class and get a lot more levels for he buck. Your levels are all a combined lot and you have to plan out what you want when you add a class or two,
  8. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    If you REALLY want the challenge, try to multiclass in all the classes and make sure you have unequal levels.

    Wonder if you could get a NEGATIVE xp penalty, so that you actually get a bonus to your XO rewards. :D
  9. Barles

    Barles Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    For some reason, Meleny cannot multiclass as a wizard? She has INT = 10 and I don't see any rules that prevent druids from multiclassing as wizards. What's happening here?
  10. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I don't know why any character can't multiclass with any other class of their choosing (except for alignment restrictions, of which there aren't any for a wizard) because I was under the impression that 3rd edition Dungoens & Dragons had no class restrictions involving attributes, but I suspect that this computer game prevents Meleny from multiclassing as a wizard because her base Intelligence score prevents her from being able to cast any wizard spells (other than spell level 0 spells) if she were to multiclass as a wizard. The following information is from the online rules for D&D 3.5:

    The above quote is from the following link:

    You could equip Meleny with a Headband of Intellect +6 that theoretically would allow her to cast wizard spells up to and including spell level 6 wizard spells, but whether this computer game would allow that is a mystery to me.

    Try entering the following console command (you open/close the console by pressing the ~ key (Shift `)) which will add a Headband of Intellect +6 to an empty inventory slot of your currently selected character, and then have Meleny equip the item and see if you can select the Wizard class when levelling Meleny up:

    give 6248
  11. Barles

    Barles Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Well, with an intelligence of 10 she should be able to cast 0th level spells...but you're right, I tried rolling new characters to test it and you need at least an 11 INT to cast wizard spells. I don't want to console in something because of all the warnings that it can corrupt your game, but I don't think it'll work either. I can't remember what it was specifically, but I remember equipping an amulet of wisdom to meet some minimum requirement for something and it didn't work. The base stat had to meet the minimum requirement. I guess I'll consider giving her that one point in INT at lvl 8, she'll only need one level of wizardry anyway. Or, maybe give her one sorceress level.

    Thanks for the help :thumbsup:
  12. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    She only needs one level of wizard? Oooooh, what is going to become? :)

    Do you have a special build in mind?
  13. Barles

    Barles Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Nothing terribly special. She's going to stay a druid as I'm just now discovering how awesome wild shape is even with all its limitations in toee, and even without all of the unintended benefits from wearing a ring, a weapon and shield. At lvl 5 with no gear on, mage armor, barkskin, and greater magic claw, she's at AC 23, +13 to hit and +9 to damage. She still uses her human number of attacks (instead of the bear claw/claw/bite) but even so...

    From the wizard level, I want a few things. I want the ability to cast the following spells: mage armor, shield, protection from evil/chaos/law/etc, ray of clumsiness, enlarge person, and expeditious retreat. I want the ability to scribe scrolls, and the ability to use wizard wands later in the game. Honestly, once I hit Verbobonc, all of this is more than I know what to do with inside of a party. When I do a solo druid run, this will be the build I use, with no crafting other than scribe scroll. Special note on enlarge person, it enlarges shapeshifted druids as well (at least in this game) :yes:.

    Perky Death indeed!
  14. Squirly

    Squirly Member

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I love multiclassing my characters. In fact, I prefer smaller parties where some characters wear at least 2 "hats" so to speak.

    With that in mind my current setup is a barbarian/bard gnome. The bonus to movement is excellent and with barbarian at lvl 2 I get uncanny dodge as well. I'm not sure I want to add any more barbarian levels though, unless someone thinks it might be a good idea? She's the talker of the group and with 2 levels of barbarian I managed to increase her intimidate skill a fair bit as well.

    I've got a halfling rogue at level 8 right now and I'm thinking of going over to monk. In fact, that was the plan all along which is why he's lawful neutral (and has a high wis score) - I just wasn't sure about when I should do that because I wanted to have disable device and open lock at a decent level before I go over to monk. Would it be worth it switching over to monk for the other 12 levels? I already crafted some gloves of dex +6 because AWESOME so he's fairly decent now. The monk levels should give him the bonus movement and AC needed to really exploit his sneak attack so I'm hoping he'll be my mage killer.
  15. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    IMHO, a pure monk is a very effective Mage killer.
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