Co8 New Content: War of the Golden Skull

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Major_Blackhart

    Major_Blackhart Member

    Oct 6, 2006
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    Its interesting that you show some of those names. I just had a random encounter with some of those names, very DIFFICULT fight for my level 11 team. It was with a few of the Robin hood-esque types. Did something unexpected just happen or was a random encounter something that was changed and added in?
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The Robinhood RE is part of WotGS.* Level 11 seems pretty early, but I suppose it's possible. Variability is a good thing IMO. :)

    *Not really directly related to WotGS, but rather another element of Ranth's mod.
  3. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    I got the Robinhood thingy as a random encounter.
    I had two of fugitives with me at the time on my way to find the third.
    Without their help i would have been slaughtered.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I like it - when it comes to CRPGs, danger is the spice of life. :thumbsup:
  5. Major_Blackhart

    Major_Blackhart Member

    Oct 6, 2006
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    It was a truly awesome encounter. Those damn rogues went right after my mage.
  6. moav

    moav Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    I'm having trouble getting this to trigger - does it matter if Burne is dead ?
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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  8. silo25

    silo25 Established Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    After a few battles defending,my characters wont move , they will try to but wont walk to say the inn to the druid tree to finish the battles; Is this a known issue or any fix? (i have never opened the script or modified anything)
  9. krokyk

    krokyk Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    This is weird.

    I got the quest War of the Golden Skull: Defender. I don't remember exactly how I got it, but I think I went to see the smith in hommlet asking him for "something different". He said there's a guy in a house of Kenter Nevets.

    Yep. He was there - he probably gave me the quest (as I said - I don't remember). I remember that he said I should report to him each day. So I was wondering around, waiting, went to see him - nothing. Several days passed, still nothing, no random encounter with any old man (it's supposed to happen right?).

    I had the orb with me at the time. Rufus & Burne are not in their castle, I think the guy that is in Nevet's house mentioned that they went somewhere away from hommlet and that they won't be available for the defense. So I decided to destroy the orb with Pishella's help. Good. Destroyed. I went to kill Zuggtmoy. Good. Dead. I went back to Nevet's house and there WAS an old man. The game immediatelly switched to combat mode. As the old man has 3 HP he was dead before he moved. After the combat, with the old man lying dead on the floor that adventurer initiated the dialogue as though the old man was still alive saying something about if I want to to speak with him or something like that. When I said yes, the dialog ended obviously as the man was dead.

    What the hell did I do wrong? The game state now seems messed beyond imagination.

    Is there any way out of this?
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Here's the solution to your angry old man attacking ... straight from gazra_1971's guide.

    I quote:

    Hostile Old Man bug fix

    This bug fix prevents the Old Man from attacking you (he's not supposed to), which was causing the War of the Golden Skull not to start, and was causing you to get the 'Butcher of Hommlet' reputation.

    Install the attached .rar (extract contents to ToEE root directory and overwrite). If loading a game save after installing this bug fix, preferably use a save where you haven't yet been to the town elder's to see Ariakas and co. (before WotGS starts).

    As far as the can't activate WotGS issue goes, to make sure it happens I would go back to a pre-WotGS save, then talk to Ariakas, then wait two days, then revisit him at night. The requirements are that it only happens at night, and that it doesn't kick in for two days (to avoid the 'zOMG, we just heard about teh Hextors and now here they are!' effect).

    Click Here for the Angry Old Man Fix

    I just love it when I get to act all high and mighty. :Being_a_s
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I finally figured out what the old man's problem is: the Hextor Rat reputation pushes Hextor faction members' reactions far enough south that they want to attack you. So I venture that everybody who's had the old man problem has been a Hextor Rat.

    In future we'll give the WotGS Hextors a different faction than the other Hextors. I think that makes sense since they're sort of a more militant sect anyway and don't really have anything to do with the other Hextors. Thus the old man won't get pissed for perceived affronts against strangers.

    In the meantime, the referenced fix should work for anybody who hasn't yet been in to see Ariakas at all yet, but if you've already been in there it won't.

    This will be a part of the upcoming fixpack.


    @silo - you're experiencing jerkstop. There's really nothing to be done for it beyond the usual recommendations. Do a search for jerkstop or start a new thread and tips will come poring in.

    It does seem to be significantly worse with the addition of WotGS (which I was kind of afraid of), so I think we're going to have to make some hard decisions soon as far as that goes.
  12. silo25

    silo25 Established Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    had the same problem with the old man attacking and thanks again gaear
  13. silo25

    silo25 Established Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    i have killed every patrol i have seen but he still tells me that all are dispatched but the northern road , have i overlooked something?
  14. krokyk

    krokyk Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    Thanks sirchet and Gaear!

    Yep, that seems to be the issue - I revealed the Hextor faction's plan to the authorities.

    Does it mean I'm screwed? :anger: I don't have any save from BEFORE the meeting with Ariakas. Aren't there any console commands for setting certain variables to solve my situation?

    I'll download the fix anyway - see what's in there, maybe it'll help me to figure out what should I do to fix this even if I met Ariakas already.
  15. krokyk

    krokyk Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    Didn't help. Files inside are mostly binary and I could not find anything that stroke me as helpful. :tears:
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