TOEE CO8 Crash-help

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Jope, Oct 23, 2011.

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  1. Jope

    Jope Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    I've been trying to get TOEE run on my Windows 7 laptop.

    My install order:

    Atari Patch 1
    Atari Patch 2

    I let all of the installations run uninterrupted. Game starts fine however changing resolution into anything other than 800x600 crashes the game. Changing resolution from the .cfg file will cause the game to crash on startup. Trying to play the game on 800x600 the game will crash as I try to leave the beginning shop area.

    Any idea whats wrong? Been trying to search but I havent got a clue how to fix this.
  2. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Normally when you leave the start shop map, a video (the opening vignette) is played.
    The fact that your game crashes as soon as you try to leave the start shop map means that your computer has an issue either with playing videos or with the screen resolution of the video that the game is trying to play.

    I suggest running TFE-X and selecting the option to disable intro.

    If that doesn't work (or you've already tried that), then I seem to remember other forum members recommending that if you are having problems getting the videos to play, then you can solve this by either:
    1. Make sure that your anti-aliasing settings for your video card are set to 'application controlled.'
    2. In your graphics card's settings, disable (or was it enable?) 'scaling' (my memory could be wrong about this).
    3. Rename all of the .bik video files in the Temple of Elemental Evil/data/movies folder (i.e. the game's cutscenes) to other names (so that hopefully the game will recognize that the video file isn't there and skip the video). Don't do this unless Gaear (one of the Circle of Eight modders) gives you the go ahead to do this (as my memory may be wrong).

    If none of these solve the problem, then try the following:

    On your desktop, right click on the Circle of Eight Modpack shortcut icon.
    Then click on the compatibility tab.
    Then click on the box Disable Visual Themes.

    If none of these help, then wait for Gaear's answer to solve your problem.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2011
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sounds like gazra's right on. :thumbsup:

    Changing the scaling should normally preclude needing to disable videos (as that should fix video issues), but I guess you never know.

    What's your monitor's native resolution? Generally that's the ideal resolution to use, though the higher-end ones aren't supported (very well).
  4. Jope

    Jope Member

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Thank you, due to some miracle my wireless connection is working (It hasnt worked here in the army for the last 3 months) and I'm able to read these answers. Disabling Scaling allowed me to change my resolution to my native resolution (1440x900) without the game crashing and renaming the .bik files I managed to leave the beginning shop area.

    Time to enjoy one of the few "modern" D&D games I haven't played yet.
  5. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Member

    Nov 16, 2014
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    Hello, thanks for accepting me in the Co8 forum

    I bought Toee on GoG , cause I play a lot D&D3.5...Then I stopped, it was a bit slow on Hommlet and the level cap to 10, I disliked (hated) it.
    (the module book is made to finish around level 14 I think, I have played it until level 7)

    Then I saw de Co8 mod with no level cap and I downloaded ToEE and the patch (full of energy and expectations)

    First GoG version, then the patch of Co8. I activated Co8 module. Everything was fine I created 5 characters, I entered the shopmap, I equipped myself, I got out of the shopmap. I killed the assassin of the priestress and headed to hommlet. Then (biggest error of the TOEE life) I wanted to check the internet and I did: alt+tab!!...
    Then when switching back to ToEE, black screen bug, only the upper left could be seen. No matter what I did (switch option in front end or reboot computer) the problem was here.

    Then I uninstall Co8, TOEE, even erased the folder on my computer. I installed it back again (swearing to never alt+tab again while ingame). But now... The game crashes on start. (just before the screen with the new game and load game option)

    I tried windowed mode, I tried to activate TOEE instead of Co8...and nothing.

    I tried to play yesterday to TOEE, and due to bug issue, I lost all my sunday afternoon and the day after I am seeking for help... Seriously the game seems a bug in itself. I see many people on internet complaining about assassins' creed unity... They know nothing about bugged game...

    I do not know If someone can help, but I want to give it a chance or two. (My TOEE master quit mastering the TOEE module, so I wish to finish it at least in a videogame)

    my gaming rig
    win7 home premium
    intel i7
    nvidia GT540M 2GBvRAM
    Asus laptop

    summary of things tried: execute as admin the ToEE, the front end. Change resolution from front end. disable videos.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What antivirus software are you running? Anytime you see a sudden change in processes being terminated with ToEE, antivirus should always be the first suspect.

    Interestingly, I think changing resolutions may have fixed your original black box issue, as ToEE can indeed be very sensitive to switching, whether it be to play videos or tab in or out of the game. The partial box suggests your system was disagreeing with ToEE about the display resolution, with the system saying fullscreen and ToEE saying some smaller resolution. (ToEE starts drawing and calculating x and y from the upper left, so if it believed your resolution was 1024 x 768 or something like that, it would only draw that much of the screen - in the upper left.) Anyway, manually changing resolution may indeed have cleared that out.
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Also check your video driver. It's been a while since I had this problem, but as I recall it was a driver update that fixed it.
  8. Ancalagon

    Ancalagon Member

    Nov 16, 2014
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    The game would not work, cause after the black screen bug, I had the bug that ToEE crashes on start. (initializing sector data...)

    I tried to launch the basic ToEE module instead of the Co8 module, and the game worked. I reached level 3, I was cleaning the moathouse dungeon.

    Then, today, a background program in windows somehow forced the game to minimze and then back again the black screen bug. I only saw the blue arrow if I bring the mouse to the upper left.

    It seems like if alt+tab while playing ToEE corrupts an important file in the game and litterally installs the bug, forcing you to uninstall.

    So I uninstalled Co8, the game (I kept maps, saves and player folders in another windows path) and back again re-installing everything.

    And, good news, it worked for me. So i could finish today the moathouse and fight Lareth.

    Finally a last question very easy for you I think. As I told, I had problems with the Co8 module, so I use the TFE to launch ToEE but with "the temple of elemental evil" active (instead of Co8 module).
    Does the level cap option in the launcher affects the basic module?
    Does this mean that even if the level cap is set to 20 in the launcher, maybe I am stuck to reach only level 10?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
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