(major storyline spoiler) Four brave heroines were standing in a dark hall, knee deep in kobold corpses. They sensed, that the villain, Mathel, had to be nearby. They already knew their way around this place, since they were in a dungeon built by the same company just before they came to Hommlet. They entered Mathel's filthy chamber and clashed with his stubborn elite minions. Just when the battle was reaching it's peak, Bardiche, a choleric half-orc cleric, invoked the power of her mighty deity and gained control over Mathel's confused mind. The battle ended as quickly as it began. Sense, a shy elven ranger in a corset, finished off the raging gnoll and when the dust settled, the only ones left standing were the heroines, and Mathel, awkwardly watching Bardiche. It didn't take long, and Bardiche and Mathel became friends. Together, they stood at the frontline during the massacre of the goblin village, where they learned all about Mathel and his forces from a cowardly goblin warrior, and had a great laugh, when Sense got almost killed by a giant crawfish on the way back to Hommlet. When they finally arrived, they went straight to the local leader of militia to bring him the good news about their valiant exploits in Welkwood. Soon, they realized, that there was a little problem. He wouldn't hear of it. Specifically, they couldn't find a way to explain to him, that Mathel is under their full control and won't pose any threat to the town anymore. They asked Renton to give them a second and gathered to discuss the situation. "It sucks that we won't complete this quest, girls," Shook her head Bardiche, "but there might be other bounties around here." "What are you talking about?" Snickered Blood, the party's obnoxious rogue. "We can just kill the bastard." Bardiche agreed. "Sure, let's kill Renton" "Not Renton, you moron! Mathel!" "We can't kill Mathel! He's... you know... Mathel. Don't you like Mathel?" "Not really, no." Replied Sense without hesitation. "He's like totally a zombie, or something..." "I'm still for the killing." Proclaimed Blood. "Yeah, let's kill it." "Still in the room..." Uttered Mathel. "Don't you understand?" Cried desperately Bardiche. "He's on the good side now! And you know how tough he is! With him in our group, we can do amazing things for this world. All in the name of the great Gruumsh!" The rest of the gang wasn't convinced. "Isn't Gruumsh like totally..." "Yeah, he is, just shut up Sense." Ordered Blood. "Let's do this already. You know we're not rich enough yet..." "I know..." Sighed Bardiche. "If you can't, I can deal with it." Offered Malice, a little girl with a huge heavy crossbow, which she promptly cocked to show her dedication to that plan. "No," Resigned Bardiche. "this is for me to do." She took Mathel by his arm and embraced him. Then she took a step back and swiftly decapitated him with seven swings of her greatsword. When Renton's wife stopped crying about her preferences regarding getting hurt, Bardiche turned to Renton. "It's done." She said. "Mathel is dead." Renton laid aside his stuff and looked up. "Oh, really? Thanks, girls. Here's you hundred gold pieces." "A hundred??" Shouted Bardiche. "I'll take it from here." declared Blood and hid the purse under her cloak. "Seriously, a hundred coins??" "Can we go to the inn now?" Asked Sense. "I lost like half of my blood during that fight with a crawfish." "You can't even buy a good armor for this pittance!" Complained Bardiche, when they were leaving into the night, looking for another exciting adventure in these unforgiving lands. btw. Thanks for this great mod. I found him just now and I'm still at the beginning, but from what I saw, I'm amazed what you're doing with this already great game. Keep up the good work.
Wanted to say this was a fun read and I had never thought of rebuking Mathel before. Funny story and finish, and I will agree with Gaear to please let us know more of your group's exploits.
Thanks for this mod, it was very well executed The effects with the disappearing illusions was great. The background information given by the guard captain was very well written too Luckily I had Greater Turning :giggle:
That does indeed do the trick. Shame that this game can not allow evil undead priests to turn the living, Just see how well your group does when you get a high enough undead priest turning your own priests and paladins.
Try hovering your cursor to the right of the Moat-house, if all else fails ... click on the name in the list to the right of the world map.
The only time the quest is considered 'mentioned' is after Brother Smyth tells you about it. But at the same time, Brother Smyth also tells you what to do to look into it further (go talk to Captain Renton). You won't get very far with the NC if you don't read dialogue.
If you're not sure who or where this Capt is, click on the road sign in front of the Welcome Wench and choose "Militia Capt". And WELCOME TO THE FORUM, don't mind Gaear ... he tends to get a little grouchy just before a new version is released.
Thanks for the replies, and yes I didn't read the dialogue carefully in my rush to check out the new content, so me culpa. I just reinstalled this game after many years to try out this mod, looks fantastic.
Welcome aboard Tres Tacos and hope you have fun. Feel free to look over old posts for information and let us know if you have specific questions. It may take one of us to reply and give you an answer, but we will do the best we can. You can also look over the the Walk through by gazra_1971 at http://www.co8.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8742 for some of your answers.