Do humanoids speak 'English?' Does Anyone Care?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Gaear, Apr 22, 2010.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks everybody, I am satisfied.

    I didn't really seriously mean they or any D&D character speaks an acknowledged form of English, btw, as in "yes, we all speak English here in Hommlet," just that they would speak whatever 'common' language the game happens to be transmitted in. In other words, they speak 'we understand,' so there's no need for translations or to implement a language barrier scenario (which would basically mean that I just wouldn't have them talk).
  2. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    I have no recollection of ever saying that... :p
    The problem with using an IRL language is that people will understand it if they personally know said language. I for example, speak hebrew (its my native language).

    And I am sure some bleeding hearts will find it offensive that you use language X for Orc, and language Y for gnoll... but meh, I don't really care about that... people need to grow some thicker skin... just be aware that it will offend people.
  3. Edwin P

    Edwin P Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    As I recall, in 3.5 you can only use a charisma based skill (bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information) against a creature if you can speak a language they they know.

    That said; goblins, orcs and gnolls almost always know common. Fire Salamanders generally don't know common. Among hill giants - only those of higher intelligence know common.

    You can likely speak to a High Intelligence Hill Giant Chieftain (Int 11) if you only knew common. To bluff or use diplomacy (bribe) your way past a low intelligence Hill Giant Guard (Int 6) that does not know common you would need to know the Giant language.

    Adding ShiningTed's Speak Languages Skill Modification to the CO8 Mod-Pack would give players more options in navigating encounters.

    Example: I see a hill giant guard. I can fight my way past him or perhaps I can bluff my way past him or use a bit of diplomacy and offer him a bribe to let me past.

    ----- If I fight - his coherts in the cavern beyond will be alert and ready to surprise my party.
    ------ If I can peacefully navigate my way past him I can catch the hill-giants in the next room flat footed.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
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