Keep Raimol... and do the trader's quest?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by camelotcrusade, Jul 31, 2011.

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  1. camelotcrusade

    camelotcrusade Head Boy

    Oct 18, 2004
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    In the old days before humble NPCs, I used to buy sucky ole' Raimol because he wouldn't take my loot. I got a kick out of his YES MA'AM or YES SIR to my every whim, too.

    Well, these days I vastly prefer the Co8 mod pack + NC, and part of that is a nifty quest line where you sell Lareth's stuff to the traders, have a hitman sent after you, and can eventually have a cool fight with them in your Nulb house.

    Only downside - as part of this quest, they call on Raimol to help you, and he becomes hostile and you have to kill him.

    So I was wondering - if you hire Raimol and still want to do the trader's quest, is there any way to keep him from turning on you?

    I haven't tried it yet but was thinking of taking him next time around for old time's sake. I did try raising him from the dead after killing him as part of the quest (without having hired him first) and he still pops up as hostile.

    thanks in advance if anybody knows
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    There really is no (legit) way.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    You know, it's a perfect fit for a fledgling modder :)

    E.g. script him so that if you resurrect him after the Trader run-off thing, he becomes your loyal lap-dog. It kind of makes sense, don't you think? (YES SIR!)
  4. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Well you can always charm/dominate him after raising him and just remember to renew before you rest. :)
  5. camelotcrusade

    camelotcrusade Head Boy

    Oct 18, 2004
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    You know, I've read a lot about the permanent dominate trick but I haven't actually tried it. To make sure I have it right, you just use dominate person and then kill them off, then resurrect them right? I'd have to console in a dominate person scroll and a rez scroll if I'm low level, but I could overlook that I suppose.

    And good point about modding him, if only he were worth it. :) If I did mod him, I'd want him to initiate dialog with you before betraying, maybe where you can offer to play him more or use diplomacy to talk about all the good times you had and convince him to stay. He's not evil, he's just a poor schmo trying to earn some gold from an honest day's work...
  6. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    You can also just use Charm Person and make sure you have one still memorized when you rest. He will go hostile, but just cast it again. Rinse and repeat.

    You can also due the same thing with animals. Just have your druid/ranger use charm animal/dominate animal. :) Especially when you can get a dire wolf/bear on your side. Cast animal growth on them and watch them tear into your enemies while you take a swig of grog.
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