Circle of Eight Modpack v6 / v6 NC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Provodnik, Dec 30, 2010.

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  1. yanfeng

    yanfeng Member

    May 26, 2011
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    "I cant loot(i cant remember is this bug with crack or somtetnig)" ??
  2. Oleg Ben Loleg

    Oleg Ben Loleg Established Member Supporter

    Jan 9, 2010
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    I think this has to do with the attitude of the original creators of the game. Some people even accused them of being communists. So they don't wanted the player to be too materialistic and hoard money that might corrupt the character.
    Well that's at least my theory, if you don't beleave it you might look for another answer with the search function in one of the other threads.:dribble:
  3. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Where can we make suggestions for features to be made into the Modpack?
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I guess you could do that here if you like, or just start your own thread.
  5. psudonym55

    psudonym55 Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Been having a really furstrating problem when i try to play toee with the Circle of Eight Modpack v6 installed. I have installed it exactly as the instructions say but when i got to play the game with the mod activated the game runs up untill the loading screen with the blue loading bar comes up then the game crashes. then after the game crashes the toee.exe file in c: dissapears. I have tried running it with my virus protection software turned off but this problem still occures. So far i have tried this on two different computers one with windows vista and one with windows 7 and it happens on both.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    See the Co8 Modpack Explained thread.

    You may have to literally uninstall your AV software to get it to stop doing that.
  7. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Originally posted by felixthm:
    Ooh, me likey. Me likey a lot! It would make combats challenging again if the enemy always cast Greater Dispel Magic on the player's party just before the combat initiates. Enemy spellcasters of the appropriate class and level could do this as their first round action (which would probably be FAR more effective than any other A.I. Strategy that they currently have. It would be GREAT if the slave trader sorceress and the slave trader cleric did this as their first round actions!

    Originally posted by florian1:
    I agree completely with florian1 about this, and I second the request to have ALL of the recruitable NPCs in the game level up by themselves (the way that they did in the vanilla game). It would give the NPCs more personality and prevent players from altering them into unlikely multiclassed characters (I kept levelling up Meleny as a cleric for the whole game when I recruited her at the start of the game).
  8. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    From personal experience and what Gaear said, the NPC levelling was quite bad before. If there would be a way for our wonderful modders to code it so the NPC's level up on a set route predetermined by what they think would be a good character for them, then I would love it. Allowing us to decide the NPC level's is unrealistic, but if the only alternative is the terrible auto levelling, then don't change it.

    Also, would it be possible to restrict NPC joining by party alignment? (more realistic)

    For future versions of the modpack when the NC content is rehauled into post Zuggtmoy game, would some of the NC area's be fixed for difficulty levels? Welkwood Bog, Hickory Branch, and Return to the Moathouse would all be too easy for parties over level 10.

    Gaear, I have wanted to install these new videos for a long time, but I can't open them. And they do sound like they quite add to the ToEE experience, possibly could be part of the modpack in the future instead of optional?

    Also, for content in Verbebonc (excellent job by the way, it's an amazing new content), will there be more quests and characters to interact with here in the future? While exploring Verbebonc, it was very large, many people did not talk to me, and there were lots of empty houses and large untouched areas (the underground tunnel in the ruins of the temple of pelor)

    Also, I havent found sicknesses and disease to be a very large part of the game. Besides uncommon specific attacks that create a disease or sickness, I dont see them alot. Besides that darndest carrion crawler brain juice. Why does it never go away and infect my character in like 5 slots? I'd like to see more of diseases being used, like just by being in specific areas and such. Would make the game more realistic.

    Quick question; Am I using dispel and greater dispel magic correctly? I just have my bard cast the AoE circle on the most of my PC's that have negative spell effects wrong with them, but nothing happens 80% of the time.

    And tip; Break Enchantment is HUGELY HELPFUL! I can't stress this enough. Dispel magic never does anything for me, but Break Enchantment is just SUPERB. I can choose a large number of targets, and it actually dispels spell effects. So helpful in battle, like unbelievably helpful. Got rid of my whole parties negative spell ailments one time, and also it can effect enemies, amazing for getting rid of their spell buffing.

    New Ideas for the modpack:

    1) Add into the options menu of the Front End X, an option for difficulty. You could choose from among radial buttons for percentages of difficulty, and the default would already be pre set. But choosing a difficulty in this option would then edit the file in your ToEE directory that changes EXP percentage gain. I remember reading about that file somewhere here. (moderate importance)

    2) Possibly another option in the Front End X for equipping default starting items? (low importance)

    3) Fixing and/or adding back in parts of the game that currently are not accessible, such as weapons;
    and misc;
    and items; (possibly making some of these quest items, making new quests so they have a useage? I saw a quest for Bing selling masterwork items that could use the vial of orc blood)
    (high importance)

    4) New race(s) for character creator? I would personally quite like to be able to make bugbear PC's, you see many of them in the game, and they are intelligent humanoids. (If so I could help brainstorm character class bonus's if you need me to) And possibly Orcs, as you see them in the game, and there are Elves to Half Elves, so why not Orc's to Half Orcs? (moderate importance)

    5) Add more item descriptions (by using shift click). There are items in the game that are without descriptions, and some need better descriptions, such as the Ioun Stones, (I never knew their bonuses didnt stack with items of corresponding effects, such as Gloves of Dexterity and the corresponding dex ioun stone. It was hard to know what I could and couldnt give them to, as I didnt know what Ialready had that would not stack with them.) (high importance)

    6) If possible, be able to fix the weapon focus feat issues?
    (high importance)

    7) Verbebonc was a bit confusing my first time visiting, mainly in the way of names. I like the names of the buildings and such, but I didnt know what any of them corresponded to by reading the main signpost. Perhaps have people you talk to at the buildings that tell you what the name is? (like in the building that sells armor and weapons, instead of the vendors boringly say "hi want to buy x", have them be colorful and say "Hello, welcome to the **, would you like to purchase x?" along those lines)
    (moderate importance)

    8) Would it be possible to make it so water spells don't work in the Fire Temple shrine? (where you fight the noble salamanders and flamebrothers) It just seems like they shouldnt, and it would match up with;
    (high importance)

    9) For prebuffing with many spells before fights, I find that an annoyance to that area is that some powerful spells I want to prebuff with might not last very long, and may wear off while I cast more prebuffing spells or align my party to get ready to fight. Would it be possible to add some sort of menu or feature to the game where you can select a number of spells from a magician in your party, and targets, and he/she casts them all at once? This would make prebuffing a much more useful strategic area of fighting, and as it is I don't prebuff currently at all because of how spells wear off too fast before I can make use of them. (moderate importance)

    10) The sword that the leader of the fire temple troops is carrying is called a flaming longsword +2 I think, and it should be called Flame Tongue. It would be nice to have it renamed. Also, possibly another option in the Front End X to toggle on or off the graphics of 4 swords in the game from classic to realistic. These I am talking about are Fragarach, Scather, Flame Tongue, and Frostbrand. If this option would be toggled to classic, then the cool colorful appearances of these weapons would be shown for them ingame (how they are originally I think). If toggled to realistic, then they would be set to the actual weapon type, like Fragarach and Scather would look like bastard swords, Flame Tongue would look like it's picture (if possible, that looks so cool! otherwise a longsword), and Frost Brand would look like a greatsword. (high importance)

    Thank you for reading all of that. I hope you take these in mind. I only wish to make this great game greater :)
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  9. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Great post, by the way.
  10. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    I think it is completely realistic to have NPCs join the party regardless of alignment. First, alignment is not something obvious - no way of knowing for sure except through magical means. Second, evil NPCs joining a good party for nefarious reasons makes the game much more interesting. PCs hiding their true alignment is also a big part of the game, whether evil or good. I doubt the temple factions would be excited to recruit someone they know to be a Lawful Good cleric of Pelor! Terjon wouldn't want to have anything to do with evil parties either. The game deals with this much more realistically with reputations: people judge you on what you are known to have done.

    This would seriously unbalance the buffing spells. The spells with short durations are designed that way, otherwise they become much too powerful. If you want longer lasting spells, you should take the appropriate metamagic feats. Then, the extended spells use higher spell slots, which reflects their power more accurately.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What do you mean by "can't open?"

    Anyway, those movies will never be a regular part of the modpack because some of them use non-proprietary matetial. If we ever redid them with original material (such as drawn by HK or somebody, like the Slavers movie), they might make the regular modpack. Bink compression routines have greatly improved, so size is less of an issue.

    There will be some, and it's large so as to make it open-ended for adding more.

    Not likely to happen. Difficulty is more than just a function of percentage XP granted, and adding a XP percentage slider would be leading players down the garden path. Plus, we don't want to support everybody's separate opinion of how difficult they feel the game should be. Everybody will assume their way is the 'one' way or the 'right' way or the 'real' way. We like the percentage where it's at right now.

    That's already going to be added to the shopmap.

    Not gonna happen.

    The Verbo officer in City Hall will tell you all about everything. You have to do the information gathering yourself; we're not going to serve it on a platter for you. It's more fun that way. :)

    Maybe, but not everybody has to be Mr. or Mrs. Personality. Some NPCs are just there to facilitate a game function.

    Nada on more options for TFE-X, sorry. People always think more is better with this, but part of the virtue of the current state of the modpack is its simplicity. Less is, in fact, usually more.


    I realize that players want all the advantages they can get, but pre-buffing is largely a result of meta-gaming. (e.g., you know a difficult fight is coming due to earlier plays; you don't go around with high level pre-buff spells on general principles.) As has been stated before, we can't cater to meta-gaming. That may seem odd, since most people who post here are by nature repeat-players and thus potential meta-gamers, but making a meta-gamey mod would be entirely impractical. Pretty much all game creation (of CRPGs, anyway) is done with the first-time player in mind. That's just the way it is.
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  12. Forgalz

    Forgalz Established Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    It's probably not possible anyway, but just to point out that a bugbear has 3 creature hd and +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Char modifiers. That's +2 hd and +6 ability points! and probably alone a good reason to not allow it as a player race outside of special campaigns. Orc has 1 hd and +4 Str, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Char, making it more balanced.

    What issue? Dwarven waraxe and bastard sword can be used as martial weapons (two-handed), so you can of course get wf. Gnomes use hooked hammer as martial weapons, but sianghams are exotic weapons for everyone but monks. Why should halflings get them for free?

    The water pool is a demon-thingy (not clearly explained in the computer game), which explains its special abilities. There is no corresponding artifact in the other temples. What maybe could be done to align it a bit more with the PnP is make the pool deal acid damage if you walk in and allow a dialog option to destroy it with holy water for some xp. That could then also mention something about "an evil presence lifted from the room" or somesuch, to give at least a hint about what was special in this room.

    Ah, but that is the challenge of buffing wisely. There are some very useful spells that last for quite a while, and others that are really meant to be cast during combat, not before. Learning which are which is part of the game.
  13. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    IMO, if you disregard practical concerns of effort / "RoI", everything should be customizable, a la JA2 v1.13 INI settings.

    Or scouting ;)
  14. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    It comes as a .rar file, and I can't open it to get whatever the movie files are.

    And would you be able to get the items and spells that don't currently work to work in the future?
  15. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    To open an rar file, you need to use an associated program. The one that is free is here Maybe that will allow you to see the movies.
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