CTD on start

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Lockdown, Mar 1, 2011.

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  1. Lockdown

    Lockdown Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Hey all, I apologize in advance if this topic is handled elsewhere. I am currently running ToEE that I got from d2d (Direct-to-Drive), and I do think the version is pre-patched. The good thing is that since its d2d I don't have to mess around with no-cd cracks.

    Here is the problem.

    I can play 5.0, but when I try 5.9.3 or 6.0, the game crashes right when the main menu screen would pop up (New Game, Load Game etc). I've followed every step for installation as instructed, I've tried re-installing the game and the patches fresh, and still it crashes. If I load the regular vanilla game from a fresh install it plays fine.

    I followed the directions for changing the FX card to 'no smoothing' or what have you, and I've also disabled the intro movies -- it still crashes, so that doesn't seem to be the issue.

    Like I said, I followed the installation instructions to the letter, and I'm still simply CTD on the main menu screen (right when it would pop up). Also, no error screens or anything pop up, the program simply ends. I appreciate any and all feedback guys, thanks for your time, I really look forward to playing some of the new content you all have worked so hard on.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hi Lockdown,

    I suspect that your anti virus software is terminating the toee executable. 5.9.3 and 6.0.0 both contain the no-cd executable, whereas 5.0 (and obviously vanilla) don't. Lots of AV software thinks the no-cd is a trojan and will kill it. (It's not a trojan.)

    I would try:

    1. add toee.exe (in your root directory) as an exception to your AV software
    2. disable your AV software
    3. uninstall your AV software (don't skip this one if the first two don't work ... many users have reported that you actually have to uninstall certain AV software apps before they will stop killing toee.exe ... turning them off may not be enough, amazingly. Comodo is a good example.)
    I use AVG Free 2011 and all I had to do was add toee.exe as an exception once (the first time AVG saw it). It hasn't been a problem since.
  3. Lockdown

    Lockdown Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Thanks for the reply good sir! I tried all three steps and its still a no-go!

    So I just play version 5.5.0 and am having lots of fun with that. Thanks for your support, maybe I'll get a chance later on to mess around with it and get it running. Thanks again.
  4. vageta31

    vageta31 Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    I had trouble with Win 7 installation with 6.0 but finally got it to work. 5.9.1 NC worked perfectly but when I went to 6.0 it started crashing. Long story short I figured out it was the movies. I simply renamed all the *.bik movies to *.bak and no more crashes. It just skips the movie when it can't find the file.

    I still notice that when I hit esc to go to menu it has like a 5 second lag, but otherwise totally playable. I do notice that I can no longer alt-tab out of game and come back like I was doing on the previous one, but again it's not a major issue.

    Also make sure to run in administrator mode and xp compatibility.
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