Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Hmmm. Are you positive you didn't make a typo?

    After you type the previous code, what does the console tell you when you type:
    from py00439script_daemon import *
    Before and after you enter the Tavern?
  2. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    The game can, I promise you. In my early cheat days I maxed a character for a single play through with stats at 45, and with other devices his ac approached 60.

    As for the bow guy, no idea, and maybe the bitchy sorceress wanted to make sure you could not rescue the kiddies.
  3. mmonagle

    mmonagle Established Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    I made a special save game at a point where I am outside the tavern during the day so I could test this. I just loaded it up and tried the script again - both before and after I enter the tavern. I still get the same result = Tolub is back but no one else.

    I type in one line, hit enter, and then the other line. I receive a 0 back when I do.

    Note that this saved game occurs after I have talked to Lodriss and she and her friends have left and I have killed Skole. Let me know if I should try again.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hm, are you saying that his inventory does change (more than once), unlike GG?

    Good - it's working as intended.

    That shouldn't be happening.

    These are the perils of doing wacky stuff with NPCs that was never scripted for.

    He should say that if he's got a generic greeting (I think he does) and if you've got that rep.

    Hm, only guards in the city are supposed to do that (so you don't have dead bodies lying around on the streets ... they probably wouldn't be too cool with that in Verbo).

    I'll have to bulletproof that guy so that he ONLY appears if you're in the cell or something.

    It's possible you may not have seen the SB if you weren't paying attention ... he runs away fairly quickly. Also, he may appear in the inns. He's not supposed to show up at the castle unless you own it. Lerrick doesn't mention Wilfrick's assassination because he didn't order it, Darlia did. You're not supposed to get hasseled by the guards for killing Wilfrick unless you kill him in Verbobonc. Are you sure you didn't have the killer rep(s)?

    Are you sure about that? I thought I had Zook give you the key if the gnomes weren't in Verbo.

    Yay ... can you think of a time you were ever pissed at a character in ToEE before? My job is done here. ;)
  5. Ranth

    Ranth Established Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    Thanks for the comments Gaear. I am sure about the gnome key thing. I reloaded twice. Other people have reported it to.

    I know I did not have the guard killer rep before killing Wilfrick.

    I am thinking my install may be corrupted. I have a lot more problems then most people. I better fix that before I start modding haha.
  6. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Yes it did change. It updated about the same as Jakk, once a week or so.

    I was able to pick the lock but Zook never gave me the key. I had bumped off Nibble and gang back in the moathouse, though I did have Nibble;s ring.

    And a great job it is indeed. :D
  7. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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  8. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    After returning from my first trip to Nulb, Bing finally had the MW sling! Now I had been in his shop maybe 25 times, every trip back to town to unload leather stuff, and he never had it, so I snapped it up for my druid, not sure how much more use I'll get out of it now that she is using Lareth's staff. But there is more outdoor, long range fights, and hopefully I can upgrade it some soon.

    If I add flaming to it, do the bullets have a special animation?
  9. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    I do not think the bullets will have any extra animation, but when they hit their target there will an animation of flames around the victim. Same goes for frost and shocking weapons as well. :)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  10. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I have found the absolutely best thing about 5.9.2, bar none! The monsters are now absolutely brutal and ruthless! If they knock you unconscious, you had better run some interference for the man down because there's a significant chance that they will coup de grace his ass, which is freaking awesome, lol!

    I also noticed that groups of mobs are reacting way differently now. The small ambush in the moathouse courtyard when you first get there is great! They don't merely pop up and stand there spanking frank. They pop up and charge you immediately before combat starts, so there's no time to prepare and you're pretty much surrounded by 4 or 5 brigands. I hope this remains true throughout the rest of the encounters in the game, especially in the temple and especially especially in the fire temple and air temple. And please oh please let that be the case with the Galeb Duhrs in the earth node! Actually, they should all just pop up starting off in the surrounding position of the party. And just as a personal flavor type of thing, I think all of the flame brothers in the fire temple should be removed and replaced with noble salamanders. I want to see 12-15 fireballs flying! Oh, and the huge bugbear/ogre fight in the basement? Oh man, I think I just peed a little. :yes:
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, at least the inventories do vary then, sometimes. I still wouldn't be surprised if whatever it is that's broken with them in vanilla is having some effect here as well.

    Uhh ... this really should be no different than it ever was. If they get inititiative, they stand up (what they're actually doing is becoming unconcealed) and get their move. It's not pre-combat though. I don't think I've ever seen the bandits just stand there and do nothing, at any rate.

    There was also no mass change to AI in 5.9.2 to make everybody coup de grace.
  12. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    In the very first conversation with Darila I got the Framework quest,which I had to refuse because the uppity, holy-roller-do-gooder paladin would never go for it. I wanted to catch Lerrick and company in their assissination attempt, but no dialouge for it. Asking a good aligned party to murder and frame someone, especially with a paladin, is a little out of the question. Pretty much ends the Verbo scenario and game for me.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    You should actually get the quest where you have to go after the dwarven jeweler first. And yes, good parties really have no business getting involved with the SB. If you're trying to use subterfuge to bring them to justice, they're not going to just give up their master plan to you. You'd have to convince them by your actions to trust you, but they are not dumb, so they won't be taken in by anything but the real deal. You don't get ahead in the world like they have by being dumb. ;)
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Is the Command spell actually supposed to fizzle on large sized targets, according to the rules?

    The SRD says "One living creature". I don't see how that excludes Large targets.

    The current script fizzles on Large or bigger targets.

    Ok, I think I got it. It's meant to fizzle on giants, who normally don't speak Common. (although according to that, Lubash and Scorpp should be susceptible too).

    The reason I'm asking is that while testing Lareth, he'd cast Command on my enlarged fighters, and it would fizzle.

    I changed the script so if the target is humanoid, it won't fizzle, despite the size.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2010
  15. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    the necklace of adaptation and ring of freedom of movement do not seem to provide protection against web and stinking cloud etc

    in fact when moving thru an area with one or both of the effects they are specficlly listed as protecting against they fail totally to provide the protection s listed

    ive tested this casting the spells on my own party multipkle times
    as well as being the vicitim of enemy spells of this sort
    thought web/freedom of moevment or stinking cloud/necklaces of adaptation were great obvius tactical combos .but the DRow and I were both suprised when my guys suffered just as much as the drow ..

    8 turns of .. us all standing around ..while the effects disapated.. i was laughing picturing it
    "great plan there web em and free movement did remember to check out those rings before we started this right??"says the paladin to the cleric
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