Stormlord PrC

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Apr 30, 2021.

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  1. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    EDIT 2: The Stormlord is now part of Templeplus Beta build 2632+. I have removed the zip file from this post, if you want to to test the Stormlord please download the lastest beta Temple+ version.

    I've started to work on the Stormlord PrC and would like to get feedback.

    What is working?
    Spells, Enhanced Javelins, Resistance to Elec, Shock and Thundering Weapons.

    Whats not working?
    Storm Walk, Storm Ride, Storm of Elemental Fury.

    Known Issues:
    Storm Ride will never work I guess, there is no fly in ToEE :)
    Storm Walk is an edge case, will work on this later.
    Storm of Elemental Fury is deactivated in the Stormlord until I merged the spell into Temple+

    EDIT: Alot of the code is actually based on the arcane trickster. I changed arcane to divine for the spells part and you can easily spot my code part, it's a different coding style ;) Huge shoutout to the arcane trickster creator (I guesss @Sitra Achara or @_doug_ ) most of the work was already done for me ;)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Awesome as always!
    For future reference, make sure to download commits by sagenlicht rather than the latest, since I may push things in other branches. (It will be eventually integrated to main ofc)

    I think that's not really necessary when you run it from the nightly build folder.

    I forgot to mention, the tpdatasrc folder isn't deployed in release packages, it's zipped up in tpgamefiles.dat which has to be done manually.
    This could be automated but we were kinda apprehensive about including tio.dll directly in the build system. But maybe that's dumb.

    I did the trickster. Glad it was helpful and to see you and doug pick up where I left :)
  3. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Oh, then even more is missing. Updated the first post and attached the complete that contains the the Stormlord PrC (only the Stormlord).
    I have messed up the second push then as well, I moved the help from mes/help to mes directly because I thought this might fix the help issue. would need to move it back to mes/help then as well. Will do so with my next push.

    It's always helpful having a script to start :)
  4. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Quick Fix (attached to first post):
    Fixed Crit Multipiler for Shock and Thunderous Weapon
    Added Lightning immunity at level 9
  5. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Wow! This is great. Keep up the good work.

    BTW: I am currently working on the Abjurant Champion PrC but it won't be ready for a little while.
    anatoliy and Pygmy like this.
  6. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    That will give @Sagenlicht time to decide what he will say when someone mentions Luminous Armor and Greater Luminous Armoro_O
  7. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    For Abjurant Champion, note that by RAW the mage armor spell doesn't benefit from the class features since it's a Conjuration and not an Abjuration. Luminous armor and greater luminous armor are Abjurations and benefit from Abjurant Champion's class features.

    All sanctified spells (like the luminous armor spells) are automatically known by all Good divine casters, and Good Clerics can spontaneously convert spells into these in addition to cure spells. Other Good spontaneous casters like Wizards can learn and cast them, but by RAW, spontaneous arcane casters can't learn them. (I allow spontaneous casters to learn and cast sanctified spells because the rule against it is stupid.)

    The sacrifice cost is paid by the caster after the spell ends for its last subject, or by the person making the item that casts this spell as part of item creation.
  8. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Too many spontaneous casters?
  9. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    To my knowledge both spells are domain spells only and no one asked me yet to do domain spells :D
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Actually I was suggesting that you decided you didn't want to open up Sanctified spells before someone asked for the above but it appears to be too late - my big mouth.
  11. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    I updated the help file and added the Storm of Elemental Fury SLA though I deactivated it until the spell gets merged into temple+ to avoid compatibility problems.
    I pushed the updates it to my hub so you can download it there until it's getting properly merged into temple+
    I also pushed it to temple+ so it can be merged. Once it got merged into temple+ I will remove it form my hub and will update the first post.

    I would also like to get some opinions. At the moment I implemented it the way it is in the complete divine though the sourcebook clearly tells you you can adapt it to your campaing. Talos does not exist in ToEE, should it be adapted?
  12. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Thank you for your great work on this; even with the full range of Greyhawk deities to choose from, I don't feel I could significantly improve on the NE and CN aspects of Obad-hai with the Air and Water domains. I wouldn't bother fiddling with the spears and javelins as the staff is thematically inappropriate. I have to confess I would be sorely tempted to copy across any Turn/Rebuke Undead extender function that was to appear with Endarire's Eldritch Disciple PRC as it is a shame to top out the Rebuke Air/Water Creatures ability at level 5.
  13. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    One little touch Sagenlicht added to Stormlord is an electric spark aura that turns on when entering combat.


    Pretty cool, huh?
    But it was basically copied from Shocking Grasp. Does anyone want to take a stab at improving it?
  14. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    If anyone can improve the aura, please feel free to do it :)

    EDIT: I removed the zip file from the original post. The Stormlord PrC is now part of Temple+ Beta 2632+. Please download the beta if you want to to test/use the PrC :)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  15. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    In order to prevent other people wasting their time I thought I would mention the following Stormlord PRC related ToEE glitch:

    I have taken the liberty of converting Sagenlicht's Stormlord from worship of Talos to worship of Erythnul by reducing the weapon list and weapon focus requirement to morningstar only.

    I then created a CN cleric of Erythnul with the War and Trickery domains plus the Great Fortitude feat who I levelled up to 5th level with sufficient unspent XPs for a further level up for which the Stormlord class was not offered!

    After several hours eliminating all other more likely causes (e.g. my coding) I discovered that as soon as I used the DM to add the weapon focus morningstar feat again in its own right the character was eligible for the Stormlord PRC.
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