What makes removed followers disappear?

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Apr 25, 2014.

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  1. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    If you remove a follower from your group with {pc.follower_remove(npc)} in the NPC's .dlg file, as it is done in most of the scripts I've read, what makes them disappear? I'm not talking about the ones that run off with animation but the ones that go away once you enter and leave another area. OK, an example to clarify my question...

    Add Furnok as a follower in Hommlet.
    Travel to Nulb.
    Boot him from the group outside the Boatman's Tavern.
    Enter the tavern, then immediately leave.
    Furnok is gone, and ends up back in Hommlet at the Inn.

    All the npc followers I am making just stay in the same position where I dump them forever.

    I used Furnok as a test subject. I have scoured his proto, his object file, his .dlg and .py scripts, but I can't see where this action handled. I'm sure I must have missed a flag or something, but I just can't find it.

    Thank you for all the help.
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Not sure why that is, perhaps it's related to setting/unsetting the ONF_WAYPOINTS_DAY / ONF_WAYPOINTS_NIGHT flags, and also defining a Standpoint or not (from the NPC/Critters 2 tab in WB).
  3. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Problem fixed in 90 seconds, I had to turn on and set the Standpoints. :thumbsup:

    Thanks so much again.

    I always thought those were only needed if the npc was going to have a different day/night location like Spugnoir or Elmo, but I guess they reset abandoned followers too.
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