New Portrait Questions

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Cerulean the Blue, Nov 14, 2006.

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  1. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    I'm putting together the next installment of the Portrait Packs, which so far is including all the portraits from the first Packs, plus Aureshbg's portraits and Cujo's Oots portraits, and I have a question for you all.

    The Rogue Trader submitted some Royo artwork based portraits a while back. Many of them have, as he put it, "artistic nudity". I want your opinion on these before I put them in, or leave them out. Are these too risqué for a Co8 release?

    You can download a proof sheet of the large portraits here.
  2. ShadowDragoon

    ShadowDragoon Advocate of Vengence

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Ah. I've seen those before. They use them in one of the Neverwinter Nights mods. I think the Aeranor Hak Pack. I'm perfectly okay with their inclusion.
  3. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    a couple might be a bit ott. Most of them I wouldn't use tho, I think we already got all the portraits that will look good at aprox 1.87/1.66cm in the game already.
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Use 'em. It's art.
  5. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    After looking at the layout, I have no problem with using the Royos, except for one thing - Royo's stuff all looks pretty much the same to me. Putting them all in would look like overkill. But individually, the only one I don't like is "27." At least the others have some sense of DnD-style fantasy to them...
  6. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    They look OK, imo.

    However, OotS?!? Woot! I know what my next party will look like. ;)
  7. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Looks good to me!..add'em by all means. *cheer* :joy: :clap:

    It gives me a reason to install and use the portrait pack. :mrhappy:
  8. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Royo's work is out of discussion for me. He draws real masterpieces...It's like asking if we should cover David's 'thing" with a leaf...
  9. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    This is me. I've got nothing against nudity, but we already have some Royo stuff in the current pack and I pretty much skip over it because for the most part it's "Yet another busty blonde with a come-hither look on her face. Next."

    That, and fan-service fantasy art was fine when I was 13, but nowadays I prefer the women to be wearing something practical if they're adventurers. I have more respect for someone who can make a woman look like she can actually take on a dragon and still look hot, than someone who creates a picture of what looks like a porn-star in a bikini (or less) and then puts a sword or a monster in the picture to make it "fantasy." Not saying Royo doesn't have skill, but swords and sorcery is not the first thing that comes to mind when I look at his stuff.
  10. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Great Confusor

    Jul 20, 2006
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    ^ What Kalshane said, I agree FWIW.
  11. JerryB

    JerryB Established Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    Royo's work is fine art...for adults. I think you may just have some juveniles using your modifications though, so if I were to offer an opinion it would be that perhaps the CO8 should err on the side of caution.

    I would not include any of the pictures with exposed nipples, or the two (demona and reclining) that look like possibly overly suggestive poses. That's just an opinion.

    When we are all adults, if anything you include bothers me I would just select a different portrait and move on to play the game. Since anybody can click on a download link, or lie about their age if you include a disclaimer, that may not be the case here.

    What I hope not to see is some online posting about a 13 year old downloading the portrait pack, selecting one of those unclothed portraits, and then his mother finding it to her dismay. For those that think this is far-fetched, I should introduce you to my eight year old who plays online games. His mother would freak if he had some pictures that don't bother me at all, so obviously there willl be a range of tolerance for partial nudity of the female form.

    If I could offer one piece of advise it would be not to anger the moms.
  12. Nerik

    Nerik Established Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    At a slight tangent, is there a limit to how many PC portraits we can have? I seem to recall we had problems with the number of monster portraits that we could add, and I'm guessing this would apply to NPC portraits as well.

  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Personally I don't care one way or the other about the portraits, but Jerry may be right here. Although there's already plenty of hot sex talk to be had in Nulb, not to mention fade-to-black encounters with animals, dominatrixes, twins, and lesbians. So 'that train may have already sailed.'

    Determined players can always go the old fashioned route and add their own portraits. Perusing that JPEG sample, I'm sort of surprised that good ol' Mr. Royo stopped short of 'full spread' poses.

    And please, before anyone thinks of it - let's not suggest a separate X-rated modpack.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2006
  14. Aeroldoth

    Aeroldoth Established Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    HEAR, HEAR! I am SOOOO tired of EVERY single fantasy image I see for females being the equivalent of a breast-implanted stripper wearing ripped leather right before sex. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find images of fantasy females who aren't showing massive cleavage, sweaty skin, and twenty-something toned bodies?!? I challenge anyone to find even a half-dozen such images. Is it unreasonable for fantasy artists to draw a woman wearing full armor or even, dare I ask, fully clothed (and not in skin-tight deerskin)?

    I have absolutely no problem with eroticism, provocative poses, nudity, sex, beastiality, whatever. I have no problem with most things that other people are nervous or sensitive about. What I DON'T like are fantasy images that are, forgive the term, unrealisitic.

    When I see an image, I want to see the image of a believable adventurer. High level, low level, skilled, incompetent. If they're in the desert, give them light clothing. If they're in the snow, give them furs. If they're about to take on a horde of beasts, give them plate mail. Males are always drawn fairly realisitically, why aren't females? Males tend to wear garb appropriate to the situation, yet females are always drawn as panting, curvaceous, "take-me-now!" sex-kittens.

    The constant illustration of females in an unrealistic manner breaks my suspension of disbelief. It breaks the mood, prevents immersion, and reminds me this is just a game, and maybe I should be paying bills or doing laundry instead.

    I have no problem with the pics being included, but I will never use them.
  15. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The nuidty issue doesn't bother me too much, for all the reasons Gaear mentioned and the corset etc. The list could probably use some paring down though. I don't find myself using the Royo portraits already in game as I also prefer a more realistic look. My thoughts would be to try to inlude as much variety of style as possible in the portrait pack for the benefit of those not willing to spend hours searching the net for decent pics then going to all the work of adding them as portraits.

    Of course only icluding portions of the various resources available could lead to whining. I for one pledge not to bitch about CtB's choice of included portraits. Anyone who really wants to can always add their own, all mine are custom.

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