Paladins and Desperate Housewives

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by ithildur, Sep 12, 2007.

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  1. ithildur

    ithildur Established Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Paladins & DH

    The following is more paladin discussion moved from the 'Useful Tricks' thread.

    - Gaear

    Argh... I knew i should've taken a lvl or two as fighter to start out for my pally... i didn't realize desperate housewives would cause my pally to fall... i couldn't figure out for the life of me when or why he fell, just saw that he was fallen all of a sudden yesterday with no rhyme or reason apparently.... it was days after he accepted the quest initially btw before he fell which is why i was confused. I thought it was for agreeing to run some errands for Romag that caused the game to consider him as fallen so i went back after atoning and dealt out righteous wrath to romag and co.

    now that he has received atonement, i wonder if he can continue with the quest or if he needs to give it up?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2007
  2. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Useful tricks

    What exactly in DH caused your Pally to fall? I have completed DH many times with a Pally in the party, and the only time I ever had him fall on me was when he was the one who "talked" to Mary to get the curette. But that's pretty much a no-brainer - send someone else to "talk" to a whore. I was actually suprised he didn't fall just because other members of the party frequented the brothel. (See "Drinking Contest.")
  3. ithildur

    ithildur Established Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Re: Useful tricks

    Like I said, I've no idea exactly what/when he fell... all i know is that the guide/walkthrough for DH states pallies will have issues/fall at some point... which unfortunately i read after the fact.

    I am quite sure i had a rogue talk to mary, not the pally, as well.
  4. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Re: Useful tricks

    It makes no difference - the paladin only has to be in the party. Crazy, I know, but that's what happens with the computer playing GM. Alignments are much more rigid.
  5. zuluwarrior94

    zuluwarrior94 Established Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Re: Useful tricks

    With a Paladin in the party I wasn't even able to complete the DH quest. The option never came up to ask for Mary. And when I tried the drinking contest (I'm pretty sure with another PC), my Paladin "fell."
  6. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Useful tricks

    That's really wierd. I usually use a NG party, sometimes with a Pally in it (not the face man) and I have never had issues with completeing DH. And I know for a fact that the only time the pally fell was when I was messing around and had him hook up with some of the working girls. (I was trying to see all the dialogs... yeah, that't it.)

    I've had pallys fall for other things, like the drinking contest and completing Temple quests, but not anything DH related other than that one.
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Established Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    Re: Useful tricks

    Yeah Ithildur, being just a little too friendly with the wenches in the inns in Nulb will make your paladin fall (are they supposed to be gay or to have vowed chastity or what?). And it just happens that if you pay no attention to dialogues and keep clicking on the first dialogue option, it will get you there...

    Anyway, you can always get atonement.
  8. ithildur

    ithildur Established Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Re: Useful tricks

    Yeah, I did get atonement.

    As far as a pally falling, I can see that based on the class supposedly being the epitome of lawfulness and good hearted ness; for those who see the selling of a woman's body in a profiteering system (quite a bit different from say a romantic fling or even a one night stand between two consenting adults that involve no money exchanged) that appeals to the lower/base instincts, I can certainly see a paladin having problems if he directly partakes of such a system himself.

    But the pally falling because someone else in the party decides to do something scummy is what seems a bit broken.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2007
  9. Sachmo

    Sachmo Knight of the Crown

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Re: Useful tricks

    I find Paladins frustrating in the way that they fall.

    Especially the drinking contest when his dwarven team member gets in a drinking contest so the paladin falls. If thats the case a paladin could never hang around with dwarfs if they are going to fall evertime they get drunk.

    Also if my rather butch female half orc barbarian decides she thinks a prostitute is quite good looking and does what comes naturally, whats it to the paladin. I mean she is a rather unattractive lady, its not like she gets lots of offers and she is hoping to make the girl exclusively hers.
  10. Greylan

    Greylan Established Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    Re: Useful tricks

    Let me preface this by saying I agree with you in entirety sachmo -- I just wanna play a little Devil's Advocate. :)

    Perhaps the Paladin falls from the drinking contest not because of the imbibing of alcohol, but rather because he associated with someone who is, essentially, celebrating and indulging in dangerous excess -- such contests are not unknown to result in the occasional fatality, which can leave a family without its primary means of support, thus bringing grief, poverty, and hardship into the world.

    In regards to the postitution problem, again it's not the act of copulation engaged in by his associates that causes his fall, but rather that it occurs in a brothel that has rather lax hygeine standards, given that it's frequented by diseased pirates with bad teeth. In this case, there is the possibility that disease and plague is spread, and as with other such biological disasters, has a habit of spreading to the innocent.

    /Devil's Advocate

    Edit: Edited for dramatic effect.
  11. ithildur

    ithildur Established Member

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Re: Useful tricks

    omg... the logic is stunning... :grin:
  12. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    hmm - watch his or her pals see if they can attempt to achieve and survive alcohol overdose and alcohol poisoning

    yuck - may smell rotten like old fish or rotting seafood and the linens may not be very clean, etc.
  13. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    What happens in Nulb stays in Nulb...?

    Paladins shouldn't be hanging out in places where rowdy conduct & questionable activities occur. They work for a deity, and they always represent that divine personage. What alignment are the characters in your party that are doing these chaotic things? If you notice during character creation, paladins aren't permitted to join certain groups. This rule is being by-passed when you have another pc do something inconsistent with the paladin's code. This results in a fall for your good guy. Call it guilt by association, because that's exactly what it is. The deity is removing favor from their champion for associating with people who follow "what comes naturally" (natural law; also known as "chaos") rather than with a gods-given code of conduct, i.e. a "divine law".
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