Vain person asks about higher education valuability.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sergio Morozov, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Rocktoy

    Rocktoy Established Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    What is the thing with you Yanks and sexuality? Are you still puritans or what? Why it is so much of a big deal to you if/and/or men and women have sexual relations with each other? Is it the forbidden fruit? Me no comprendo: The summer of love originated in the US, the emancipation of female sexuality got its thriving power from the US; but you are still acting like the juveniles from tenth grade who just got the first base??
  2. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    In engineering specialities are important, because... Well... Engineer in Automation Guidance Systems does not know what engineer in Environment Protection Systems knows...

    So, if you do not state the specialty, no one knows what you know really (except some general engineering subjects, of course.)

    Maybe I should rephrase... As an engineer one is able

    to design and/or
    to construct (participate in building as a supervisor) and/or
    to operate (participate in working with the object in a superior role) and/or
    to analyse [and/or do something else with]

    technical objects (either simpler ones or more complex).

    But there is a great variety of technical objects which also differ from other objects greatly (example - computer processor and airplane), so you need to state what type of objects an "engineer" works with.

    In Russian Federation this is stated in State Educational Standarts for each of many specialties, some cover more objects, but are less specific, some cover less objects, but are more specific. Each Specialty has a name which points to a standart. Although name itself may be not very informative.

    So, let's say, specialty defines what types of COMPLEX technical object an engineer is familiar with. But then, of course, he may work with other, simpler objects (like one of my classmates, she was taught how to design tanks, filters, noise dampeners, but now she designs electrical transformator frames) or even with other complex objects if he reads some books.
  3. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I sort of agree, but you don't want ALL of that in the degree name. That would end the conversation.

    The point is to satiate the superficial information seeker, while simultaneously intriguing the interested into further discussion.
  4. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I think in most ways we are puritans, yes. Related to 'an angel in public, a devil in the bedroom' dogma.

    btw, the 'summer of love,' basically benefited men. And here in the US, while women are technically sexually emancipated, in practice it doesn't work out that way, despite the movies, surveys and plethora of info regarding women's sexual needs, etc. It's still a man's world.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Um ... Wednesday? In other words, what the hell are you talking about?
  6. ioannis76

    ioannis76 Established Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Sounds interesting to me, however I don't think that someone with that degree or any other university degree would have much chance finding work here. The only possibility I can think of for utilising this specific degree is the public sector, and this sector hires police officers here, rather than people with university degrees. :(
    I can't think intuitively about its "coolenss" rating, but it seems that being able to improve drinking water (assuming that this is what the person holding it does)would save lives in some places of the world, so by means of "logic" I guess it's cool.
  7. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Thank you for your opinion on this matter!
  8. Rocktoy

    Rocktoy Established Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Well, with do all respect Sergio was asking about higher education and the general benefits such an education would provide to an individual whilst the competence in said higher education in Italian degree was expressed rather complicatedly. And you came up with the following:

    Is the moment when a woman fall’s in your bed the most important moment of your life? The moment that defines the rest of your life? The shotgun marriage?

    Scryler is right:
  9. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    Now that I've thought about this, my first higher education degree of a diplomed engineer in Technospheric Safety is so "sexy" ! And I wondered why all the girls are mine! :chick:
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I think an engineer should just say what train he drives and where it goes ... :poke:

    ps, I like trains!
  11. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    You will (or will not?) be surprised to know that "train" is also a set of membrane pressure vessels.
  12. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Cool! I just learned something today!
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    @Rocktoy -

    Sergio asked

    and I replied

    Obviously I directed my response to the "cool" part of his question. I didn't simply volunteer irrelevent information about sex in response to a question about a college degree, as you suggest.

    The concept of being 'cool' inarguably relates to social acceptance, one element of which is inarguably the acceptance or lack thereof you receive from members of the opposite sex in a sexual context. (e.g., a man who is shunned by women sexually is not likely to be regarded highly by his peers. I guess it's possible that this is not true in Finland, but somehow I strongly doubt that.) If you don't believe such relationship to exist and/or be deserving of a (largely tongue-in-cheek) mention, fine, but you don't speak for everybody, and I hardly think making a one-half sentence reference to it here in response to a specific request for such information (as opposed to your lengthy five or six sentence retort) means that all Americans "act[ing] like the juveniles from tenth grade who just got the first base??" I also don't how you could conclude that any social trait is carried by and limited to all members of a given country, nor why even if it is was I would be asked to account for all of them specifically.

    Frankly, if the mere mention of such a thing makes you that uncomfortable, I suspect that you are the one with the hang up. Loosen up. :p
  14. Rocktoy

    Rocktoy Established Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Even though what whatever relevance the concept: “cool” may withhold in different cultures, I clearly made a cardinal error here. I judged your response not by your words, but by the words of a generic [censored] based on my own generalizations and stereotypes. My apologies.

    I wasn’t offended nor made uncomfortable, those are the reactions of the [censored]s… Such irony, once again. Yes, we all are the prisoners of our own cultural sphere.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2012
  15. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    What exactly IS an [censored]? It seems almost derogatory in nature, akin to name calling.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2012
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