Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Bing does sell a masterwork sling. If you don't see it, it's because it has an 80% chance of being there.
  2. mmonagle

    mmonagle Established Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    The same thing has now happened to me in the top level of the castle in VB. (just reporting in that it triggers).

    I have finally set off the alarm in temple. The air temple and water temple have collected their troops and it looks like it will be a fun set of battles. Nice touch to move their chests in with them. I am curious though, the fire temple has not done the same (I have already wiped out the earth temple). I took the first two quests from the fire temple priest - would this be why they are not being defensive? Since my party is NG I killed the troll and thus botched the first quest. Then I went and killed the ogres in the cave but I don't have the option to report this and thus botch it. So the quest is still accepted.

    Also, I found another bug:

    21) the air temple has a room that is filled with goblins, bugbears, and gnolls (the only one with all three in one). Most of their troops have set up with the others now that the alarm has been set off but there are still two goblins and one female bugbear who have remained behind in this room. They do nothing when I enter. In fact the goblins will say pleasant things when I try to talk to them like 'Do you need help with something' and 'good day'.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    You are correct about the Fire Temple not regrouping due to you taking the quests.

    As for the Air Temple, they had some leftovers in the kitchen :)

    I suppose they could use specialized dialogue lines.
  4. mmonagle

    mmonagle Established Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    I loved the two alarm battles that I had against air and water. Would it be possible to have the alarm override the quest thing with the fire temple? I only take the fire temple quests so I can access the ogre cave and clean them out. That's why I intentionally botch the first quest - so I don't earn the reputation of being a member of the fire temple. I wouldn't mind being able to botch the second either (since I'm NG). I actually talked to the ogre chief in the cave and went with the choice of - I don't have time for this [attack] in the hope that it would let me talk to Alrrem and botch it as well. I just don't want to become an associate of evil with a good aligned group.

    Or is there a different way to gain access the ogre cave?
  5. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Umm, that is interesting, as I have repeatedly gone back to Jakk and Bing and it has never shown up. Maybe just my bad luck with the rolls of the electronic dice. Thanks for the reply Gaear.
  6. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    All the new changes coming to 5.91 look Great and I eagerly await the time I can give it a new play through. Looks like it will be tougher and more fun at same time for a group of wanna be heros going after treasure and glory. :)

    I also look forward in future releases as Verbobanc is fleshed out and made to be fully interactive as Homlett.

    Thanks again for all the hard work Mod Team.
  7. Oshikai

    Oshikai Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    I feel like I'm missing something obvious on the slavers quest. :confused:

    We're told that there somewheres in the gnarley forest or the kron hills. Is it some kind of random encounter?

    I can't find them in any of the locations I have there and I can't think of any npc's to ask about it.

    Oh btw, in case it's not been mentioned theres a lone clone of Wilfrik in Welkwood if you've backstabbed the brotherhood and stopped the assassination.

    And since you asked, the tavernkeepers wife DID, to my annoyance, complain about the fracas. Demanded 150G which I didn't mind too much though. As for wealth, sitting on 600kG but I haven't spent any money really.

    I'll try the killing of Wilfrik for a lark in the meantime.
  8. Oshikai

    Oshikai Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    Well that quick.

    Went and got me the constable killer and scarlet assassin reps.

    If I had one crit about the battle it's that the viscount and his guard are really, REALLY dumb.

    Bunching together like that with a rocky barrier between them and me meant my sorceress could fire spells at them with impunity.

    I guess thats what their rings of fire resistance are for? Pity she was throwing out cone of cold and prismatic spray. Battle was a doddle all said, which was a little anti-climactic tbh.

    I also murdered the assassins in the welkwood bog on the second go at it as well. Have to justify that chaotic alignment somehow...

    The bonk constabulary DID attack me on my return. And then promptly forgot I was public enemy number one. Brotherhood leaders said their bits and my party was able to figure out who the leader was (no duh guys...). Dosen't seem to be any more than that though?
  9. mmonagle

    mmonagle Established Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    I'm downloading 5.9.1 NC from Moddb right now! I can't wait to try it out! :peace:
  10. Ank

    Ank Established Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    About Scarlet brotherhood quests......
    Turns out i was taking the right aproach to solve 'a framework for a murder' quest its just that i needed to use 'power word reload' until i realised a patrol man needs to go down in an atak done by a single person on him (has to die from it) and it needs to have first shot (doesen't work if u tag team' the guard eaven if he dies before his turn arives)
    Removing wilfrik... as some one already mentioned the box formation those guys do is utterly useless (kept my distance and solved the battle without taking a single hp dmg), despite darlia's statement that no one will hear what happens in the bog they did they arest me as soon as i reached the city (alowed myself to get jailed; funny fact : my atorny came and informed me about the upcoming execution in the city square (my partie's execution if there are any doubts :)) ) I then teleported out of jail ... got politely greated by the city guards ... had a relaxed stroll all the way to 'jezebel's maroon moon briefed darlia about my succes' got congrats from him and a thanks from the adviser; Only reputation i have for doing these 2 quests: Scarlet asasin' reputation ... (no constable kiler rep wich hapens after nailing 2+ guards ?? if i understood corectly....)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  11. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Is there any way to remove the old versions, like 5.8.0. 5.8.1NC, etc.?
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Ank, you're rigidly thinking inside the box ...

    Like I was preaching about above, we don't assume you will reload until you get something just right; we assume you will play as though there are no such things as reloads. If that were the case, what would you do if you botched the job the first time? (I'm assuming that's what's happening - other guards appear?)

    As to the specifics, it's simply that the job will be done 'right' if you kill the guard before his second turn, nothing more.

    That's because you've killed more than 1 guard in Verbobonc and have the 'killer' rep, not because of anything that happened at Welkwood Bog.

    You can only do that before you talk to your attorney ... is more power word: reload being used here?

    Old story, fixed in 5.9.1.

    Did their casters cast? Assuming that they can keep up with the healing and cause you some damage in the meantime, the strategy will hopefully result in a sort of fight-to-a-standstill type thing. What sort of ranged attacks were you using on them - how many casters, archers, what levels, how many spells available altogether, etc.? Any cheats or exploits or reloads involved? Ideally, they should be able to sort of outlast you.

    Also, did they break ranks eventually?

    Similarly, what level was the sorceress and how many spells did she have? Unless everybody's constantly failing their saves and she's got like 30 AoE spells, it still seems to me that the healers should be able to keep up or at least give it a good try.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Do you mean remove them from your game installation? If so, yes - just navigate to your ToEE root directory and delete whichever named .tfm ('Circle of Eight Modpack 5.8.1 NC BETA.tfm' or whatever) file you want to get rid of. You should also probably delete the corresponding text and jpeg files too. After you do that, they won't show up in the TFE-X menu anymore.
  14. Oshikai

    Oshikai Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    I used ONLY the sorceress who was level 16 for about 4 or 5 turns on the second attempt. I was a bit nicer on the first and closed the distance for them thinking they were gonna pull the proverbial rabbit out of their hat. The formation didn't break up at all unless they were confused generally they just stood in their positions. Also Wilfrik is dead on the first or second spell, everyone else seems to outlive him.

    If everyone was the level 12 with which I arrived at verbonc I'd STILL have cone of cold I believe and the area effect spells of my cleric, summons of my druid and pimp slap spells of my bard.

    Problem is that the soldiers are never going to close the distance with that barrier and the mages and clerics are gonna get fried standing so close together. The bonk constabulary are at least capable but they aren't even given a chance. Imo move them in FRONT of the barrier in a V formation with their back to the natural defense and widen the density of the formation. PERHAPS put the wizards and clerics with a couple of soldiers BEHIND the formation safe from the partys fighters. They have afterall routed the brotherhood in the opposite direction so it's not like they are leaving their rear thoughtlessly unguarded. Finally some defensive spells cast on Wilfrik himself and some buffs on as many of the guard as possible. One last possibillity to increase the nastiness of the spellcasters without boosting levels or whatever would be to give them 'used' wands with only 1 or 2 charges left with the excuse that they've used most of the charges seeing off the brotherhood. Even if the player recovers these the 1 charge left isn't going to help that much.

    That should make the battle at least a little tricky. I KNOW that if the guard were able to disrupt my own formation things would have been quite tricky, even at level 16.
  15. Ank

    Ank Established Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Don't know maybe i have a crooked instalation
    i'm sure that was the only guard i have ever kiled in Vb city or in any town for that matter kiling guards its plain retarded others will always gladly replace them ....
    Also i'm sure again that i was taken to jail becose of murdering wilfrick for no other reason then the guard teling me exactly that (tho i did kill 2 wilfricks in the bog :twitch: ; maybe that could be the reason ?!!)
    About my attorney: upon aresting me the guard told me i'm to avait the arival of my atorney, screen went blank(black like when u chose the sleep tent) i woke up in jail stood there like 2-3 secs and then a gent slowly made his way to my cell and informed me that for my crimes i'm gona be executed in the city square
    Ps: the guard i kiled and planted the dager on was in the living quarters wich is totaly deserted i actualy had to walk another 2-3 streets to encounter a new guard (weird enough it took 3 reloades and in all 3 i kiled him with-out him eaven getting a turn , on third load a dual wielder kiled him in one salve without any help from the rest of the party and as such i assumed it must by done by a single person in a single combat turn :confused: )
    About the box formation : 2 cone of cold form 2 sork 16lvl and ligthning storm from druid on center instantly dispatched cleriks of pelor and wizards, the rest was not worth mentioning (maybe saying all my party has improved initiative and most have sneek ataks.. and some have pole arms can clear up the mystery as to how come i have taken 0 dmg in that battle)
    Seeing what u wrote Gaear i'm rather certain some of my files got corupted there is no other thing i can think of , well 5.9.1 is out so i'm gona go at it again to see if what i experienced reoccurs ;) (thks for the feed back at least i know what is normaly suposed to happed and can now easly spot abnormalities :yes: )
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
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