In the Service of Her Majesty The Queen

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scryler, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I'm not criticizing the site, just the ignorance or the indifference of the site's name.
  2. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I hope you had a good day and the night went well.

    I didn't feel up to par today and had some difficult moments to deal with on top of that, so I spent much of the day in bed. Blame it on the full moon.

    On a lighter side...much lighter...I made some reasonably good slop food today.

    Slop food is my term for food that is fast and easy, takes no skill to prepare, doesn't cost much, is made of ingredients that can be found in most kitchens, is nutritious, tastes good enough to eat and is preferably made in one pot.

    You can tell from the above that I am not much of a cook, and indeed I am not.

    So what did I make?

    I had some chicken breasts, so I more or less diced them, then fried them using spray oil. Don't know if you'd call that fried.

    Meanwhile, I rummaged around in a cupboard and found some linguine noodles, so set a big pot of water boiling.

    I also had on hand some cream of mushroom soup, so I stirred half a can of water and half a can of milk into that and added it to the chicken. Dumped in some dehydrated onion flakes. I never measure, so I don't' know how much. Just kept shaking the jar until I felt good about it. Edit: I forgot. I threw in the contents of a small can of sliced mushrooms.

    Dumped the linguine noodles into the now boiling water, poked them around some.

    Found a can of romano cheese in my frig and decided to add some of that to the chicken stuff. Added it the same way I did the onions. Turned the pan down to a low simmer.

    Stacked the steamer on top of the linguine noodle pot and poured in most of a large bag of Italian green beans.

    All of it came out done about the same time.

    Poured the chicken stuff into the drained and rinsed noodles in a big bowl (there was a lot of it), and dumped the beans into another bowl, and there was lunch or dinner for a few days, which is how I eat. Same thing until it is gone.

    I used more than one pot, but in my book, it still qualifies as slop food.

    And it tasted good. I'd write a cookbook titled 'Slop Food' except it would never sell and nothing I've ever made turns out the same way twice.

    Fried potatoes with a liberal amount of garlic powder, the regular kind of onions also fried along with the potatoes and fake eggs added into them at the last moment, that's another one of my slop food staple meals. Lots of frying I guess, but with spray oil, that hardly matters.

    No one has ever complained about my cooking, but gourmet I am not.

    So much for food.

    To all who sleep tonight on this side of the still very bright earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep all day...
    and hope you'll sleep at night.

    Wake up to more coffee, yes.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  3. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night went well.

    The woman who mows my lawn and killed the pygmy rattlers says moth balls will keep them away and put some out around the back of my house.

    So if they are living under the house, now they have to exit at the front of the house, which I think might be worse. Let's hope none are left.

    My round house made out of river stone on second life is almost done. I like it. Just have the doors left to do, then I start on the landscaping. Am going to make a large lake with a lot of trees. Maybe a mountain, maybe not. A small creek coming out of the lake and running across the rest of the island sim to the ocean.

    I saw a backdrop on one woman's sim that was the columbia gorge. I've driven past it a hundred times I guess. She took the pic from a site online and used a graphics program to upload it into second life and I don't think I can do that. Shame. One of my favorite areas. She didn't know it was the gorge.

    Slept most of the day again. I hope it's helping something...terrible waste of time.

    To all who sleep tonight (or will) on this side of the earth (still bright),

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep, sleep, sleep.
    Try doing it at night.

    And wake up without
    needing so much coffee.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  4. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night has gone well.

    The neighbor woman mowed my lawn again and nary a snake was seen. Good. So maybe they aren't living under my house. Either that or the mothballs work well. Don't know how long they will survive the rain here though (the mothballs).

    She couldn't stand looking at the clutter of pine needles on my porch and grabbed my broom and started sweeping them off while we were talking. I let her. (I do understand that she was thinking the snakes could hide in them and was concerned about my safety.)

    I may be switching to graveyard shift. It would suit my sleeping pattern but I don't know if they want to shuffle an employee with as much experience as I have to the least active shift. We'll see.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    When the night air
    has been cleansed
    by the rain, it smells
    good and you sleep
    better. So if you can,
    leave a window open.

    Wake up in a fresh room.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    It would depend on why you are awake at night. You may be getting away from the reason you are awake.
  6. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I'm not sure what you are inferring, although I think I do have a reason or two why I am awake at night. Anyone who has followed much of this thread knows that.

    But I have always been a 'night owl.' My mother says I was that way from birth. The only way she could get me to sleep was by turning on the light. Could be that I was just afraid of the dark. But I remember having to be in bed by 9pm and laying there for hours waiting to fall asleep.

    My normal sleep pattern is to get sleepy around 2 to 4am and to sleep until 10am. If I don't go to bed when I am sleepy, after about 20 minutes, I'm wide awake for another couple of hours. Swing shift is actually my best working shift I think, but I could use the hours...and the money.
  7. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I wasn't inferring anything. I was suggesting you look at why you are awake.

    If you are naturally a night owl, work is a good idea. If you are unhappy about something, it will pass, and more quickly if you are busy. If you are playing at night, you won't be able to at work.

    You've clearly given it some thought.

    What work do you do that runs 24/7?

    I used to be an engineer at a plant that ran 3 shifts, but I worked recular hours. If they needed me at 3 in the morning, they just asked me to come in. Some posts in the service had to be manned 24 hours a day. And I worked as a security guard when I was in graduate school.
  8. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night goes well.

    Another Friday. Bleaugh.

    I got behind some weird farm vehicle on the way to work. Looked like it was up on stilts. I think it was a hay-roller. Looked like enough room under the cab and between the wheels for one of those large rolls of hay that you see in the fields. It was going 15 mph. There was a long line of cars behind it and homeward bound traffic in the other lane. Me and 2 other drivers managed to get around the tractor thingy but I don't know about the others. Difficult road to pass on.

    And it rained nearly all day. No thunder or lightning, just rain, rain rain.

    Quiet at work. Must be from the rain.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep and sleep well.
    Wake up and stretch.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  9. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night is going well.

    Slept most of the day away again. But then I was up all night, so fair trade.

    I don't think it will be difficult to switch shifts, if I do.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Immerse yourself in one of your favorite places
    and see if you can carry it into your dream state.

    Wake up and see how your mood goes.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  10. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night goes well.

    I'm sick. Going to bed.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep, hopefully all night.
    Wake up, hopefully feeling better.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  11. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night goes well.

    I've heard from several people that the snakes are really bad this year, not just in the woods but around their houses, so I guess I can stop worrying that I have a nest of them under the house.

    Still sick and going right back to bed.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    feel better.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  12. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night goes well.

    Still sick...3rd day's the worst, I've heard...hope so.

    To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep and sleep some more
    until when you wake up you
    feel better.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  13. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I hope you had a good day and the night went well.

    I think I am feeling better. Yay!

    I've gotten more sleep in the last few days than I can recall ever getting before. Some very interesting dreams, provoked no doubt by fever. Which led to some introspection on my part.

    I think I've been quite insane the last year or year and a half. Quite.

    But certainly not all of it has been bad. I've done a fair piece of writing, for one thing. And I think I may have learned a thing or two...primarily about myself.

    One of the things I've learned, is who my friends are. It's been interesting to see who's been there when I needed someone (even if I didn't take advantage of it) and who hasn't.

    So if you are one of those who responded, I am grateful, whether I took advantage of your help or not. It mattered.

    To all who sleep tonight on this side of the earth,

    The Nightly Mission:

    A clear head is worth the price
    to get there. And feels better
    by far than the journey did.

    Give thanks before you go to
    sleep to the dreams that helped
    speed the journey up.

    Remember who your friends are
    when you wake up.

    May the Lady smile
    on me and you too.

  14. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    What? You are going to stop being insane? :(
  15. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Ha ha. Close to whacking, you are. But I wear a helmet now.

    Doubt if I will ever be totally sane. Isn't that a Queen's prerogative? Or something? But not to the um extremes that it has been. I hope.

    Just enough to keep writing. :) No more fantasy weddings. Or fantasy divorces, either.
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